USMLE Scores 2025 - How to Check, Passing Marks, Results Availability

USMLE Scores 2025 - How to Check, Passing Marks, Results Availability

Edited By Prabhjyot Kaur | Updated on Mar 27, 2025 09:06 AM IST | #USMLE

USMLE Scores 2025: The USMLE Management Committee is the competent authority to establish the USMLE 2025 passing marks. The USMLE scores 2025 for the computer-based exam are available within four weeks from the exam date. In case of any delays, candidates will get their USMLE results 2025 within 8 weeks from the test date. So, USMLE scores valid in which countries is the hot question. USMLE test is acceptable in the majority of popular study abroad countries such as UAE, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. Moreover, the USMLE scores are calculated on a three-digit scale from 1 to 300. Only the USMLE result step 1 is reported as either pass or fail status, the other Steps USMLE results are reported in numerical only.

This Story also Contains
  1. USMLE Step 1 Score Release Dates 2025
  2. USMLE Scores
  3. USMLE Score Reporting to Third Parties
  4. How to Check USMLE Results 2025?
  5. USMLE Scores by Speciality:
  6. USMLE Transcript
  7. USMLE Score Report
  8. USMLE Step 2 and Step 3 Score Reports
  9. USMLE Step 2 CK Score Percentiles
  10. USMLE Step 3 Score Percentiles
  11. What is a good USMLE Step 3 score?
  12. USMLE Score Validity 2025
  13. USMLE Pass Rates
USMLE Scores 2025 - How to Check, Passing Marks, Results Availability
USMLE Scores 2025 - How to Check, Passing Marks, Results Availability

As per the latest update on USMLE Scores, after review and analysis of the passing standards conducted by the USMLE management committee, the Step 3 passing score has increased by 2 points i.e., from 198 to 200. This passing standard for USMLE Step 3 examinees is effective after January 1, 2024. Read the article to know the USMLE Step 1 passing score, results availability, score reports etc.

USMLE Step 1 Score Release Dates 2025

The USMLE Step 1 score release dates for 2025 have not been officially announced yet. However, based on historical trends and the exam schedule, we can provide an estimated timeline for when students can expect to receive their results. Typically, the USMLE Step 1 exam is administered throughout the year, with test dates scheduled on a regular basis. The USMLE Step 1 score release dates 2025 are usually announced a few months in advance, allowing examinees to plan accordingly. One must note that USMLE Scores for computer-based examinations are generally released and are available for aspirants within four weeks of the date of the USMLE exam. However, it can be delayed due to candidate individual factors.

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USMLE Scores

The scores for the USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3 range from 1 to 300. A candidate needs to get the USMLE pass rate 2025 to qualify for a medical licence in the USA. Each USMLE Step’s passing score is mentioned below.

USMLE Passing Scores for Step 1, 2 CK and 3


Passing score

USMLE Step 1 passing score

Reported as Pass/fail

USMLE Step 2 passing score


USMLE Step 3 passing score


The USMLE Step 1 passing score which is 196, is reflected as “pass” in the USMLE Step 1 results 2025. However, the test taker needs to typically answer correctly at least 60% of items to achieve the USMLE pass rate. The USMLE management committee sets these minimum passing USMLE scores. The decision on the USMLE pass rate is reviewed every four years. Getting aware about the USMLE step 1 score release dates 2025 helps students to get their results on time.

Understanding USMLE Scores

Each Step of the USMLE measures certain skills and knowledge points of the candidate, which are required to qualify medical licence in the USA.

  • The Step 1 score measures the understanding and application of basic science to practice medicine and the scientific principles required for learning.

  • The USMLE Step 2 score release dates 2025 offer the scorecard that measures the application of medical knowledge and skills and the understanding of clinical science for patient care under supervision.

  • Step 3 measures the candidate's application of medical knowledge and unsupervised practice.

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USMLE Score Reporting to Third Parties

NBME reports the USMLE results 2025 to LCMA and COCA-accredited medical schools. If you don't want them to report your Step 1 and Step 2 CK results to your medical school, then you need to mail from your email account, at least 10 days before your scheduled exam date. For step 3, you need to mention your reporting preference on the application.

