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PTE Exam Preparation Tips 2024: Study Plan, Tips, Tricks, Strategies

PTE Exam Preparation Tips 2024: Study Plan, Tips, Tricks, Strategies

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:26 AM IST | #PTE Academic

The PTE exam is one of the easiest exams to clear the study abroad eligibility and fulfil the dream of studying in the most reputed universities across the world. The full form of PTE is Pearson's Test of English and it is an international computer-based English language test. The PTE exam accurately measures the English language ability.

Understanding the PTE exam

The PTE exam uses task-based questions to represent the kinds of functions and situations students will find themselves in during academic study. The real-life tasks in an academic setting involve more than one language skill at a time for example: listening to a lecture and then speaking about the same. PTE exam reflects this through 21-24 tasks, each of which tests language ability in combined form.

Types of PTE Examination

PTE General and PTE Academic are the basic two versions of the PTE exam. PTE General is conducted to the English proficiency of a candidate in a general sense while PTE Academic is the main exam that is required to fulfil PTE eligibility to study in your dream universities and is accepted in many countries.

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PTE Examination Types

PTE Exam

PTE General

PTE Academic

PTE Core


Work and study in non-English speaking European regions

Work and Study in English-speaking countries and around 35000 universities accept the score.

It is only accepted in Canada and recognised by IRCC



2 years

2 years

Duration of the Exam

1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours 55 minutes depending on the level.

2 hours

2 hours

PTE Academic Exam Structure

The PTE exam academic structure is as follows. Students preparing for the PTE exam must practice according to the given PTE exam structure to achieve excellent results.

The test is divided into three main parts and lasts for two hours.

  • Part 1: Speaking and Writing

PTE Academic Preparation Tips
In order to achieve a good score in your PTE Academic test you will need to have a preparation strategy in place.


Task Type

Time Allowed

Section 1

Personal Introduction

1 minute

Section 2

Read Aloud

Repeat Sentence

Describe Image

Re-tell Lecture

Answer Short Questions

30 -35 minutes

Section 3-4

Summarise Written Text

10 minutes

Section 5

Summarize Written Text or Write an Essay

10-20 minutes

Section 6

Write Essay

20 minutes

  • Part 2: Reading

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Task Type

Time Allowed

Multiple Choice - Choose Single Answers

32-41 minutes

Multiple Choice- Choose Multiple Answers

Re-Order paragraphs

Reading- Fill in the blanks

Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks

  • Part 3: Listening


Task Type

Time Allowed

Section 1

Summarise Spoken Text

20 to 30 minutes

Section 2

Multiple choice- Choose multiple answers

23- 28 minutes

Fill in the blanks

Highlight Correct Summary

Multiple Choice- Choose a Single Answer

Select Missing word

Highlight Incorrect words

Write From Dictation

PTE Syllabus 2024

Candidates who wish to excel in the exam should be well aware of the PTE syllabus 2024 so that they do not face any difficulties and are confident in attempting the PTE exam. As the PTE exam is computer-based the candidates are expected to be very vigilant and not lose their concentration and focus at any point in the exam. The PTE exam syllabus 2024 is to make sure that the appearing PTE exam candidate is well versed in all modules of the English language i.e. reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It is highly recommended that PTE exam-appearing students should listen to native English speakers and read authenticated texts to enhance their English vocabulary.

A good score on the PTE exam showcases the student's ability to converse, understand, and present language skills in a remarkable manner.

PTE Section Wise Syllabus 2024

PTE Exam Section

PTE exam syllabus 2024

Speaking and Reading

  • Candidates must read authenticated English texts from different books, magazines, and newspapers.

  • PTE exam-appearing students must refer to the general knowledge section of the newspaper and give it a read on a daily basis so that they get a chance to excel in Answering short questions

  • They must read aloud and record their voice or use authenticated PTE portals to check their pronunciation and make corrections wherever necessary


  • Candidates appearing for the PTE exam are required to showcase their skills in summarizing the main points of the text so they should develop their writing skills from different materials present in academic books.

