SAT Scores 2025 - Release Date, How to Check, Range, Percentile

SAT Scores 2025 - Release Date, How to Check, Range, Percentile

Edited By Prabhjyot Kaur | Updated on Feb 20, 2025 03:35 PM IST | #SAT
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SAT  Exam Date : 08 Mar' 2025 - 08 Mar' 2025

SAT Scores 2025: The College Board will release the SAT 2025 Scores on March 21, 2025 for the exam to be conducted on March 8, 2025. The total SAT 2025 scores range is from 400 to 1600 as per the performance. The scores of the SAT results 2025 digital tests are released within 2 to 4 weeks from the exam date. Generally, the SAT scores 2025 requirements for Ivy League universities, or other top universities in the world differ as per the course of choice and the university requirements. Moreover, the overall SAT scores given are based on the candidate’s performance in the SAT Reading, Writing and Maths sections. Reading and Writing sections in SAT 2025 have been combined in the new SAT digital testing. They together are evaluated for 200-800 marks in SAT exam. One must try to achieve the highest SAT 2025 scores in their exam to increase their chances of admission. The average scores of SAT is around 1050.

This Story also Contains
  1. SAT Result Dates 2025
  2. Where to Check SAT Score 2025?
  3. How to Check SAT Scores Online?
  4. SAT Score Card 2025
  5. Understanding SAT Score 2025
  6. How to Calculate SAT Scores 2025?
  7. Sending SAT Scores to Universities
  8. Sending Additional SAT Score Reports
  9. SAT Score Rush Reporting
  10. SAT Percentile Score 2025
  11. SAT Superscore 2025
  12. SAT Archived Score Reporting 2025
  13. What is SAT Score Choice?
  14. What is SAT Average Score?
  15. How to Cancel SAT 2025 Scores?
  16. SAT Cutoff for Top Universities
  17. SAT Previous Year's Statistics
SAT Scores 2025 - Release Date, How to Check, Range, Percentile
SAT Scores 2025 - Release Date, How to Check, Range, Percentile

The Maths section alone is calculated for 200-800 in the SAT score release. The total SAT score range is reported on a 400-1600 scale. The SAT total score is 1600. Generally, any score above 1200 is considered a good SAT score; however, the 1450 to 1550 score is considered the best. The SAT score validity is 5 years. This article is focused on various aspects of SAT scores 2025 including the cancellation process of the scores obtained, superscores, score reporting to universities abroad, and much more. We have also given ranges for SAT exam marks per question.

SAT Result Dates 2025

Check the important dates for SAT results 2025 in below mentioned table. The SAT results of the digital test are released within 13-14 days after the SAT exam date. Simultaneously, the SAT results are sent to chosen universities/colleges within 1-2 weeks of the release dates.

SAT Score Release Date 2025

SAT Test DateRegistration DeadlineResult Date
March 8, 2025Feb 21, 2025March 21, 2025
May 3, 2025Apr 18, 2025May 16, 2025
June 7, 2025May 22, 2025June 20, 2025
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Where to Check SAT Score 2025?

If you want to know how to check SAT results once they are released, here are some of the ways stated below.

  • Paper score reports: Candidates who have registered by mail will receive paper SAT score reports if they don't have active College Board online accounts.
  • Print your SAT exam scores (Desktop only): From the online SAT 2025 scores, click the 'View Details' button. Next, click on the Download Report tab in the top right corner.
  • SAT exam results by phone: By paying an extra SAT fee, students can get SAT scores by phone.
SAT Question/Sample papers
Candidates can download SAT Question/Sample papers from here.
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Note: Candidates may also request old SAT results by paying a fee.

How to Check SAT Scores Online?

SAT test results in digital format are released within 13-14 days of taking the test. Once released, follow the below instructions to check your SAT score 2025 online.

  • Step 1: Visit the "My SAT CollegeBoard’s" website–

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  • Step 2: Click on Sign in on the top right corner.

  • Step 3: Now Click on “Student”.

  • Step 4: Start by entering your email address.

  • Step 5: Click on My Organisation and go to SAT score.

  • Step 6: Now click on “Access My SAT Scores”.

  • Step 7: Enter your username and password.

  • Step 8: Go to “My SAT Test Scores”.

  • Step 9: The latest SAT result will be displayed on the screen like below.

SAT Score Card 2025

The score report of SAT, shown below contains the SAT composite score, sectional scores, subscores and SAT percentile.