How to Check USMLE Results 2025?

As stated the USMLE scores will be available in two (2) to four (4) weeks after the USMLE test date. One can check the details on how to get USMLE results from the process below.

  • The USMLE result will be notified through email by their respective exam registration authority.

  • For Indian candidates, the Step 1 score and USMLE Step 2 score release dates 2025 will be notified by ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates).

  • These USMLE results 2025 for Step 1 and Step 2 will be available online at ECFMG for 1 year.

  • After 1 year, the USMLE scores are removed from the website. Later, they will be only provided as transcripts for a specified fee.

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The ECFMG provides the USMLE results will be reported to the medical schools of the students and graduates. To avoid the reporting of the Step 1 score or Step 2 score to the candidate's medical school, they must submit a request through the ECFMG IWA portal. This request must be sent at least 10 days before the scheduled USMLE exam date.

Note: Are my USMLE scores valid? USMLE scores are considered valid if they are obtained through legitimate means and do not violate the USMLE examination rules. USNMLE Valid scores are used by medical licensing authorities in the United States to determine whether an individual is qualified to practice medicine.

What are incomplete USMLE scores?

For candidates who do not cancel or attempt their scheduled USMLE exam, their scores are reported as incomplete on the USMLE transcript. For Step 3 if the candidate appears for day 1 but does not take the exam on day 2 it is also reported as incomplete in the USMLE Step 3 scores 2025.

How To Recheck the USMLE Scores?

Those who are unsure or dissatisfied with their USMLE result can apply for a USMLE score recheck. The request can be submitted through the exam registered organisation i.e., the ECFMG or FSMB website along with a service fee. The request must not exceed 90 days after the release of the USMLE result 2025.

USMLE Scores by Speciality:

USMLE scores are reported on a three-digit scale. The scores are reported separately for each of the three steps of the USMLE. Step 1 assesses the examinee's understanding and ability to apply important concepts of the sciences basic to the practice of medicine, with special emphasis on principles and mechanisms underlying health, disease, and modes of therapy.

Step 2 CK assesses the medical knowledge and understanding of clinical science necessary for the provision of patient care under supervision.

Step 2 CS assesses the examinee's ability to gather information from patients, perform physical examinations, and communicate findings to patients and colleagues.

Step 3 assesses whether the examinee can apply medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical science essential for the unsupervised practice of medicine.

USMLE Transcript

The USMLE transcript includes all the results history of each step of the USMLE. Candidates use these transcripts to send them to third parties which are medical licensing authorities. International candidates other than the US and Canada contact ECFMG for the Step 1 and Step 2 transcripts. The final Step 3 transcript will be available at FSMB. Here are the transcript fees at each organisation.

  • ECFMG - Transcripts fee is USD 70 for up to 10 receipts and USD 140 for 20 receipts.

  • FSMB - Transcript fee is USD 70 for up to 5 receipts.

How to send transcripts to the medical licensing authorities?

The FSMB will submit the USMLE transcripts to the medical licensing authorities. The request can be placed once the STEP 3 USMLE results 2025 are out. The processing period is around 24 hours to submit the transcript to licensing authorities.

The following are the things included in the USMLE Transcript.

  • Name

  • Date of birth

  • Examination history of all the Steps.

  • Score validity

  • Graphical

USMLE Score Report

A score report will be provided for every attempted USMLE exam 2025. These can be downloaded from the website of the exam-registered organisation. The following details are included in the USMLE results report.

USMLE Step 1 Score report

These are the details included in a USMLE Step 1 results 2025 report who passed the test.

  • Name


  • USMLE exam date

  • Test result - Pass/Fail

  • Supplemental Information - Content areas covered in the test

The following details are included in a USMLE report of candidates who have failed the test. This is an interactive score report that displays the candidates performance in various areas.

  • Name


  • USMLE exam date

  • Test result

  • National performance distribution - Performance of recent test takers

  • Performance indicators by each task, system and discipline - This helps in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.

  • Supplemental information - Content areas covered in the test

USMLE Step 2 and Step 3 Score Reports

Step 2 and Step 3 are also provided with interactive score reports with performance indicators in each content area and task. The following are included in the USMLE Score report.

