IELTS Reading Practice Test 10: Enhance Your Skills with Authentic Exercises

IELTS Reading Practice Test 10: Enhance Your Skills with Authentic Exercises

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 01, 2025 06:02 AM IST | #IELTS
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IELTS  Exam Date : 01 Mar' 2025 - 31 Mar' 2025

The Reading section of the IELTS examination holds significant importance, being one of the most crucial sections of the test. The level of difficulty in this section is contingent on the variety and length of the questions. Typically, the reading section is perceived as more challenging due to the diverse range of questions and the complexity of the passages. With three passages presented in the reading section, attempting the IELTS reading practice test and self-assessment becomes a key strategy for candidates.

This Story also Contains
  1. IELTS 2025 Reading Practice Test 10
  2. Dirty river but clean water
  3. Smell and Memory
  4. Soviet’s New Working Week
IELTS Reading Practice Test 10: Enhance Your Skills with Authentic Exercises
IELTS Reading Practice Test 10: Enhance Your Skills with Authentic Exercises

The Reading section assesses candidates on their attention to detail, grasp of the main idea, comprehension, and understanding of the author's tone and nature. Recognizing that there is no shortcut to success, a committed IELTS Reading practice is indispensable for candidates to excel in the IELTS examination.

IELTS 2025 Reading Practice Test 10

This article provides a wealth of previous year’s IELTS questions along with detailed answers, designed to aid candidates in their IELTS preparation 2025. Without effective IELTS reading, this section can pose significant challenges for candidates. Thus, this article offers a glimpse into what candidates can expect in the Reading section on the exam day.

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There is no doubt that perfection can only be achieved through hard work and constant practice. One of the major aspects throughout a candidate’s preparation journey is their ability to grasp the tips and tricks of the IELTS reading section and apply them to practice it. These tips would essentially equip the candidate with all the necessary insights that are essential to achieving success in the IELTS reading section. Let us study some of the most essential tips for the IELTS Reading section. Understanding the Instructions, Skimming the Passage, Scanning for Keywords, Predicting the Answers, Reading Carefully between the lines to ensure that the candidate does not miss the essential information, Paying Attention to Detail, effective Time Management skills, Practicing Regularly, Learning Vocabulary in Context and Reviewing Answers before submitting.

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Dirty river but clean water

Floods can occur in rivers when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders in the waterway. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are in the natural floodplains of rivers. While riverine flood damage can be eliminated by moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, people have traditionally lived and worked by rivers because the land is usually flat and fertile and because rivers provide easy travel and access to commerce and industry.

A FIRE and flood are two of humanity’s worst nightmares. People have, therefore, always sought to control them. Forest fires are snuffed out quickly. The flow of rivers is regulated by weirs and dams. At least, that is how it used to be. However foresters have learned that forests need fires to clear out the brush and even to get seeds to germinate. And a similar revelation is now dawning on hydrologists. Rivers 一 and the ecosystems they support — need floods. That is why a man-made torrent has been surging down the Grand Canyon. By Thursday, March 6th it was running at full throttle, which was expected to be sustained for 60 hours.

B Floods once raged through the canyon every year. Spring Snow from as far away as Wyoming would melt and swell the Colorado River to a flow that averaged around 1,500 cubic metres (50,000 cubic feet) a second. Every eight years or so, that figure rose to almost 3,000 cubic metres. These floods infused the river with sediment, carved its beaches and built its sandbars.

C However, in the four decades since the building of the Glen Canyon dam, just upstream of the Grand Canyon, the only sediment that it has collected has come from tiny, undammed tributaries. Even that has not been much use as those tributaries are not powerful enough to distribute the sediment in an ecologically valuable way.

D This lack of flooding has harmed local wildlife. The humpback chub, for example, thrived in the rust-red waters of Colorado. Recently, though, its population has crashed. At first sight, it looked as if the reason was that the chub was being eaten by trout introduced for sport fishing in the mid-20th century. But trout and chub co-existed until the Glen Canyon dam was built, so something else is going on. Steve Gloss, of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), reckons that the chub’s decline is the result of their losing their most valuable natural defence, the Colorado’s rusty sediment. The chub was well adapted to the poor visibility created by the thick, red water which gave the river its name and depended on it to hide from predators. Without the cloudy water, the chub became vulnerable.