  • SAT composite score: Sum of the SAT scores obtained in Reading+Writing and Maths sections in the exam are reported as SAT composite scores on a scale of 800-1600.
  • SAT sectional score: SAT exam scores obtained in the Reading+Writing section and Maths section of SAT exam pattern are separately reported as SAT sectional scores. Some universities consider sectional SAT 2025 scores along with composite scores for admission.
  • SAT subscores: Based on additional insights into a candidate’s performance in individual sections, SAT subscores are assigned on 1-15 Scale. They indicate qualitative performance in SAT.
  • SAT percentile: SAT percentile score indicates the relative performance of a candidate concerning other test takers in the same session. For example, 99% means performance better than 99% of SAT test takers.

SAT Scorecard

Understanding SAT Score 2025

In the table below, the details of various SAT score ranges are given. Candidates can check this table to have a better understanding of SAT exam scores.

SAT Scores Details

Score Range




SAT total score

Sum of the two section SAT scores.


Section scores (2)

Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math.


Test scores (3)

Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.


SAT Essay scores (3) (optional)

Reading, Analysis, and Writing.


Cross-test scores (2)

Analysis in History/Social Studies and Analysis in Science.

Based on selected questions in the Reading, Writing and Language, and Math Tests.

Used to see how well a student uses these skills to analyse texts and solve problems in these subject areas.


Subscores (7)

Reading and Writing and Language

Writing and Language: Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions.

Math: Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math.

How to Calculate SAT Scores 2025?

One of the most frequently asked questions among test takers is how to calculate SAT exam scores. The overall SAT score range is reported on a 400-1600 scale. Here, 400 is the lowest and 1600 is the maximum in the SAT exam total marks.

The additional sub-scores are reported for the essay(optional) ranging from 2-8 points and for Reading, Writing and Language, and Mathematics on a 10-40 scale. For Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math, the SAT score range is between 200-800.

The SAT scores show the colleges: how a candidate has performed compared to other students who took the exam. There is no pass or fail in SAT exam scores. Generally, a good SAT score is above 1200 scale. Based on the abroad top university's SAT 2025 scores requirement, a good score is mentioned. Candidates can check the SAT score calculator which refers to a web tool to convert raw SAT scores to final scores. These scores provided by the SAT score calculator 204 may be not that accurate but can give you an average estimate.

Sending SAT Scores to Universities

During SAT registration, there is an option to select the institutions or universities to send SAT test scores. The SAT 2025 scores will be automatically sent to the chosen colleges or universities after taking the test, based on the exercised choices. However, if candidates are unsure about their scores or like to improve, they can avoid sending scores to SAT colleges. Check the steps mentioned below to know how to send SAT scores to universities.

  • Step 1: Sign in to the Collegeboard account and go to the SAT score page.

  • Step 2: On the Send SAT exam scores page, there will be a prompt about a fee waiver. Candidates may opt for or ignore it based on the applicability.

  • Step 3: Now, select the institutions or colleges by name/code for which SAT test scores need to be sent. Add one or more institutions to the score recipients list and click on "Continue".

  • Step 4: Select whether scores of all SAT tests are to be sent or only some scores. Generally, only the best scores are reported among multiple SAT 2025 scores. However, depending on the policies of individual colleges, they may request all the SAT exam scores.

  • Step 5: Just review the placed order and check out by paying additional fees.

Note: Candidates must know the procedure of accepting SAT 2025 scores from their chosen universities/colleges before sending their scores. Some universities may not accept SAT super scores, while some do not accept SAT rush reporting. Get in touch with your desired university to know how they accept SAT test scores.

Sending Additional SAT Score Reports

A candidate receives four free SAT exam score reports at the time they register for the SAT. These reports are sent to SAT-accepting universities free of charge upon request at the time of SAT registration, additional SAT test results are not free of charge. If candidates want to request additional score reports to send them to SAT colleges or universities abroad, they have to pay an additional fee of USD 12 per scorecard.

SAT Score Rush Reporting

Generally, it takes 1-2 weeks for Collegeboard to send SAT score reports to chosen colleges or universities abroad. However, this process can be sped up to happen within 2-4 business days by paying additional fees of USD 31 per score report. Holidays and weekends are not included in the process. The process to order the rush report of the additional SAT score report can be done online or by phone.

SAT Percentile Score 2025

SAT scores 2025 percentile score is a combination of scores in the English and maths sections of the exam. The SAT scores range for each section is 200 to 800. Percentile ranks comparative score for all test takers. SAT percentile scores can be anywhere between 1 to 99. If your percentile score is 88, then you stand above 88% of SAT takers. These SAT percentiles help colleges to do a comparative analysis of students who have taken the SAT exam in addition to direct scores.