  • PTE exam students are required to write an essay on any given topic so the candidates appearing for the exam are required to develop their vocabulary on various topics


  • Careful and focused listening skills are required, candidates appearing for the PTE exam are required to understand different accents of the English language and be able to write and speak what they have heard.

  • Regularly listening to BBC documentaries and authenticated TED talks will surely help in developing listening skills.

Top 5 PTE Exam Preparation Tips 2024

The PTE exam, although easy is very tedious and requires PTE exam preparation tips so that students can excel and be well-versed in English language skills. PTE Preparation Tips 2024 will help you as a candidate engage in the best PTE preparation covering all modules of the English language in the PTE exam. PTE preparation can be done via authenticated PTE preparation online portals which work on computer-based assessment systems and help you with correct evaluation of skills tested in the PTE exam. PTE preparation 2024 can be done on your own by referring to many free PTE portals and also referring to certain templated PTE answers. Read the top 5 PTE preparation tips given below:

  • Analyze your current PTE score by attempting the PTE mock test on the main Pearson's website.

  • After you know your score and the target score your university demands, purchase login credentials from PTE online portals so that you can practice in the most authenticated way.

  • Check out the PTE exam format and the scoring parameters for each question type and also the modules covered under each question type. For example: In the listening section, summarising spoken text will give you scores both in the listening and writing sections.

  • Improve your grammar and vocabulary of the English language and take this as the most important PTE preparation tip so that you can have a PTE score of 80+.

  • Improve your pronunciation skills by listening to authenticated English channels and imitating the way native English people speak.

PTE Exam Tips For The Speaking Section

The speaking section of the PTE exam is considered to be easy but may become difficult if PTE preparation is not done in a dedicated manner. We highly recommend the given TOP PTE speaking section tips so that you can excel and get a PTE score of 80+

  • In the read-aloud question type, it is necessary that you maintain a proper tone and speak fast. In case you miss a word, do not pause, instead just be fluent and keep speaking till the end of the sentence.

  • In case you find a new word that is difficult for you to read, just skip that word and continue speaking, this will help you secure your scores in fluency and pronunciation.

  • In case of repeat sentences and Retell lectures stay focused and develop the habit of making notes so that you can speak fluently for the given time.

PTE Exam Tips For The Writing Section

The PTE exam writing section may look small but remember that the PTE exam has a system of integrated scores. So writing scores are also included in your other three modules of listening, speaking, and reading.

The top 3 PTE exam writing tips are given below:

  • Prepare yourself to write an essay on any given topic by reading a lot of academic topics.

  • Familiarise yourself with the essay format that is required for you to follow in the PTE exam and the scoring parameters associated with it.

  • Develop a range of vocabulary on different topics and be perfect in using cohesive devices like furthermore, and moreover and sequential words like firstly, and secondly.

PTE Exam Tips For The Reading Section

The reading section of the PTE exam seems to be easy if PTE preparation is done diligently. The TOP 3 PTE exam reading tips are as follows:

  • Familiarize yourself with all the question types and the scoring parameters.

  • Understand the grammar rules so that you can excel in the Re-order paragraph question type.

  • Try to learn a lot of synonyms by developing your English vocabulary which will help you in all four modules of the PTE exam.

PTE Exam Tips For The Listening Section

The listening section of the PTE exam is really tedious and requires complete focus and attention. Also, the PTE preparation for the PTE listening section should be done in a manner that you are mindful of the negative marking that is done in this section.

Top 3 PTE Exam Listening Tips

  • Listen to a lot of authenticated English channels so that you can gain perfection in understanding different accents of the English language.

  • Stay focused while attempting the highlight incorrect words question and do not make any blind guesses.

  • Make notes while attempting the lecture-based questions so that you can refer to some PTE study material to reach the correct answers. Practice making notes on a regular basis so that you can excel in this skill before the PTE exam.

