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PTE Academic Reading Tips and Tricks for Better Score 2024

PTE Academic Reading Tips and Tricks for Better Score 2024

Edited By Porishmita Paul | Updated on May 08, 2024 06:05 PM IST | #PTE Academic

PTE reading section tests the ability of the candidates to read and write in subjects like humanitarian studies, natural sciences, social sciences, and general knowledge. Therefore, it is important to incorporate some effective PTE academic reading tips and tricks 2024 to master the test pattern.

The PTE exam is one of the most popular Pearson Test of English for aspirants who wish to continue their higher education in study-abroad institutions. Therefore, to get a good PTE score, it is mandatory to employ effective preparation tips and tricks for all the sections.

This article offers a variety of PTE reading tips and tricks 2024 to help candidates prepare for the test. Also, many PTE reading tips and tricks pdf download are provided including a complete guide on PTE reading tips 2024, study materials, and section-wise tips and tricks to assist the test-takers. Read the complete article to learn more about PTE reading tips and more.

PTE Academic Reading Tips and Tricks 2024 - Section Wise

To get a good PTE score, students must focus on all sections equally. Here, we have prepared a list of PTE preparation tips 2024 analysing the complete PTE reading module for all the modules individually.

PTE Reading Tips and Tricks: Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer

  • Read the questions carefully before reading the given passage.

  • Skim the complete passage to get the main idea of the context.

  • Do not spend more than 2 minutes for each question.

  • Do not leave the question blank. Those who are unanswered are marked incorrect.

  • Use the elimination method to find out the correct possible answer.

  • The questions are not asked in chronological order. Therefore, it is possible to find around 60% of the questions in the first or last two lines of the passage.

PTE Academic Reading Tips For Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers

  • Read the questions and options carefully before reading the passage.

  • Read all the instructions and questions carefully before starting the test.

  • Do not spend more than 3 minutes on each question to manage time for other questions.

  • Avoid blind guessing as this part has a negative marking.

  • Try to look for adjectives, nouns, and repeated words to guess the correct answers.

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PTE Academic Reading Tips and Tricks for Re-Order Paragraphs

  • Look for specific word types like nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to establish the paragraph order.

  • Try to find topic sentences to build the beginning of the sentence.

  • Do not spend more than 2 minutes to re-order any paragraph question.

  • Also, look for linking words like however, but, moreover, besides, etc. These contradictory words can help you to find the sentence before it.

PTE Academic Preparation Tips
In order to achieve a good score in your PTE Academic test you will need to have a preparation strategy in place.

PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Grammar Tips

  • Start your exam with a quick skimming of the text to get the main idea of the passage.

  • Try to understand the context of the sentence before choosing the answer.

  • Answer all the questions of the test and do not leave blank spaces. You can also fill the spaces with guessing as this section has no negative marking.

  • Learn the PTE collocation list.

  • Do not spend more than 2 minutes per question.

Also Read: PTE Academic exam guide

PTE Academic Reading Preparation Strategies 2024

Developing adequate strategies for each component of reading is an important tips for PTE 2024 preparation. Here, we have offered a few simple tips and tricks for PTE academic reading to assist candidates in preparing for the PTE 2024 test. Students can use these strategies to make their individualised plans.

  • The duration of the PTE academic is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Therefore, candidates must complete all the sections within the given time. Try to master the art of reading quickly to manage time adequately for each component of the reading section.

  • Start reading books, blogs, theories, reviews, notes, news, studies, stories, and other related PTE study materials to improve your English reading skills.

  • Prepare your own dictionary when you are introduced to new words. Write them down and try to find the possible meanings for personal reference.

  • Focus on improving your English grammar knowledge. Follow Pearson’s PTE study materials to advance your grammar skills. Excessive reading helps students to apply their English grammar knowledge to writing sentences.

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PTE Reading Practice Material 2024

A few important PTE reading practice test online are given below for the 2024 test-takers:

  • Official PTE materials: On the official website of PTE, students can get an idea of the PTE test pattern, scoring, and the PTE Practice Test Plus, which includes two complete practice tests. These materials are essential sources for your test preparation. Candidates can download different tips and tricks for PTE academic reading pdf from the official website.

  • Books: Various books are available for PTE test takers for 2024 that include practice questions, tips and strategies, and vocabulary lists. These books are also important sources of PTE trips and tricks.

  • Online practice tests: Many websites offer free as well as paid online PTE practice tests. Solving these practice tests can help students to understand the test better and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

  • News websites and articles: Students can also practice reading news and articles to improve their reading skills. The New York Times, The Guardian, The BBC, and The Economist are among the top news websites and articles. Many websites also offer downloadable grammar rules for PTE reading pdf.

  • PTE reading tips and tricks YouTube: There are many YouTubue channels available that are popular for offering free and paid trips and tricks for PTE reading for the test-takers.

PTE Reading Practice Books 2024

Students must note that there are only a few PTE preparation books available for the reading section. Therefore, it is advisable to practice basic reading and grammar skills from other resources like magazines, books, novels, newspapers, short writings, and other related content. A few popular PTE practice books for reading section have been provided below:

  • The Official Guide to PTE Academic for Test Takers by Pearson: This is the official guide from the makers of the PTE test. It provides information about the test format, and scoring, and includes practice questions.

  • PTE Academic Vocabulary Practice Book with Exercises and Answers by Exam Sam: This book includes exercises and answer keys that can help students to improve their vocabulary.