E And the chub are not alone. In the years since the Glen Canyon dam was built, several species have vanished altogether. These include the Colorado pike-minnow, the razorback sucker and the roundtail chub. Meanwhile, aliens including fathead minnows, channel catfish and common carp, which would have been hard, put to survive in the savage waters of the undammed canyon, have moved in.

F So flooding is the obvious answer. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. Floods were sent down the Grand Canyon in 1996 and 2004 and the results were mixed. In 1996 the flood was allowed to go on too long. To start with, all seemed well. The floodwaters built up sandbanks and infused the river with sediment. Eventually, however, the continued flow washed most of the sediment out of the canyon. This problem was avoided in 2004, but unfortunately, on that occasion, the volume of sand available behind the dam was too low to rebuild the sandbanks. This time, the USGS is convinced that things will be better. The amount of sediment available is three times greater than it was in 2004. So if a flood is going to do some good, this is the time to unleash one.

G Even so, it may turn out to be an empty gesture. At less than 1,200 cubic metres a second, this flood is smaller than even an average spring flood, let alone one of the mightier deluges of the past. Those glorious inundations moved massive quantities of sediment through the Grand Canyon, wiping the slate dirty, and making a muddy mess of silt and muck that would make modern river rafters cringe.

Extracted from - IELTS Reading Practice Sets. Copyright © 2022 by IDP education, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English

Dirty river but clean water Questions

Questions 1-7

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Refer the box given below and answer the questions from 1 to 7 on your answer sheet.


if the statement is true


if the statement is false


if the information is not given in the passage

1. Damage caused by fire is worse than that caused by flood.

2. The flood peaks at almost 1500 cubic meters every eight years.

3. The contribution of sediments delivered by tributaries has little impact.

4. The decreasing number of chubs has always been caused by the introduction of trout since the mid-20th

5. It seemed that the artificial flood in 1996 had achieved success partly at the very beginning

6. In fact, the yield of artificial flood water is smaller than an average natural flood at present.

7. Mighty floods drove fast-moving flows with clean and high-quality water.

Questions 8-13

Complete the summary below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes for questions 8-13 on your answer sheet.

The Eco-Impact of the Canyon Dam

Floods are People's nightmare. In the past, the canyon was raged by flood every year. The snow from far Wyoming would melt in the season of 8………………. and caused a flood flow peak in the Colorado River. In the four decades after people built the Glen Canyon dam, it could only gather 9…………………………………. together from tiny, undammed tributaries.

humpback chub population reduced, why?

Then, several species disappeared including Colorado pike-minnow, 10 ………………… and the round-tail chub. Meanwhile, some moved in such as fathead minnows, channel catfish and 11……………………………… The non-stopped flow led to the washing away of the sediment out of the canyon, which poses a great threat to the chubs because it has poor 12……………………… away from predators. In addition, the volume of 13…………………… available behind the dam was too towed to rebuild the bars and flooding became more serious.

Dirty river but clean water Solutions

1. Answer: NOT GIVEN.

The process to attempt the solution:

Skim the passage to locate information about the severity of damage caused by fire compared to floods.

Identify relevant information about the impact of fire and floods on homes and businesses.

Determine if there is a direct comparison between the severity of damage caused by fire and floods.

The passage does not make a direct comparison, so the answer is marked as NOT GIVEN.

2. Answer: FALSE

The process to attempt the solution:

Look for information about the frequency and peak flow of floods in the passage.

Locate details about the average flow of the Colorado River during floods.

Check if there is specific information indicating that the flood peaks at almost 1500 cubic meters every eight years.

The passage mentions the average flow but not a specific peak at almost 1500 cubic meters every eight years, so the answer is marked as FALSE.

3. Answer: TRUE

The process to attempt the solution:

Search for information about the contribution of sediments delivered by tributaries and their impact.