PTE Score Chart

The PTE exam evaluates the candidates in an integrated manner, which means the scoring of the PTE exam for each module is integrated with its other modules too.

PTE Score Chart

Weightage-wise Sequence







Repeat Sentence







Write from Dictation







Read Aloud







Fill in the Blanks (Drop-down)







Summarise Spoken Text







Highlight Incorrect Words







Describe Image







Re-Tell Lecture







Answer Short Question







Summarise Written Text







Write Essay







Fill in the Blanks (Drag & Drop)







Re-order Paragraph







Fill in the Blanks







Highlight Correct Summary







Reading MCQ - Multiple







Listening MCQ - Multiple







Reading MCQ-single







Listening MCQ-single







Listening Select Missing Word







PTE Preparation Online

PTE preparation can be done online in an effective manner, as a candidate appearing for the PTE exam you should first take a free PTE mock test using any PTE portal (authenticated web portals like alfaPTE) so that you can analyze your strengths and weaknesses. After that, you just need to be diligent in practising the various question types and developing language skills. If need be, you may also seek help from any online PTE portal by paying and seeking individual attention.

Effective PTE Preparation Strategies

Some of the effective PTE preparation strategies include setting the target score that needs to be achieved so that the candidate can get admission to the desired university. Also familiarising yourself with each question type of all the modules of the PTE exam along with its scoring parameters will help you stay focused at the time of your PTE exam preparation in 2024.

Practising for the PTE exam via authenticated PTE portals and purchasing their login credentials will help you analyze your score on a regular basis.

PTE One Month Study Plan

If you as a candidate stay focused, the PTE exam can be very well prepared in a month. Set yourself a target and diligently engage yourself in self-practice and hence you will achieve a PTE score of 80+. You may follow the given PTE one-month study plan.

PTE 1 Month Study Plan

Week Wise


PTE Preparation Strategies 2024


Speaking +Writing

  • Focus on pronunciation and vocabulary building

  • Familiarise yourself with question types and ways to attempt them

  • Work on your tone, pace, and grammar skills so that you are able to be fluent in using language.


Reading +writing

  • Develop reading at speed as a skill and also retaining information.

  • Develop the use of cohesive words and practice dictation so that you do not make spelling errors.

  • Develop the art of writing academically.


Listening+ Reading

  • Stay focused and make notes on what you hear.

  • Stay attentive and speak with correct pronunciation and tone.

  • Use vocabulary words carefully referring to the context of the language and not just meaning.


All 4 modules

  • Daily attempt one sectional mock and full mock test on the PTE portal so that you have good practice before your exam.

PTE Preparation Books

When it comes to PTE exam preparation, it is essential that we make use of all the available expertly crafted PTE preparation ebooks. We at Careers360 have also designed two ebooks exclusively for the candidate’s PTE preparation. The candidates are advised to download and study these eBooks for enhancing their PTE exam preparation.

Preparation Books for PTE


Download Link

PTE Academic 2024 Preparation Tips and Tricks

Download Now

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is the PTE exam?

The full form of the PTE exam is Pearson's Test of English, this exam is given by candidates aspiring to study or work in English-speaking countries. It highlights the individual's ability to speak and comprehend the English language.

2. How to check the PTE result?

PTE results can be checked online after taking the exam at the PTE authenticated centre, the result is also sent via email to the students. The PTE result can also be checked by logging into the PTE main authenticated portal.

3. What is the PTE full form?

The full form of PTE is Pearson's Test of English. It is a basic English eligibility test and is given by candidates planning to live, work and study in English-speaking countries.

4. PTE results are released in how many days?

PTE results are released in 5-7 working days and many times it is observed that students achieve their scores at the earliest and shortest time of 1 day over their emails.

5. How to prepare for PTE in 10 days?

The PTE exam can be prepared in a short duration of 10 days if you are well-versed with normal English language skills. Just familiarise yourself with the PTE exam pattern and practice all the question types so that you are confident before the exam.

