IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified

IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 31, 2024 05:23 AM IST | #IELTS
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IELTS Listening Expert Tips: The famous International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a globally recognized examination that assesses English proficiency for non-native English speakers. Among all its components, the listening section often poses challenges for test-takers, particularly in the form of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs). Needless to say, the IELTS listening band score can often determine the qualifying chances of the candidates and therefore having a really good IELTS listening band score (>34) can give a very good boost to the candidate’s overall band score. In this article, let’s delve into strategies and IELTS tips and tricks to demystify IELTS Listening Multiple choice questions, empowering candidates to approach them with confidence and accuracy.

This Story also Contains
  1. IELTS listening expert tips on multiple choice questions
  2. IELTS listening multiple choice questions
  3. Types of IELTS listening multiple choice questions
  4. Top 5 IELTS listening strategies
  5. Top 6 IELTS Listening Tips for MCQs
  6. IELTS preparation books
  7. IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified Key Takeaways
  8. IELTS practice tests
IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified
IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified

IELTS listening expert tips on multiple choice questions

The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are one of the most frequently asked IELTS listening section question types. The candidates must have a very good understanding of its structure and IELTS listening tips and tricks for band 9 to ace the listening section. All the important information on the IELTS listening section are given in this article

The structure of IELTS listening multiple choice questions

Before figuring out the strategies, it's crucial to understand the fundamental structure of multiple-choice questions in IELTS listening. Here, typically appearing towards the end of the section, MCQs present candidates with a set of questions followed by options, from which they must select the correct answer(s) based on information heard in an audio recording.

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Here we get to see each question is accompanied by three or four options, among which only one is correct. Test-takers need to listen carefully as the questions may contain distractors, which are incorrect options intended to mislead. The questions may be of varying complexity, requiring one to identify synonyms, paraphrases, or specific details within an audio. Multiple choice questions are presented where one must choose the correct answer from a list of options. There are two main types of questions: -

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1. Single questions with a choice of three answers (A, B, or C). Occasionally, there may be four options.

2. List questions, which have a longer list of possible answers and require one to select more than one answer as specified in the question.

IELTS listening multiple choice questions

In the IELTS Listening section, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are the most very commonly asked type of questions. The candidates are required to answer based on the audio that they have listened to. Three options are provided for each question and the candidate is supposed to choose the most favourable option from them.

Types of IELTS listening multiple choice questions

There are three types of IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions

  • Short answer multiple choice questions
  • Sentence completion multiple choice questions
  • List multiple-choice questions
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Short answer multiple choice questions

In the Short answer multiple choice questions, the candidates are asked a question and they must choose the most possible option from the three options.

For example:

What is the central theme of "Spectra"?

A) Romantic relationships in a technological era

B) Exploration of ethical implications of advanced technology

C) Political intrigue in a dystopian future

Sentence completion multiple choice questions

In the Sentence completion multiple choice questions, a statement is given followed by a blank. The candidates must read the options carefully and select the one which is the most appropriate by listening carefully to the audio.

For example:

The integration specialist who resigned is named ____________.

A) Roman

B) Alex

C) Poleman

List multiple-choice questions

In the List multiple-choice questions, the candidates are required to select two or more answers from the given options. Each answer carries a band score and therefore the candidates must select all the relevant options and sticking to just one would not help them to secure the complete marks.

For example:

What additional features do the deluxe rooms at the Grand Majestic Hotel offer?

A. Ocean views

B. Private garden access

C. City views and balconies

D. Food Lounge

E. Cafeteria

F Well furnished Kitchen

G Unlimited Wifi

To have more idea about the IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions and practice listening questions based on it, the candidates are encouraged to download the IELTS Listening MCQs PDFs.

IELTS Listening MCQs eBook.

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Top 5 IELTS listening strategies

Various IELTS listening tips are essential for the success of a candidate in the IELTS listening section. These IELTS listening tips and tricks for band 9 would ensure a better IELTS listening band score for the candidates and help them devise a perfect IELTS listening section strategy that can ensure candidate's good performance in the Multiple Choice Questions that appear in the IELTS listening section. Some of the essential IELTS listening tips are discussed below:

1. Understand The Question

The candidates must go through the question once or twice and understand what is implied in it. This can be simple information such as understanding how many options to select etc. The candidates can also underline any keywords in the question which can help them to solve the questions faster.

2. Search For Keywords

Because the candidates must multitask through listening and answering, the candidates may face slight difficulties in the IELTS listening section. The candidates can look for keywords in the question paper such as an event name, character names and so on which can help them to find the part of the audio where the answer is.

3. Guess The Answers

Guessing the potential answers is an important skill required for IELTS Listening success. The candidates can employ simple strategies such as crossing out wrong options, identifying keywords etc to do this. Also, the candidates must keep in mind that there is no negative marking in the IELTS examination so they must answer all the questions.