  • PTE Academic Practice Test Plus (Volume 1 & 2) by Pearson: This book includes two complete practice tests for the PTE, including a reading section.

  • PTE Academic Reading: A Guide to Succeeding in the PTE Reading Module by Darshan Singh: This book includes practice questions, tips, and strategies for the test-takers.

PTE Reading Preparation Books 2024



The Official Guide to PTE Academic for Test Takers by Pearson

USD 40 - 70

PTE Academic Practice Test Plus (Volume 1 & 2) by Pearson

USD 45 - 80

PTE Academic Reading: A Guide to Succeeding in the PTE Reading Module by Darshan Singh

USD 20 - 40

PTE Academic Vocabulary Practice Book with Exercises and Answers by Exam Sam

USD 15 - 30

PTE Reading Pattern 2024

The reading section of PTE academic assesses the ability of the students to read and write in English. This section is 29–30 minutes long and contains five different question types. PTE reading test pattern includes subjects like humanitarian studies, natural sciences, social sciences, and general knowledge. A vivid description of the PTE reading format has been comprehended in the below table:

PTE Reading Format 2024

Question Type


No. of questions

Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks

Candidates will be given a paragraph with spaces to fill with a drop-down button and options to choose from. Pick the correct answers to complete the entire paragraph.


Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers

There is more than one response. Choose all the answers that you think are correct.


Reorder paragraphs

On the left-hand side, students will have multiple text boxes. Drag and drop them to the right side in the appropriate order.

2 - 3

Reading: Fill in the blanks

A passage will appear on the screen with several gaps. Pick the right words from the given options to fill in the gaps.

4 - 5

Multiple-choice, single answer

Answer one answer correctly from the given options.


Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. How to improve reading in PTE Academic?

To improve your reading in PTE Academic focus on increasing the speed of reading. Try to skim the given passage and scan major keywords from it. Read the questions before reading the whole content to understand the gist of the context. Read newspapers and magazines daily to improve reading skills.

2. How can I improve my PTE read-aloud fluency?

Students can improve their PTE read-aloud fluency through continuous reading practice. Try to analyse the content you are reading to learn the uses of commas & full stops, correct pronunciations, and the flow of the content. Recording yourself while speaking can help to a great extent.

3. How to get 90 in pte reading?

It is possible to get a 90 PTE reading score. Students who are aiming for a 90 in the PTE reading section should focus accuracy of the content rather than the speed. Practice enough PTE reading materials including mock tests and sample question papers, and focus on effective preparation strategies like content skimming, elimination methods, and proofreading of the text.

4. How do I practice PTE reading?

Students can incorporate the following two ways to practice PTE reading:

  • Use the official PTE resources from the Pearson website including practice tests and sample questions to improve your skills.

  • Use a strategic study approach. Include diverse study materials to improve the quality of your reading. Focus on skimming for information relevant to PTE question types.


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Questions related to PTE Academic

Have a question related to PTE Academic ?

Determining which Test is easier, can vary depending on individual strengths and preferences.

IELTS has a more traditional format with separate sections for listening, reading, writing, and speaking. IELTS use band score ranging from 0 to 9 for each section. Speaking Test is a face to face interview with an examiner. Since speaking Test is scheduled separately, it is more flexible in managing time.

Whereas, PTE is entirely computer based, you may have to listen, and then speak or read and then write. It uses a scale from 10 to 90, with 10 point increments as scoring. Here speaking section involves speaking into a microphone. As there is no human interaction Since it is entirely computer based it requires strict time management skills.

Coming to which Test is easier, some may find IELTS more comfortable because of its traditional structure, including separate sections for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. On the other hand some may prefer the PTE due to its computer based format.

Ultimately it comes down to personal preferences and strengths.

hello dear aspirant!

You must receive a PTE Academic score of at least 42 in order to be qualified for an Australian student visa.

The PTE score required for universities is typically 65, which is also regarded as the lowest PTE score requirement. Sometimes, a candidate's admittance can be guaranteed with a score of 55–60 or even 50.


A minimum score of 65 overall with a minimum score of 65 in each subtest

Proficiency Level








Very Good 79

Very Good 83


hope this information is helpful to you!


Hope you're doing well.

PTE with 6 overall band score is actually not bad. You can get admission from many reputed universities. Some like,

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

University of Ottawa

McGill University

Since 50% of Canada visas are rejected when asked from students. That' a really a big amount of students. If you want to get accepted for visa, work on your SOP, put more effort on your essays, work on your portfolio and keep good grades until now. Get personalized from industry experts. Get your free profile evaluations. Talk to your seniors. Work on your communication skills.

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All the Best!!! You have got a long way to go.

Thank You.

Hello Aspirant

Canada's top provider of English language proficiency exams is PTE Academic. It is the finest option to assist you in obtaining your Letter of Acceptance from a Canadian Designated Learning Institute because it is recognised by the majority of Canadian universities and colleges.

The applicant needs a minimum PTE score of 50 in each section and an aggregate PTE score of 65 to successfully complete a graduate diploma programme or a master's level degree.



Yes, you can apply for the Student Visa. PTE doesn't have any passing score. 65-75 is said to be a good PTE score. But students who got 50 - 63 got accepted in many reputed universities. If you want to pursue a quality education from around the world, nothing can stop you. With your PTE score you can apply for many Australian Universities like,

1. University of Sydney, Sydney.

2. University of Melbourne, Melbourne.

Check their websites for getting more knowledge about the courses and the eligibility criteria.

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