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Cost of Studying MS in Ireland for Indian Students 2024-25

Cost of Studying MS in Ireland for Indian Students 2024-25

Edited By Sareena Kaur Sethi | Updated on Jun 27, 2024 10:16 AM IST

Ireland has emerged as one of the popular study-abroad destinations among Indian students in recent years. It has been noted that the population of international students going to Ireland to pursue courses in MS has significantly risen as compared to other countries like the UK, USA, or Canada.

The cost of studying MS in Ireland varies depending upon factors such as universities, programmes, lifestyles, and other miscellaneous expenses. However, the average cost of studying MS in Ireland for Indian students is around Rs. 16 to 20 Lakhs. Ireland is home to some of the top universities in the world due to its affordable tuition fees, top-ranking institutions, lower cost of living, and a wider range of opportunities.

There are several benefits of studying in Ireland for Indian students as they offer more employment opportunities, comprehensive and flexible courses, well-renowned universities, and easy PR pathways for people planning to study, work, and then live in Ireland. Some of the popular top 10 universities in Ireland for MS are the University of Limerick, Technological University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Maynooth University, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin City University, and many more.

The cost of studying masters in Ireland is proportional to the cost of living in Ireland for international students. While managing both at the same time can prove to be a little difficult, one can also find financial aid such as various scholarships in Ireland for Indian students to avail and manage the cost of doing masters in Ireland simultaneously. Read the article to learn more about the cost of studying MS in Ireland 2024 and find out about the top-ranking universities, eligibility criteria, and much more.

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Cost of Studying MS in Ireland 2024

The cost of studying MS in Ireland can differ depending on various valuable factors. Therefore, we have created a list of some of the top MS colleges in Ireland, with their QS World University Rankings 2025, and tuition fees for international students.

Cost of MS in Ireland for Indian Students: Tuition Fees

Top MS Colleges in Ireland

Cost of Studying MS in Ireland

QS World University Rankings 2025

Trinity College, Dublin

Rs. 14 lakhs to 23 lakhs


University College Dublin

Rs. 10 lakhs to 26 lakhs


University College Cork

Rs. 14 lakhs to 16 lakhs


University of Galway

Rs. 16 lakhs to 25 lakhs


Dublin City University

Rs. 14 lakhs to 16 lakhs


University of Limerick

Rs. 10 lakhs to 22 lakhs


Maynooth University

Rs. 16 lakhs to 20 lakhs


Technological University Dublin

Rs. 11 lakhs to 14 lakhs


Cost of Studying Masters in Ireland: Average Expenses

Various other expenses are associated with the cost of studying MS in Ireland other than the tuition fees. These expenses may include the cost of living, food, transportation, and much more. Hence, international students can find an overview of the average expenses as a part of the cost of studying masters in Ireland.

Cost of MS in Ireland for Indian Students: Accommodation (City wise)

Top cities in Ireland

Cost of living in Ireland


EUR 1,200- EUR 1,800


EUR 900- EUR 1,500


EUR 800- EUR 1,200

Cost of MS in Ireland for Indian Students: Other Miscellaneous Expenses




EUR 200- EUR 400


EUR 60- EUR 90


EUR 100- EUR 150

Personal expenses

EUR 148- EUR 200

Cost of MS in Ireland for Indian Students 2024: Eligibility Criteria

In the pursuit of studying MS in Ireland, international students need to be aware of various prerequisites for applying in top top-ranking MS universities in the country. Hence, one can find the necessary requirements for studying masters in Ireland mentioned below:

  • International students must have 3-4 years of Bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to the MS in Ireland degree they are planning to pursue.

  • They should also have a minimum required GPA score as per the top MS universities in Irelan’s academic preference for the particular field.

  • Many universities in Ireland might also require GRE or GMAT scores as a prerequisite to admission into a favourable master's degree.

  • It is also mandatory for international students to submit proof of English language proficiency in the form of examinations such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, etc.

  • The majority of best MS colleges in Ireland also require candidates to have gained work experience of at least 3 to 4 years before applying for a postgraduate course. While this requirement might not be compulsory at all universities in Ireland however, is more beneficial to get easy admission for Indian students.

Popular MS Specialisations in Ireland 2024

Choosing a specialisation MS course in Ireland as an international student can be a tricky and challenging task. Therefore, we have enlisted some of the most popular specialisations that affect the cost of studying MS in Ireland directly.

  • MS in Computer Science and Engineering

  • MS in Physics

  • MS in Health Science

  • MS in Biology

  • MS in Mathematics

  • MS in Finance

  • MS in Hospitality

  • MS in International Business

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How to Manage the Cost of Studying MS in Ireland?

As an international student pursuing their masters degree it becomes almost a daily recurring question of “how to manage the cost of studying MS in Ireland”, the answer lies in a few possible outlets of seeking financial helps. The following ways of maintaininng one’s expenses are listed below:

  • By getting a part-time job while pursuing your education can really help into contributing to the cost of studying MS in Ireland.

  • Seeking scholarships either on institutional or government basis can also help cover a good proportion of your educational expenses.

  • Getting an assistantship while studying at an university in Inreland can also help you fund your finances.

  • One can also manage their cost of studying MS in Ireland by getting a cheap accommodation and controlling their lifestyle on a personnalised level.