4. Watch Out For Distractors

Distractors are used in the IELTS Listening section to invoke confusion and potentially make the candidates choose the wrong answers. For example, consider this statement by a woman “I am thinking of joining the gym on Sunday although the most preferred days are Mondays”. Here the word Mondays is used as a distractor.

5. Practise Efficient Time Management

Judicious use of time is mandatory during the IELTS Listening section. The candidates are supposed to actively listen to the audio and mark their answers simultaneously. This multi-tasking might cause a setback for the candidates and result in a waste of time. The candidates are advised to engage themselves in continuous IELTS Listening practice to ensure that they perform well in the IELTS Listening Section

IELTS Listening practice tests

When it comes to IELTS preparation, continuous practice of IELTS Listening Practice Tests is essential. These IELTS Listening mock Tests not only help the candidates understand the exam structure but also help them manage their time, understand various accents and question types as well as enhance their concentration and focus. Keeping all these factors in mind, Careers360 has curated a set of 5 unique IELTS Listening practice tests which include all that is required by the IELTS aspirants, recordings set under different settings, a variety of accents and a collection of question types.

Top 6 IELTS Listening Tips for MCQs

Now that we have discussed important IELTS listening tips, let us also go through various necessary IELTS listening tips for acing the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for ensuring a better grade in the IELTS listening test.

  • Ultimately Preparation is Key: Familiarizing yourself with the format and types of questions encountered in IELTS Listening MCQs is a must. Regular practice with authentic listening materials, simulating exam conditions to build confidence and proficiency.

  • Always preview the Questions: The best way to start is to before the recording begins, quickly scan through the MCQs to understand the topics and types of information you'll be listening for and this pre-listening phase aids in focusing your attention during the audio. Take note of the question type: single choice with 3 options or list selection with 2 or more answers to identify.

  • Work on Active Listening: During the recording, maintain active engagement by listening attentively for key details, main ideas, and contextual clues. Be careful and take notes of significant keywords or phrases that may assist in answering the questions later. So, we can say that IELTS multiple choice questions listening practice is a must.

  • Try to Identify Distractors: Beware of distractors designed to divert your attention from the correct answer. Always focus on extracting relevant information from the audio and disregard misleading options. Please take note of the following text. Here are some sentences that contain distractors, which are highlighted in the text. A distractor is any word or phrase that alters or corrects the original information provided. As such, you should be careful when listening to the recording as there will likely be some distractors. It's best to mark the answer you believe is correct with a tick, but also pay close attention in case you need to change your answer later on. You are allowed to write as much as you want on your test paper. At the end of the Listening test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

  • For example- "I usually suggest bringing your lunch, but the restaurant is offering complimentary snacks, so there's no need.

  • Clarity with Contextual Understanding: It is like while the recording may not always replicate the exact words from the options, contextual understanding is crucial. Always look for synonyms, paraphrases, or similar meanings to identify the correct answer. Honing your vocabulary skills especially from a contextual point of view is a must for multiple choice questions IELTS listening.

  • Work on elimination Technique: If you are unsure of the correct answer to a question, it can be helpful to systematically eliminate the options that you know are incorrect. This method can increase your chances of selecting the right answer by narrowing down the choices while dealing with IELTS listening multiple-choice questions. When faced with single questions that have a choice of three or four answers, it is common for the options to be similar in some way, in an attempt to trick you. If this is the case, it can be useful to underline any keywords that will help you to work out the difference in meaning between the options. For example, let's say there is a question with multiple options - identifying the keywords can help you distinguish the correct answer from the incorrect one.

  1. You must take a pen.

  2. You can borrow a pen.

  3. A pen will be provided.

  • Work on Time Management: Allocate sufficient time to listen, comprehend, and answer each question effectively. Avoid spending too much time on a single question as the recording progresses continuously.

  • Set a schedule for Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with diverse listening materials enhances your listening skills, familiarity with accents, and ability to decipher different question types and this proactive approach builds confidence and proficiency over time in IELTS multiple choice questions listening practice.

Be careful about Common Traps in the IELTS listening section

In the IELTS examination. the examiners have hidden certain traps such as repeating words and unnecessary additional information to create confusion in the minds of the candidates and thus encouraging them to make mistakes. The candidates must take care of these mind traps and try to minimise the errors in the IELTS listening section. Some of the common traps in the IELTS section are given below.

  • It's important to keep in mind that when you're given three choices, you may hear the speaker discuss all three options, but just because an option is mentioned doesn't necessarily make it correct. You must carefully select the correct answer, not just the first one you hear.

  • The answers to multiple choice questions will often be expressed using synonyms or paraphrasing, so it's important to not just listen for exact matches. Instead, think about how the answer could be rephrased.

  • The three choices provided may look similar in meaning, making it difficult for you to differentiate between them. In such cases, it can be helpful to look for keywords in the different options that allow you to distinguish between them.

  • Remember that IELTS listening multiple choice questions are not only a test of your listening skills but also your reading skills. You'll often have to read more than what's spoken, so it's a good idea to practice underlining the keywords in the questions and quickly understanding the differences between the different options.

