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Part Time Jobs in USA for International Students 2024 - Salary, Requirements

Part Time Jobs in USA for International Students 2024 - Salary, Requirements

Edited By M Anusha | Updated on Mar 27, 2024 02:29 PM IST

Part-Time Jobs in USA for International Students - Many students look for part-time work in USA to gain some extra income and work experience. According to the visa type and its conditions, international students can perform these part-time jobs in America for up to 20 hours per week. Many on-campus jobs like teacher assistantships, research assistants, cashiers, librarians, cleaners, etc and a few off-campus internships are a few of the popular part-time jobs in US. Students studying in the USA can earn up to 12 to 13 $ per hour by working part-time. Read the US part-time jobs article, to know more details about the eligibility, availability, opportunities wages, etc.

Part-time jobs in USA for International Students

Students are allowed to work part-time in USA. Through these jobs, students gain decent money and social skills. There are two types of part-time jobs in America.

  • On-Campus

  • Off-Campus

On-Campus Jobs in USA

Students can work for on-campus part-time jobs in USA while studying. These on-campus jobs include both academic and non-academic jobs. As the universities in the USA provide facilities like gyms, dining, cafes, and sports facilities within the campus, there is a great scope of finding non-academic part-time jobs in USA for international students.

US Part-time Jobs - On Campus


Salaries per hour

Teachers Assistantship


Research Assistantship


Lab Assistant


Store Keeper







15 $

Casual Cafe Assistant


Resident Assistant


Campus Ambassador


Details Part-time Jobs in USA

Here are a few details and descriptions of USA part-time jobs that international students can prefer while studying in the country.

Campus Ambassadors

Campus Ambassador is one of the part-time jobs in USA found in every university. Here, students promote the university regarding its programs by involving in workshops, events promotional activities, etc. Students who would like to interact with people and be friendly to answer questions from others can choose the Campus Ambassador position for part-time work in USA.

Teaching Assistantships

The assistantships are highly preferred part-time jobs in USA. The teaching assistantship includes responsibilities like attending lectures, grading assignments, preparing course materials for exams and homework for students, etc and many more. Being paid hourly, there are extra perks like tuition waivers and student health insurance. etc.

Research Assistantships (RAs)

Research assistantships are also another highly preferred on-campus part-time jobs in US. Working as a research assistant means the candidate is one of the members of the research group of a project. A few responsibilities of the RA include data analysis, organising works, application of experimental techniques, etc. on the faculty’s research project, etc. These RA part-time work in USA includes a stipend, tuition waivers, and health insurance.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs)

GRAs are also one of the highest-paid part-time jobs in USA. In these assistantships, the students can directly work on the degree-related research. Here, the research project supports the student's thesis or dissertation. These GRA part-time jobs in US are limited and not available for all departments in the universities.

Cafe Assistants

A University can consist of many cafes within the campus. These cafe part-time jobs in America are a bit high in number. Students can brew some coffee using the coffee machines and provide some friendly service to their fellow customers. Students who are working for this can have the advantage of getting coffee at a discounted rate or free sometimes.

Rules and regulations for On-campus jobs in USA

As an international student, there are a set of conditions to follow while doing on-campus part-time work in USA.

  • Students with F-1 and J-1 visas are eligible to work on campus.

  • F-1 visa students don’t need work authorization while J-1 visa students require a permit.

  • Part-time job working hours - Part-time 20 hours per week during the term time and full-time 40 hours during vacation.

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Off-campus Jobs

Students can work for off-campus internships and jobs that are directly related to their major area of study. Candidates can work for these paid or unpaid internships and gain work exposure and experience. To work for off-campus part-time jobs in USA, the candidate has to apply for work authorization.

The types of off-campus employment are

  • Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

  • Optional Practical Training (OPT) (pre-completion or post-completion)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

CPT is an off-campus work opportunity for students which is a part of the curriculum for the academic program. Students with CPT can apply for various internships that meet the academic requirements.

Optional Practical Training (OPT) (pre-completion)

Through the Optional Practical Training program, students can apply to off-campus internships that are related to their major areas of study. Student who do not have internships as a part of their academic programs can choose OPT. Students can also work after studying in the USA with OPT.

Rules and regulations for Off-campus jobs in the USA

  • International students can start working off-campus jobs only from the second year of their course.

  • Students with an F-1 visa are eligible to work off-campus jobs under OPT and CPT.

  • Part-time job working hours - Part-time 20 hours per week during the term time and full-time during vacation.

  • Students can work for internships or jobs which are related only to their major areas of study.

  • Students can work for up to 12 months in a CPT/OPT.

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How to Find Part-time Jobs in USA?

Most of the on-campus part-time jobs in US can be known from within campus through referrals, notice boards, the university's official website, etc. Candidates can also reach their university DSO (designated school official) where they can present the students with available part-time jobs within the campus and off campus. Candidates can freely explore online resources to find off-campus part-time jobs after completion of their 1st year of study in the USA.

Here are key websites for finding part-time jobs in USA.