SAT Scores vs Percentile

SAT Score Range

SAT Percentile


99 to 99+


98 to 99


96 to 98


93 to 96


90 to 93


86 to 90


81 to 86


75 to 81


68 to 75


61 to 68


51 to 61


43 to 51


35 to 43


27 to 35


19 to 27


13 to 19


7 to 13


3 to 7


1 to 3


1- to 1



SAT Superscore 2025

SAT superscore is relevant to candidates who have taken the test multiple times. SAT superscore is the highest score a candidate has achieved per section without taking the number of SAT attempts into consideration. Though it is beneficial for SAT takers to take this type of exam. One must note that SAT super scores are not accepted by all universities. So candidates must check the acceptance before using them in admission applications.

SAT Archived Score Reporting 2025

If candidates have not taken the SAT test in a year, then the older SAT exam scores are archived by the college board. It is possible to request older SAT scores through phone or mail. Additional retrieval fees of USD 31 along with standard additional score report fees of USD 12 must be paid. This is known as SAT archived score reporting.

What is SAT Score Choice?

Those who have taken the SAT multiple times can use this score choice option to send their best score. The university will receive only the best SAT exam scores then. That is, if a candidate has SAT test dates in August, October, November, and December and scored high in October and November, he/she can choose to send the score reports for those two months only.

The SAT scores of the other two months are not reported to those colleges. However, though it is allowed by Collegeboard, highly selective universities may ask SAT test results of all the attempts. So, prospective students must check the respective college or university policy before applying. However, there is no provision to send the best scores of individual sections from different test dates.

What is SAT Average Score?

It is the average score of total SAT scores of each student who took the exam and divided by the total number of test takers. Currently, the SAT scores 2025 average is not available but the average score in 2022 is 1050. While considering sections the SAT average score for the reading and writing section is 529, math section is 521.

How to Cancel SAT 2025 Scores?

Candidates who are not satisfied with their performance in the SAT exam can request cancellation of SAT results. This ensures that such scores are not reported to universities or colleges. SAT score cancellation can be requested immediately after leaving the test centre. However, SAT exam result cancellation is allowed only up to a week after taking the test, by 11:59 pm ET.

Verifying SAT Scores 2025

Collegeboard uses a very systematic and objective evaluation process to ensure the accuracy of the SAT results reported. However, it is allowed to request for verification of SAT exam scores, which is revaluation of the test. Candidates who feel their results are what they didn't expect, or those who have missed marking an answer or marked a wrong answer may use this service.

An illegible essay or blank space in place of an essay may also result in a SAT score that is different than expected. In such cases, candidates may request revaluation of SAT exam scores in the following three ways:

  • Multiple-choice hand score verification

  • Essay score verification

  • Or both, Multiple-choice and Essay score

SAT score verification is accessible for up to 5 months after the test date, starting at the time of completing the test.

SAT Cutoff for Top Universities

Candidates aiming to get admission into the top universities in the world must know the qualifying SAT scores 2025 of these universities. The table below provides the minimum qualifying SAT scores for colleges that are top-listed as per the QS World Ranking 2025.

Minimum SAT Qualifying Scores

University Name


SAT Cutoffs

Massachusetts Institute of Technology



University of Cambridge



University of Oxford


1480 or above

Harvard University



Stanford University



Imperial College London


Not Required

ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)


Not Required

National University of Singapore (NUS)


SAT EBRW-600 | SAT Math-650

University College London



University of California, Berkeley (UCB)


Reading and Writing 630-720 | Maths 630-760.

If you are considering the SAT score for Ivy League colleges in the USA, then the required ideal score is 1450 to 1580 (out of 1600). Harvard is also one of the Ivy League universities. The average SAT score for Harvard is 1480 to 1580.

SAT Previous Year's Statistics

The below table provides some statistics on the SAT exam 2024. Candidates can check the total test takers, genderwise test takers and mean SAT score here.

Statistics of SAT Scores 2024



Total SAT test takers


Total test takers who took essay


Female test takers


Male test takers


Another/ No Response test takers


SAT mean score 2024


Mean score







SAT Scholarships 2025: Eligibility Score

To apply for the SAT scholarships the minimum required SAT score is 1300 or higher. Indian students who have low family income and get a 1300 or higher SAT exam score meet the eligibility requirement for the College Board India Scholars Program. The scholarship amount will be based on the student's family income.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are SAT subscores?

SAT subscores much like the cross-test scores measure your skills that fall under certain skill areas. The subscores are given for each section of the SAT exam.

2. How many SAT subscores are calculated?

There are four subscores for skill areas in Reading and Writing and three for skill areas in Math.

