Easy Countries to Study in Europe With Low Marks and GAP

Easy Countries to Study in Europe With Low Marks and GAP

Edited By Prabhjyot Kaur | Updated on Feb 03, 2025 03:50 PM IST

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience—a rollercoaster of achievements and challenges. While there are so many study abroad destinations to choose from, Europe remains one of the most preferred choices for students. However, many students worry about studying in Europe due to low marks and the study gap. Unlike other countries that do not entertain students with low marks or study gaps, there are numerous Euorpean countries that are willing to welcome you, even if your marks don’t meet their academic standards. In this article, we will talk about some easy countries to study in Europe with low marks and gaps, offering flexible admission policies to international students.

Easy Countries to Study in Europe With Low Marks and GAP
Easy Countries to Study in Europe With Low Marks and GAP

Why Do Students Take A Study Gap?

There can be various reasons why students take a study gap. These include personal issues, financial difficulties, and gaining work experience. However, they often wonder if they can again study after taking this study gap. The good news is that there are numerous easy countries to study in Europe with low marks and a gap from India.

Let us discuss each of them in detail.

Study Gap Acceptable Countries In Europe

Here are some easy countries to study in Europe with low marks and gap years:


Poland is one of the most student-friendly European countries that has flexible admission requirements and offers affordable education to international students. The country has over 500 educational institutions to choose from in Poland. Many of the universities accept students with low marks. And if students have a valid reason for the gap years, then they get admission in these universities.

Here is a list of universities in Poland that have easy admission requirements (either accept low marks or study gaps).

  1. University of Warsaw

  2. University of Lodz

  3. University of Opole

  4. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS)

  5. Silesian University of Technology

  6. Vistula University

  7. Lazarski University

  8. Collegium Civitas

  9. WSEI University (University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin)

  10. Warsaw Management University

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Hungary is known for delivering top-notch education to international students. It is one of the easiest countries to study in Europe, with low marks and gaps for international students. The country has relatively easier admission criteria. There are several universities here that offer foundation programs to give direct entry to the students who do not meet the admission requirements.

Here is a list of universities in Hungary that either accept students with low marks or study gaps, if explained properly.

  1. University of Szeged

  2. International Business School (IBS) Budapest

  3. Budapest Metropolitan University

  4. University of Pécs

  5. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

  6. Kodolányi János University

  7. University of Dunaújváros

  8. John von Neumann University


Lithuania, one of the study gap acceptable countries in Europe, is known for offering affordable tuition fees, a welcoming environment for international students, and easy admission requirements. The universities have low GPA requirements and even accept study gaps with proper justification.

Here is a list of some universities in Lithuania that have easy admission requirements for international students:

  1. Vilnius University

  2. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

  3. LCC International University

  4. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

  5. Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

  6. Vytautas Magnus University

  7. Šiauliai Academy

  8. European Humanities University

  9. ISM University of Management and Economics

  10. Kazimieras Simonavičius University


Latvia has seen a flourishing education system in the recent few years. The country is known for offering a variety of programs to students with relatively easier admission requirements.

Here is a list of universities in Latvia that accept students with low marks or study gaps:

  1. University of Latvia

  2. Riga Technical University (RTU)

  3. Riga Stradiņš University (RSU)

  4. Turība University

  5. Liepaja University

  6. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

  7. Daugavpils University

  8. RISEBA University of Applied Sciences

  9. ISMA University of Applied Sciences

  10. Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Czech Republic

Czech universities have flexible entry requirements, particularly for private institutions, making it an attractive option for students with lower grades.

Here is a list of universities in the Czech Republic that accept students with low marks or study gaps:

  1. Czech Technical University in Prague

  2. Masaryk University

  3. University of New York in Prague

  4. Anglo-American University

  5. University of Pardubice

  6. Technical University of Liberec

  7. University of Ostrava

  8. Palacký University Olomouc

  9. Metropolitan University Prague (MUP)

  10. Anglo-American University (AAU)


Slovakia offers a number of scholarships to international students. The education in the universities is affordable, having relaxed admission requirements. If you have a valid and justified study gap, then you can easily apply for these universities. Even the cost of living in Slovakia is low.

Here is a list of universities in Slovakia that accept students with low marks or study gaps:

  1. Comenius University in Bratislava

  2. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU)

  3. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

  4. University of Žilina

  5. Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

  6. Technical University of Košice

  7. Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra

  8. Central European University (CEU)—Slovakia Campus

If you are worried about the budget, then Germany, Poland, and Cyprus are among the cheapest countries to study in Europe. There are public universities in Germany that offer low or no tuition fees to international students. And what is best is that there are top 5 fully funded scholarships for Europe that you can apply for. This way you can fund your higher studies in Europe and cut down on the expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much gap is accepted for study in Europe?

A study after a gap is acceptable in Europe, but there are certain conditions for this. The past education history of the student should be strong, and he/she must have a degree in a field. Generally study gap up to 8 years is accepted, but in a few expectation cases, it goes up till 13 years.

2. What is the easiest country in Europe to study?

Countries like Germany, Poland, and Cyprus offer affordable education to student without the need of IELTS. These accept other alternatives, making them ideal for students who face financial difficulties.

3. Which country is best for gap students?

The best country for a gap student is the Netherlands, with a score of 6.02/10. So, if you are a student with a gap year, then Netherlands is perfect for you.

4. Which European country is best for poor students?

Some of the European countries that offer low tuition fees to international students students include: 

  1. Portugal

  2. Estonia

  3. Netherlands

  4. Spain

  5. Denmark

  6. Republic of Cyprus

  7. Bulgaria

  8. Malta

5. Which country accepts a 10-year study gap in Europe?

Popular international education nations, including Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the USA, accept study gaps. 


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