  • Indeed


These websites have lots of internships and part-time jobs in USA, that are suitable for international students to find jobs that are related to their major areas of study.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. How much do part-time jobs pay in the USA?

On average, part-time jobs in USA pay around $7 to $15 per hour. International students can only work for 20 hours a week. So, international students can earn around $560-1200 per month. In Indian currency, it is around INR 80,000 per month.amar

2. Is it easy to get part time work in USA?

It can be a bit difficult to find on-campus part-time jobs in US, as most of the students on campus try to apply for them. The best time to grab an on-campus job is to search and apply for it at the early start of the academic year. As the number of student applicants is quite low at this period, it would be easy to get an on-campus part-time job.

3. What are the part-time working hours in USA?

A job that has less than 30 hours of work is considered to be a part-time job. The international students studying in the USA are allowed to work part-time jobs with only 20 hours during the study period of the course and full-time (ie. up to 40 hours) during the vacation period of the course.

4. Can international students work full-time and study part time in USA?

No. International students are allowed to study only full-time courses in the USA. On a full-time student visa (F-1), the candidate is eligible to work for only part-time jobs.

5. Can international students work for off-campus part time jobs in USA?

Yes, international students can work for only academic-related off-campus jobs in the USA. Students have the facility to work off-campus during the study period and after graduation with a work permit in Optional Practical Training (OPT) employment. Students can start working for off- campus only after completing one year of study in the USA.

6. Can I work for online part time jobs in USA?

Students can work for any off-campus jobs in America by obtaining authorization from the university. These Off-campus jobs can be online or offline and related to their major areas of study only.


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Hi there

Yes you can try to learn various courses that are for approximately 3 months to 6 months in duration.

Yes you can learn before going to us. Learning skills definitively adds some value to the life of a candidate and also improves in getting good recognition in life..

Below i have mentioned some courses  that you can try before visiting us:

  • Social media marketing
  • Content writer
  • Content creation
  • Video editing
  • Photography skills
  • Digital marketing
  • Stiching
  • Makeup artist course
  • Hairstyling course.

So these are some courses you can try.

Hope this answer will help you. Revert incase of any query.

Thank you and good luck:)

Hello Samarasimha,

YES, you can MS in UA after completing Bsc in Statistics. . All you have to do is score good marks in your PG and prepare for GRE. You should also decide upon the country and the university in which you are going to study.

Furthermore, the requirements to pursue MS in USA are as follows :

  • 3 to 4 years bachelors degree in relevant field.
  • 3.5 or higher GPA, equivalent to 87% in bachelors.
  • GRE score of 330 or above.
  • Statement of Purpose.
  • Research Internships/ Published Research Papers.
  • Project work/Seminars.
  • 2-3 Letter of Recommendation.
  • Social & Leadership Activities.

Further, requirements for Software jobs in USA are as follows :

  • Enroll in a software development program. The first step to becoming a software engineer is to enroll in a software development degree program. ...
  • Gain internship experience. ...
  • Choose your specialty. ...
  • Pursue industry certifications. ...
  • Continue your education.

I hope that this will help.

Dear aspirant hope you are doing well..

To study at foreign universities/abroad in U. S , the admission process will require the candidate to give one language exam and one standardized exam. However, depending on the country, course, college, or university you are applying for you may be exempted from standardized exams. The language test will showcase your English proficiency skills. These exams are required for pursuing almost all courses abroad. Different countries have different language exams such as

  • TOEFL exam for getting admission to the universities in the US and Canada. The score of this exam is valid for two years after the declaration of results
  • There are plenty of universities abroad where you can apply to do master-level course, MSc in statistics, MSc in Operation Research, and Applied Mathematics, MSc in Mathematical Modeling, etc are some of the Master level Course in Mathematics that are available abroad. Students who have completed their graduation or bachelor's degree in Mathematics can apply for these courses. Foreign universities like Uppsala University, Dublin City University, Oxford Brookes University, University of York, University of Liverpool, etc offer all the above-mentioned courses in mathematics.

Top university of The USA for master degree courses

  • John Carroll University
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Michigan State University
  • West Virginia University
  • Rhode Island College
  • University of Arkansas
  • Vanderbilt University
  • DePaul University
  • Delaware State University
  • Texas A&M University-Commerce
  • University of South Florida
  • California State University Northridge

You can get the detailed information about the process how to apply for MS in USA. read the given article. Link is given below

Hope it's helpful for you..

Thank you

There are many ways to choose your university such as fees, the ranking of the university, which state it is located and scholarships. My suggestion is to choose your research focus and write academic papers. In the US, PhD in Commerce admission into the university depends on what you want to study (your area of research) and your already completed research papers. You can begin your research by searching online for US universities offering PhD in Business Administration. One example is University of California Los Angeles ( .

Hello  Student

You are aBHM means Bachelor in Hotel Management so after doing BHM,to gain a bright future  inthis trade you have to do MSc in Hotel Management,post graduation in Hospitality Management,Master degree in travel and tourism management,or MBA in hotel management,AFter doing post graduation in Hotel management or travel and tourism management will give you the best return in employment opportunity.

Hope this will help.

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