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Top Study Abroad Interview Questions and Answers

Top Study Abroad Interview Questions and Answers

Edited By Hema Gopalakrishnan | Updated on Sep 01, 2023 03:44 PM IST

If you are planning to study abroad, preparing for the process well in advance is crucial for your success. This includes choosing a country, checking if you meet the eligibility requirements, getting your documents in order, and applying for a student visa. An important part of the process is the college or university interview where representatives of the college or university where your application is shortlisted will conduct your interview. This is applicable whether you plan to study in the US, UK, Canada or Australia. Universities conduct these interviews to assess whether you are suitable for the course that you have chosen and will be a right fit to study at that university. So it is important for you to prepare and practise for the student interview. However not all universities conduct student interviews but it is always better to be prepared.

Top Study Abroad Interview Questions and Answers
Top Study Abroad Interview Questions and Answers

In this article, we will discuss some common student interview questions and tips to answer them.

Study abroad interview questions

Most of the common study abroad interview questions are intended to know more about the candidate, his reasons for choosing a particular country and subject for study. They are aimed at knowing why the candidate chose a particular university or college. The questions also seek to know his plans after he completes the course.

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Study abroad interview questions and answers

The questions at university interviews can range from personal questions, background questions, questions based on your previous education to questions about your personal and professional goals.

Tell me about yourself

This is one of the most common study abroad interview questions that can be easy or tough to answer based on how prepared you are. While some students love to talk about themselves, others may not like the idea. This question is basically intended to know about your hobbies and interests.

Application forms to most universities require you to include a personal statement. But this statement is brief and does not give you scope to talk about your extracurricular activities or your background. This is why this question is asked in most college interviews and is intended to help the university authorities to know you better and whether you will be a right fit.

Tips to answer this question include not just focusing on your academic interests because the interviewer wants to know more about you and not just your academic achievements.

Instead of reeling off all your achievements in answer to this question, it is better you keep the answer to this question for about 3 to 4 sentences where you will focus on important aspects such as your hobbies, interest in sports or even any experience that shaped you. However, ensure that every statement is backed with an example.

Why do you wish to study this course?

This question is intended to find out about your intentions to study a particular course and how much interest you have in the subject. Your answer must communicate your genuine passion for the course so that the university authorities are convinced that you have selected the right course.

When you answer this question ensure that you communicate how the course will help you achieve your career goals.You should also mention how much you enjoyed reading about the subject even outside your syllabus and do not forget to mention any work experience related to the subject.

Even if you have not yet decided on your career path based on the course you will be taking up, you can still mention how it will help you achieve your other goals in life.

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Why did you choose to apply to this university?

This is another common college interview question that explores reasons for your choice of that particular university. They wish to know how keen you are to study in that particular university and how well you will be able to fit in with the culture of that university.

In response to this question you can mention how the facilities offered by the university are conducive for studying your subject. This could be technologies offered to study the subject or even the extracurricular activities related to your subject. If you have done adequate research about the university you can also mention how far the university’s approach in teaching the subject will help you.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is another common question, the interviewer when asking about your strengths wants to determine whether you have the required skills to pursue the course and whether you have the confidence to succeed in your course. In order to give an accurate response regarding your strengths, highlight those strengths which are relevant to your course. Suppose you are applying for an engineering course, you can highlight your technical skills and your logical thinking skills.You must be ready with examples from your life where you have used that particular strength.

While answering the question on your weaknesses, honesty pays. This question will help the interviewer assess how self-critical you are about different aspects such as your studies and other activities. It is also aimed at understanding how you will deal with your weaknesses.

You must be careful while answering this question, in case you wish to say that you do not always meet your deadlines your frankness may misfire. Instead, try saying that you spend a lot of time doing research and like to do a thorough analysis before submitting your assignments which makes you sometimes miss deadlines. On the other hand, do not say you do not have any weaknesses because then you are lying and no one is perfect. The best way is to be honest and be frank with your interviewer.

Consult your friends and family in case you are not clear about your strengths and weaknesses, they will give you a better perspective.

What do you want to do after your course?

This question is asked with the intention to understand if you have thought about your future career plans and have a fair idea of how the degree will play a role in your career. It will also help the interviewer gauge how clear you are about your career and the amount of research you have done.

While most students are clear about their career goals and can answer this question fairly well, some are still undecided about their career path. Tips to answer this question include a fair amount of clarity on your career goals and linking it with the degree you are applying for. Another option is to express your passion to contribute to the industry or an alternative response is to share your plans to do further studies in the subject once you finish the course.

Do you know what necessary documents such as passport, medical examination or proof of financial resources will be required for your student visa application?

Immigration-related questions in the study abroad interview focus on your eligibility, planning, and preparation in relation to immigration and visa requirements in the country where you plan to study. These questions are intended to assess your understanding of the immigration process, your ability to comply with the laws, and your willingness to adapt to a new country.

In order to answer this question you will need to familiarise yourself with the immigration process of the country so that you can answer convincingly.

What motivated you to apply for this scholarship to study abroad and how do you think it will contribute to your academic and career aspirations?

Scholarship questions in the study abroad interview revolve around your eligibility, achievements, and motivation to seek financial aid to support your international studies. These questions are intended to assess your dedication, achievements, and potential to make a positive impact through your studies.

When answering scholarship or financial aid-related questions, you should try and highlight your academic merits and achievements, your future goals and your leadership experiences to underscore why you are a deserving candidate for the scholarship.

How have your study and course experiences prepared you to study abroad in this particular field?

Subject-based questions help interviewers assess your academic preparation, critical thinking skills, and potential to contribute to the field during your study abroad experience. It is important to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject and your ability to apply this knowledge.

Preparation is the key to success in a college interview. Your responses should convince the interviewer that you are a good fit for the university and are passionate about the career path that you have chosen. Knowledge about the common interview questions will help you prepare better.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a college interview?

A college interview is essentially an interview or exchange of information between you and a university admissions officer. This is usually the final stage of the application process for a particular university.

2. Is the college admissions interview important?

The interview is an important part of the application process. This gives the school of choice a chance to get to know the person behind the application. You as an applicant also have the opportunity to tell them about you and why you are a good fit for the institution. 

3. Should I prepare for the admission interview in advance?

Yes, because being prepared for the various questions an interviewer might ask will boost your confidence and increase your chances of doing well in an interview. 

4. How does one answer the question why do you want to study abroad?

Students should be as honest as possible when answering this question.  They should clearly;y indicate how studying abroad will improve their career prospects. They should also highlight how studying abroad will broaden their perspective.

5. How should one answers study abroad application questions?

The best approach to answer study abroad interview questions is to be honest and concise. One should do research before preparing for the interview and rehearse the answers to common study-abroad interview questions.


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