Identify if the passage suggests that the sediments from undammed tributaries have little impact.

Verify if the sediments from these tributaries are not distributed in an ecologically valuable way.

The passage supports the statement that the contribution of sediments from tributaries has little impact, so the answer is marked as TRUE.

4. Answer: FALSE

The process to attempt the solution:

Locate information about the decline in the humpback chub population.

Check if the passage attributes the decline solely to the introduction of trout since the mid-20th century.

Consider other factors mentioned in the passage that might contribute to the decline.

The passage indicates that the decline is not solely due to the introduction of trout, so the answer is marked as FALSE.

5. Answer: TRUE

The process to attempt the solution:

Find information about the artificial flood in 1996 and its outcomes.

Determine if there was initial success with the flood before any complications arose.

Check if the passage suggests that the flood in 1996 seemed successful at the very beginning.

The passage confirms that the flood in 1996 seemed successful at the beginning, so the answer is marked as TRUE

6. Answer: TRUE

The process to attempt the solution:

Investigate information about the current artificial flood in the Grand Canyon.

Compare the yield of artificial floodwater to the average natural flood.

Determine if the passage provides information indicating that the artificial floodwater yield is smaller at present.

The passage supports the statement that the current artificial flood is smaller than an average natural flood, so the answer is marked as TRUE.

7. Answer: NOT GIVEN.

The process to attempt the solution:

Search for information about the characteristics of mighty floods in the passage.

Determine if mighty floods drove fast-moving flows with clean and high-quality water.

Check if there is specific information supporting the cleanliness and quality of water during mighty floods.

The passage does not provide information on the cleanliness or quality of the water, so the answer is marked as NOT GIVEN.

8. Answer: spring

The process to attempt the solution:

Locate information about the occurrence of floods and the specific seasons mentioned in the passage.

Identify where the passage discusses the season when floods, caused by the melting snow, occurred.

The passage mentions "spring snow," indicating that the floods occurred during the spring season.

9. Answer: sediment

The process to attempt the solution:

Search for information about the gathering of material by the Glen Canyon Dam.

Identify the substance that the dam was supposed to collect from undammed tributaries.

The passage mentions the dam collecting sediment from tiny, undammed tributaries.

10. Answer: razorback sucker

The process to attempt the solution:

Look for information about species that disappeared after the construction of the Glen Canyon dam.

Identify a specific species mentioned in the passage that vanished.

The passage mentions the disappearance of the Colorado pike minnow, the razorback sucker, and the roundtail chub.

11. Answer: common carp

The process to attempt the solution:

Search for information about species that moved in after the construction of the dam.

Identify specific species mentioned in the passage that were introduced.

The passage mentions aliens, including fathead minnows, channel catfish, and common carp, moving in.

12. Answer: visibility

The process to attempt the solution:

Locate information about the poor quality of water affecting the chubs.

Identify the characteristics of the water mentioned in relation to the chubs' visibility.

The passage mentions the poor visibility created by the thick, red water, affecting the chubs.

13. Answer: sandbanks

The process to attempt the solution:

Find information about the volume of something behind the dam affecting flooding.

Identify what the passage states was insufficient, leading to more serious flooding.

The passage mentions the volume of sand available behind the dam being too low to rebuild the sandbars.


The passage explains the vital role of floods in restoring the Colorado River's ecosystem, particularly in the Grand Canyon. It is valuable for IELTS Reading practice, focusing on True/False/Not Given questions assessing comprehension of flood-related details and sentence completion questions regarding factors influencing controlled floods. These question types align with the IELTS Reading format. Overall, this passage is a valuable resource for mastering these question types.

Smell and Memory


Why does the scent of a fragrance or the mustiness of an old trunk trigger such powerful memories of childhood? New research has the answer, writes Alexandra Witze.