  • Name


  • USMLE exam date

  • Test result

  • Test score

  • National performance distribution

  • Performance indicators

  • Supplemental Information

USMLE Step 2 CK Score Percentiles

Step 2 CK


200 and below0

USMLE Step 3 Score Percentiles

185 and below0

What is a good USMLE Step 3 score?

Any score above 230 is a good USMLE Step 3 score. Your score in Step 3 is less relevant, but you can certainly offset a poor Step 2 CK with a high score on Step 3. A good score on Step 3 may also balance out an average fellowship application.

USMLE Score Validity 2025

The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) scores 2025 are valid for seven years. After this, the scores expire and any candidate who wishes to appear for the licensure medical exam in the USA needs to reappear for the test. Irregular behaviour, improper access to USMLE exam questions, etc. can raise a question on the validity of the score. If your result remains unreported for any reason, the official score report may experience a delay.

If the USMLE has a good faith basis to question the validity of your exam result, it reserves the right to cancel the result. The USMLE Office of the Secretariat will notify you in writing if they are investigating your result for validity concerns. The USMLE program will review and analyse all available information before classifying exam results as either valid and reportable, or invalid and either not reportable (if not yet reported) or cancelled (if previously reported). If the authorities of the program invalidates your USMLE results 2025, an annotation of "score not available" will appear on your transcript next to the examination date, and you will receive notification and advice about retaking the examination, if permitted.

USMLE Pass Rates

As we have already discussed the USMLE Step 1 score release dates 2025, now we need to be aware of the passing percentages. The pass rates for the USMLE vary by step and by year. Generally, the pass rates for Step 1 and Step 2 CK are higher than the pass rates for Step 2 CS and Step 3. The pass rates also vary by speciality, with some specialities requiring higher scores than others. Examinees need to research the specific requirements of the speciality they are interested in pursuing. Here are the passing marks for USMLE results 2025:

USMLE Result Passing Rates

STEP 190%
STEP 2 CK97%
STEP 397%

Note: The data might change every year. This is because the USMLE Step 1 results 2025, indicating passing marks may differ according to the number of applicants and their performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the USMLE Step 1 passing score?

Candidates need to score a total of 196 marks to get the pass marks for Step 1. Candidates need to correctly answer at least 60% of the questions to get a pass. However, these Step 1 scores are reported as either pass or fail on the report card.

2. Is 240 a good score in Step 1?

Yes, scoring 240 marks in the USMLE Step 1 is a good target score. However, this 240 score is calculated but reported to the candidate as only a “pass” in the score card. Aiming for 240 is a good target score to prepare for the USMLE.

3. Can an average student pass USMLE?

The USMLE is not hard, it requires a lot of preparation and commitment to pass the USMLE exam. Even an average student who starts the USMLE prep right from the basic science concepts can build a good foundation of their knowledge by using the right prep resources and can pass the USMLE.

4. How to check my USMLE Step 1 score?

Candidates can check their USMLE scores within 4 weeks from the USMLE test date. A USMLE result availability will be notified through mail. Candidates can follow the link given and check their Step 1 scores online. 

5. What is the 2 digit score for USMLE?

The two-digit score for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a scaled score ranging from 1 to 99. It is derived from the three-digit score, which is reported on a scale of 1 to 300. The two-digit score is primarily used for reporting purposes and is not used in the determination of pass or fail status.

6. Is 240 a good score in USMLE?

A score of 240 on the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) exams is considered to be a very good score. It is above the average score for most specialties and is typically competitive for residency program applications. 

7. What is a good score for the USMLE?

One must prepare for the higher scores no matter what. However, a score of 230 and 245 is typically good for Step 1 results. On the other hand, a step 2 score release 2025 of above 255 is good. For step 3 score release, a score above 235 is good. 

8. What score is 75% on step 2?

For the USMLE Step 2 CK exam, a score of 75% typically corresponds to a percentile ranking rather than a direct numerical score. This is equivalent to the 75th percentile (around 256) indicating a good performance that is better than 75% of other candidates. 