IELTS preparation books

Using well-designed IELTS preparation books can really help candidates. At Careers360, we've created our own IELTS preparation materials to support candidates in their exam preparation. We suggest candidates take a look at these materials to get a better understanding of the IELTS exam pattern.


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IELTS Reading Practice Books

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IELTS Speaking Practice Books

IELTS Listening Practice Books

IELTS Preparation Tips 2024 Book

IELTS and TOEFL Vocabulary Guide Book

IELTS Listening Expert Tips: Multiple Choice Questions Demystified Key Takeaways

Achieving success in the IELTS listening multiple choice questions (MCQs) can be accomplished with strategic preparation and diligent practice. Candidates can navigate these questions with confidence and accuracy by understanding the structure of MCQs, using effective listening techniques, and employing targeted strategies. It is important to remember that success in the IELTS listening multiple choice questions depends not only on linguistic proficiency but also on the strategic application of skills. With persistence and dedication, aspirants can unravel the mysteries of IELTS Listening MCQs and achieve their desired scores.

IELTS practice tests

Success is all about practice; there's simply no way around it. This holds just as true for the IELTS exams. With plenty of practice, excellent results are assured.

IELTS reading practice tests

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many options are expected in each multiple-choice question?

Generally, there are three or four options provided.

2. Will the options always be mentioned exactly as in the recording tape?

Not always, synonyms or paraphrases may be used.

3. Can one listen to the recording again to check the answer?

Not at all, the recording is played only once.

4. How should one manage one’s time during the listening test?

One needs to allocate time wisely to ensure you can answer all questions. During the listening test, it's important to manage your time wisely. Try to listen carefully, answer each question as you go, and if you're unsure, make a guess rather than spending too much time on one question.

5. What if someone doesn't know the answer to a question?

Start to eliminate incorrect options or guesswork is the last option. If you don't know the answer to a question in the IELTS test, it's okay. Take your best guess and move on. Don't spend too much time on one question, as there are more questions to answer within the allotted time.


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Questions related to IELTS

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One the most general tips for the preparation of both tests would be to go for a structured approach and understand the format of the tests respectively and work on improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation along with it take regular tests and reviews them. Both have 4 section, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, so all four must be kept in focus, and thus you must plan your time according to your needs and areas of improvement.

Now, for TOEFL, it's recommended to use resources from ETS, that is, official materials and tests.

For IELTS, it's recommended to use resources from IDP, British Council and Cambridge, that give you sample tests and questions.

Wishing an all the very best for the test.

Hello Student,

For the AMC (Australian Medical Council) exam , which assesses international medical graduates for practice in Australia, the IELTS requirement is generally a minimum overall score of 7.0 , with no individual band score below 7.0 (in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

Alternatively, the AMC also accepts equivalent scores from OET, TOEFL iBT, and PTE Academic :

  • OET : A grade of B in all four components.
  • TOEFL iBT : A minimum overall score of 94, with minimum scores of 24 in Listening, 24 in Reading, 27 in Writing, and 23 in Speaking.
  • PTE Academic : A minimum overall score of 65, with a minimum score of 65 in each communicative skill.

Meeting these requirements is essential to proceed with the AMC’s application and registration processes.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


To be eligible for the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams , candidates must demonstrate English .

AMC assessment process :

1. Accepted English Language Tests and Scores

IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) :

Overall band score : 7.0 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

PTE Academic ( Pearson Test of English Academic ) :

Overall score of 65 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

2. Validity of Test Scores

The test results must be no older than two years at the time of submitting your AMC application .

3. Preparation Tips for IELTS

Practice regularly : Build your language skills across all four components .

Take practice exams : practice can help improve speed and accuracy .

professional coaching if needed , specially for writing and speaking , which are often the most challenging part .

Use official IELTS resources : Cambridge IELTS books , online mock tests and other reliable materials can give you an accurate rating  .

4. Application Tips

Ensure that your English test scores are valid and meet the minimum requirements before applying .

Keep a copy of your scores as they may need to be provided to both the AMC and registration authority in Australia .

Hope this helps you .

All the best

If you have completed a master's degree in the UK, you might still need to take the IELTS test to qualify for a Permanent Residency (PR) or Work Visa in Australia. While your degree from an English-speaking country like the UK may demonstrate your proficiency in English, Australian immigration authorities typically require a standardized English language test score, such as IELTS, to assess your language skills formally.

For better guidance, Invicta Institute can provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the specific English language requirements for Australian PR or Work Visa applications. Invicta's experienced counselors can help you navigate the process and determine if your UK degree suffices or if you need to take the IELTS test.

Since you're currently in the first year of your Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), planning ahead for your MBA abroad is a wise decision. The ideal time to take your IELTS exam is during your third year of B.Com. This timing ensures that your IELTS score, which is valid for two years, will still be valid when you apply for MBA programs.

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