MS Scholarships in Ireland

There are plenty of MS scholarships available in Ireland for Indian students to pursue their higher education. These scholarships can be private, institutional, or even government based and can contribute significantly in the cost of doing masters in Ireland. We have enlisted some of the major ones below for your reference:

  • Government of Ireland Scholarships

  • The Walsh University Fellowships

  • Dublin City University Scholarships

  • Trinity College Dublin Scholarships

  • Global Excellence Scholarships

  • Centenary University Scholarship Program

  • National College of Ireland Scholarships

  • Academic Merit Scholasrhips

  • Hiigher Diploma Scholarships

MS Work Opportunities in Ireland 2024

One of the most prominent reasons for applying to top-ranking universities in Ireland for masters is due to the abundance of job opportunities for international students. Some of the popular work fields after completing MS in Ireland are as follows:

Popular Job profile after MS in Ireland for Indian students

Job sector

Job roles


  • Mechanical Engineer

  • Chemical Engineer

  • Energy Engineer

Business and Finance

  • Finance Manager

  • Business Advisor

  • Financial Analyst

Information and Technology

  • Data Analysts

  • Data Scientist

  • IT Operators

  • App Developers


  • Front Desk Assosciates

  • Event Managers

  • Administrative Staff

  • Travel Agents/Advisories


  • Administrative Assistant

  • Pharmacists

  • Nurses

  • Physicians

  • Therapists

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. How much does MS in Ireland cost?

The cost of studying MS in Ireland varies depending on factors such as choice of course, cost of living, university, and personal expenses. However, the average cost of doing masters in Ireland for international students is anywhere between Rs. 16 lakhs to Rs. 22 lakhs for a 2 year programme from a reputed university.

2. Is Ireland expensive for Indian students?

No, as compared to ther study abroad destinations such as Canada, UK, or USA, the cost of studying MS in Ireland is still cheaper. Due to lower cost of living,  affordable tuition fees,  and inexpensive expenses Ireland as emerged as a cost-effective study abroad destination for many Indian students.

3. Is Ireland good for MS?

Yes,  as the cost of studying MS in Ireland is way affordable and cheaper it has become a suitable country for international students to pursue higher education. Ireland is not only home to top-ranking universities but also offers a range of courses, lower accommodation costs, and wide scale opportunities to students looking to pursue a professional career in Ireland after graduation.

4. Can I get job after MS in Ireland?

Yes, after pursuing your masters in Ireland international students can easily get a job in a relevant field. After completing MS in Ireland many students tend to apply to top companies in the country as it will not only open gateway to success and higher income but also help you attain a PR easily.


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Correct Answer: during

Solution : The correct choice is the first option.

The sentence implies that red kites were viewed as vermin in Britain and Ireland, specifically during the 16th century. The use of during emphasises the temporal relationship, indicating that this negative perception was prevalent in that particular historical period.

The meanings of the other options are as follows:

  • Along means in the course of; over the length of.
  • While means at the same time as; during the time that.
  • Across means over the surface of; from one side to the other.

Therefore, the complete sentence is: "Red kites were considered vermin across Britain and Ireland during the 16th century."

Correct Answer: MLIDZB

Solution : Given:
ASIA is written as ZHRZ, and IRELAND is written as RIVOZMW.

Write the opposite pair of each letter of ASIA to obtain the required code –
A→Z; S→H; I→R; A→Z
Thus, ASIA is coded as ZHRZ.
And in, IRELAND is written as RIVOZMW –
I→R; R→I; E→V; L→O; A→Z; N→M; D→W
Thus, IRELAND is coded as RIVOZMW.
Similarly, follow the same pattern for NORWAY–
N→M; O→L; R→I; W→D; A→Z; Y→B

So, NORWAY is coded as MLIDZB. Hence, the second option is correct.

Correct Answer: controlled

Solution : The correct choice is the third option.

The phrase "and their numbers were rigorously controlled" indicates that deliberate measures were taken to manage or limit the population of red kites. The word controlled appropriately reflects the idea of active management or regulation, making it the most fitting choice.

The meanings of the other options are as follows:

  • Changed means altered or modified.
  • Choked means hindered or obstructed.
  • Loosened means made less tight or strict; relaxed.

Therefore, the right word to fill in the blank is controlled.

Correct Answer: killed

Solution : The correct choice is the second option.

The sentence indicates that 20 red kites were confirmed to have been killed in the UK as a result of the actions of shooting, poisoning, and trapping mentioned earlier in the passage. The term killed signifies a fatal outcome caused by these harmful actions.

The meanings of the other options are as follows:

  • Awakened means woken up from sleep or inactivity.
  • Subjected means exposed to a particular experience or treatment.
  • Rooted means fixed or established deeply.

Therefore, the complete sentence is: "In 2020 alone, 20 red kites were confirmed to have been killed this way in the UK."

Correct Answer: perceived

Solution : The correct choice is the third option.

The sentence indicates that gamekeepers and farmers shoot, poison, and trap red kites based on the perceived harm they believe the birds cause, implying that this harm is subjective and not necessarily proven. The term perceived suggests that these actions are driven by a subjective belief or opinion of harm rather than concrete evidence.

The meanings of the other options are as follows:

  • Kicked means struck with the foot.
  • Dirty means covered with dirt or soil.
  • Shipped means transported or sent.

Therefore, the right word to fill in the blank is perceived.

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