9. What is the hardest USMLE exam in the world?

Which is the hardest USMLE exam in the world depends on an individual's capabilities, skills, and preparations. On the general level, Step 1 is considered quite challenging for aspirants as international students require thorough medical foundational knowledge to crack it. 

10. Is USMLE harder than NEET?

It depends on the individual's knowledge about the medical knowledge. However, USMLE is generally more challenging than NEET for aspirants due to a more complex and wider syllabus laid out in the exam in contrast to the NEET. 

11. Is USMLE very tough for Indian students?

Yes, the USMLE exam is very tough for Indian students. However, the exam can be easily cracked with the right preparation and study materials. Indian students can also take help from various online USMLE preparation resources such as UWorld, First Aid, and Pathoma to perform impressively in the exam. 


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Questions related to USMLE

Have a question related to USMLE ?

USMLE Step 1 exam dates are available throughout the year, but you'll need to choose a specific three-month eligibility period when you register for the exam. This period is the window of time when you can take the exam.

Once you've registered and chosen your eligibility period, you can schedule your exam date within that period through the Prometric website. It's recommended to schedule your exam date as early as possible, as exam dates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

Keep in mind that you can only take the exam during your assigned eligibility period. If you need to reschedule or extend your eligibility period, you'll need to follow specific procedures and may incur additional fees.

ALL The best..

Students from Crimea Federal University in Russia can apply to take the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) as long as they meet the general eligibility requirements set by the USMLE, which include being a student or graduate of a medical school recognized by the World Directory of Medical Schools. However, due to political and administrative reasons, students from Crimea may face additional challenges, such as verifying their medical school credentials. For comprehensive guidance on navigating these challenges and ensuring eligibility for the USMLE, consulting with Invicta Career Consultancy can provide tailored support and advice for your medical education and licensing plans, While there are other options available, hence you can pay a visit to their website ( and get a consult with them for better guidance. All the best to you.

Hi aspirant
See, what you've asked about, are the entrance exams conducted at an international level.
Once you give complete your graduation i.e MBBS. You might want to pursue PG in India. For that you'll have to give NEET PG entrance examination. Now you might also want to settle abroad or pursue specialization abroad. In that case such exams like PLAB and USMLE are conducted.

PLAB is Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board. It is a licensing examination conducted for foreign medical  graduates who wish to practice medicine in the UK . PLAB is undertaken by the General Medical Council (UK) in several countries across the globe.
There are two parts of the PLAB exam

Part  1 :  180 single best answer questions.
Part 2 comprises  of  18 scenarios, each lasting eight minutes

Candidate are selected according to their score.

Now USMLE is United States The United States Medical Licensing Examination
It is a necessary medical license to practice in the United States of America (USA).
The FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) and NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) are co-sponsors of this exam.
It is took by the students who wish to study and practice in the US.

Hope this helps
All the best:)

Hello aspirant,

India and Phillipines are  the best country.

Every year plenty of Indian students apply for USMLE, though everyone should understand that among those many of the students are students studying/studied in foreign medical colleges from various countries. So, when we question whether it is easy to crack USMLE if the student study in local/Indian medical colleges or in Foreign medical colleges, which require a thorough understanding of all the criteria including the student’s individual interest impacting most of their performance.

USMLE—the United States Medical Licensing Examination is the most popular PG entrance examination in the world where all the world’s medical graduates dream to get a chance to qualify and enter into those prestigious institutions to study PG or Residency.

The United States Medical Licensing Examination—USMLE is the licensure cum medical PG entrance examination to obtain a medical license as well to study their Post-Graduation in various US medical colleges. USMLE is co-sponsored by the National Board of Medical Examiner—NBME and the Federation of State Medical Boards—FSMB together.


A MBBS physician's capacity to put knowledge into practical medical practise is evaluated by the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Contains Steps 1 and 2. If you take it, you'll be able to practise medicine in the US. After earning 6 Cr and prudently investing 3 Cr over the course of 60 months, you are free to return to India.

List of colleges you can choose for doing MBBS which will allow you to appear for USMLE :-

  • AIIMS, New Delhi
  • CMC, Vellore
  • Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
  • King George Medical University, Lucknow and many more.

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