6. What is the new PTE update for 2024?

A few changes have been introduced in PTE exam 2024 now the total PTE exam duration has been reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours and 15 minutes. They also introduce a new mock test platform, trial questions, and note-making sheet policies.

7. How can I prepare myself for the PTE exam?

There are a few tips to prepare yourself for the PTE exam which are as follows:

  • You should be aware of the exam format of the PTE.

  • Explore various resources available for PTE such as online and offline resources.

  • Create a timetable and be strict with it.

  • Always choose quality preparation material.

  • Attempt mock tests and work on your strengths and weaknesses.

  • You should think critically while writing the answers.

  • Don’t use templates to structure your answers. 

  • Practice is the key to success. Practice the topics as much as you can.

8. How many months to prepare for PTE?

In general, the candidates required 2-3 months for preparation as there are four sections in the PTE exam such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. For a deep understanding of these four sections, candidates need to start their preparation before 2-3 months of the exam. During this time candidates can join PTE coaching, and practice mock tests as early preparation also allows them to practice more.

9. Which time is best for the PTE exam?

You should choose a slot according to your best time. The PTE exam offers various daytime slots for the exam such as morning, afternoon, and evening throughout the weekdays and weekends. So, you should appear according to your selected time slot in the exam. 


Certifications By Top Providers

Explore Top Universities Across Globe

University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
University College London, London
 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
 Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, Post Code EH8 9YL
University of Bristol, Bristol
 Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU
University of Nottingham, Nottingham
 University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD
Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW

Questions related to PTE Academic

Have a question related to PTE Academic ?

The ease of the IELTS versus the PTE can vary depending on your strengths and preferences. IELTS tends to focus more on British English and has a variety of question types that might be familiar if you are accustomed to traditional exams. PTE, on the other hand, is computer-based and features a more integrated approach to language skills, which some find more straightforward. For tailored guidance, especially if you're considering studying abroad, Invicta Career Consultancy can offer valuable insights and support in choosing the test that aligns best with your goals and strengths. Additionally, consider researching other well-reviewed consultancy firms to find the one that best suits your specific needs and preferences.

hello dear aspirant!

You must receive a PTE Academic score of at least 42 in order to be qualified for an Australian student visa.

The PTE score required for universities is typically 65, which is also regarded as the lowest PTE score requirement. Sometimes, a candidate's admittance can be guaranteed with a score of 55–60 or even 50.


A minimum score of 65 overall with a minimum score of 65 in each subtest

Proficiency Level








Very Good 79

Very Good 83


hope this information is helpful to you!


Hope you're doing well.

PTE with 6 overall band score is actually not bad. You can get admission from many reputed universities. Some like,

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

University of Ottawa

McGill University

Since 50% of Canada visas are rejected when asked from students. That' a really a big amount of students. If you want to get accepted for visa, work on your SOP, put more effort on your essays, work on your portfolio and keep good grades until now. Get personalized from industry experts. Get your free profile evaluations. Talk to your seniors. Work on your communication skills.

To know more about it,

All the Best!!! You have got a long way to go.

Thank You.

Hello Aspirant

Canada's top provider of English language proficiency exams is PTE Academic. It is the finest option to assist you in obtaining your Letter of Acceptance from a Canadian Designated Learning Institute because it is recognised by the majority of Canadian universities and colleges.

The applicant needs a minimum PTE score of 50 in each section and an aggregate PTE score of 65 to successfully complete a graduate diploma programme or a master's level degree.



Yes, you can apply for the Student Visa. PTE doesn't have any passing score. 65-75 is said to be a good PTE score. But students who got 50 - 63 got accepted in many reputed universities. If you want to pursue a quality education from around the world, nothing can stop you. With your PTE score you can apply for many Australian Universities like,

1. University of Sydney, Sydney.

2. University of Melbourne, Melbourne.

Check their websites for getting more knowledge about the courses and the eligibility criteria.

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