3. What are SAT cross-test scores?

Cross-test scores reflect your performance on questions in  all three sections of SAT- Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.

4. What is a good SAT score?

The average score on SAT is about 1000, however any score above 1200 is considered a good score in the SAT exam. The SAT max score in the exam is 1600 which is considered the perfect score.

5. How can I access my SAT score on the College Board website?

You can sign in to your College Board account to access your SAT exam scores. You can click on your score to get your detailed score report.

6. What are the top SAT colleges in USA?

A few top universities which accept SAT are Yale University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, etc.

7. When will SAT results come out?

SAT results are released within two weeks of taking the SAT test. Students can check their SAT scorecards on the official website of College Board

8. What is SAT scores for colleges?

SAT scores for colleges refer to minimum performance in SAT exam that is required to fulfill admission requirements of respective colleges.

9. Which test is easy to score between the SAT and ACT exams?

Both the SAT and ACT measure the same skills of the candidate. Even though the ACT exam contains a separate science section, the SAT has science questions spread throughout the sections of the test. So, both the SAT and ACT are equal neither one is hard nor easy.

10. What is the SAT scores for Ivy league universities?

On average the SAT score required to get admission into Ivy League universities in America ranges from 1450 to 1580. This score represents the 96th to 99th SAT percentile. So students can set a target of a 1600 score target i.e., 100th SAT score chart percentile during their exam preparation

11. Are SAT score accepted in India?

Yes, SAT scores are accepted in India and many other abroad countries. However, most students take the SAT to study in abroad countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.


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Questions related to SAT

Have a question related to SAT ?

Hello aspirant,

It is anticipated that the BITSAT 2025 application form would be accessible during the second week of January 2025. Using the BITSAT login site 2025, candidates who meet the eligibility requirements can complete and submit the application. The BITSAT admit card 2025 will be given to those who apply before the deadline.

For complete information, you can visit our site through following link:,the%20BITSAT%20admit%20card%202025.

Thank you

Hello aspirant,

Students who have finished their class 11 and 12 standards from Indian boards and have a recognized diploma are eligible to take the SAT exam. But topic is not a barrier, and you can take the SAT without taking math.

So yes you can give this exam.

Thank you

Hope it helps you

Two papers make up the Class 8 NMMS (National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship) exam:

The Mental Ability Test (MAT) measures a person's capacity for critical thought, reasoning, and problem-solving. It covers topics such as pattern recognition, numerical series, classifications, analogies, and more.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT, assesses a candidate's general knowledge as well as their proficiency in science, math, and social studies. It centres on the academic material that students have studied.

While every state may have a unique curriculum and format, both exams usually feature multiple-choice questions (M CQs).

Juee 21 September,2024

Hello aspirant,
The SAT is a standardized test used by many colleges and universities in the United States and other countries to assess a student's readiness for college. Here's a general guide on how to apply for the SAT and whether the IPE (Integrated Program in English) is important:

Process to apply in SAT:

a. Create a College Board Account: Go to the College Board website ( and create a free account.

b. Register for the SAT: Once you have an account, you can register for the SAT exam. Select your preferred test date, test center location, and fee payment method. The SAT is typically offered on Saturdays throughout the year.

c. Prepare for the SAT: There are many resources available to help you prepare for the SAT, including practice tests, study guides, and online courses. You can also consider taking a SAT prep course.

d. Take the SAT: On the test day, arrive at the test center early, bring your admission ticket, photo ID, and any necessary supplies (e.g., pencils, calculator).

e. Receive Your Scores: Your SAT scores will be available online a few weeks after the test date. You can use these scores to apply to colleges and universities.

The IPE (Integrated Program in English) is a program offered by some schools in India that focuses on developing English language skills. While the IPE can be helpful in improving your English proficiency, it is not a requirement for taking the SAT.

The SAT is designed to assess your knowledge of English language arts and mathematics, regardless of your background or educational experience. If you have a strong foundation in English, you should be able to do well on the SAT even without participating in the IPE.

I hope this information helps.

To gain admission to Ivy League colleges besides the SAT and ACT, you can consider taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams and SAT Subject Tests, although the latter have been discontinued by the College Board. AP exams demonstrate mastery of college-level coursework and can strengthen your application. Additionally, if you're an international student, taking English proficiency tests like TOEFL or IELTS is essential. Some Ivy League schools also accept the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma as a rigorous academic qualification. Achieving high scores in these exams, along with maintaining an exceptional academic record, participating in extracurricular activities, and submitting strong essays and recommendation letters, will enhance your chances of admission. Try selecting a foreign admission consultant for your educational career, consider their track record, client reviews, and success stories.

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