A You probably pay more attention to a newspaper with your eyes than with your nose. But lift the paper to your nostrils and inhale. The smell of newsprint might carry you back to your childhood when your parents perused the paper on Sunday mornings. Or maybe some other smell takes you back- the scent of your mother’s perfume, the pungency of a driftwood campfire. Specific odours can spark a flood of reminiscences. Psychologists call it the “Proustian phenomenon “, after French novelist Marcel Proust. Near the beginning of the masterpiece In Search of Lost Time, Proust’s narrator dunks a madeleine cookie into a cup of tea – and the scent and taste unleash a torrent of childhood memories for 3000 pages.

B Now, this phenomenon is getting the scientific treatment. Neuroscientist Rachel Herz, a cognitive neuroscientist at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, has discovered, for instance, how sensory memories are shared across the brain, with different brain regions remembering the sights, smells, tastes and sounds of a particular experience. Meanwhile, psychologists have demonstrated that memories triggered by smells can be more emotional, as well as more detailed than memories not related to smells. When you inhale, odour molecules set brain cells dancing within a region known as the amygdala, a part of the brain that helps control emotion. In contrast, the other senses, such as taste or touch, get routed through other parts of the brain before reaching the amygdala. The direct link between odours and the amygdala may help explain the emotional potency of smells. “There is this unique connection between the sense of smell and the part of the brain that processes emotion,” says Rachel Herz.

C But the links don’t stop there. Like an octopus reaching its tentacles outward, the memory of smells affects other brain regions as well. In recent experiments, neuroscientists at University College London (UCL) asked 15 volunteers to look at pictures while smelling unrelated odours. For instance, the subjects might see a photo of a duck paired with the scent of a rose, and then be asked to create a story linking the two. Brain scans taken at the time revealed that the volunteers’ brains were particularly active in a region known as the olfactory cortex, which is known to be involved in processing smells. Five minutes later, the volunteers were shown the duck photo again, but without the rose smell. And in their brains, the olfactory cortex lit up again, the scientists reported recently. The fact that the olfactory cortex became active in the absence of the odour suggests that people’s sensory memory of events is spread across different brain regions. Imagine going on a seaside holiday, says UCL team leader, Jay Gottfried. The sight of the waves becomes stored in one area, whereas the crash of the surf goes elsewhere, and the smell of seaweed in yet another place. There could be advantages to having memories spread around the brain. “You can reawaken that memory from any one of the sensory triggers,” says Gottfried. ’’Maybe the smell of the sun lotion, or a particular sound from that day, or the sight of a rock formation.” Or – in the case of an early hunter and gatherer ( out on a plain – the sight of a lion might be trigger the urge to flee, rather than having to wait for the sound of its roar and the stench of its hide to kick in as well.

D Remembered smells may also carry extra emotional baggage, says Herz. Her research suggests that memories triggered by odours are more emotional than memories triggered by other cues. In one recent study, Herz recruited five volunteers who had vivid memories associated with a particular perfume, such as Opium for Women and Juniper Breeze from Bath and Body Works. She took images of the volunteers’ brains as they sniffed that perfume and an unrelated perfume without knowing which was which. (They were also shown photos of each perfume bottle.) Smelling the specified perfume activated the volunteers' brains the most, particularly in the amygdala, and in a region called the hippocampus, which helps in memory formation. Herz published the work earlier this year in the journal Neuropsychologia.

E But she couldn’t be sure that the other senses wouldn’t also elicit a strong response. So in another study Herz compared smells with sounds and pictures. She had 70 people describe an emotional memory involving three items – popcorn, fresh-cut grass and a campfire. Then they compared the items through sights, sounds and smells. For instance, the person might see a picture of a lawnmower, then sniff the scent of grass and finally listen to the lawnmower’s sound. Memories triggered by smell were more evocative than memories triggered by either sights or sounds.

F Odour-evoked memories may be not only more emotional but more detailed as well. Working with colleague John Downes, psychologist Simon Chu of the University of Liverpool started researching odour and memory partly because of his grandmother’s stories about Chinese culture. As generations gathered to share oral histories, they would pass a small pot of spice or incense around; later, when they wanted to remember the story in as much detail as possible, they would pass the same smell around again. “It kind of fits with a lot of anecdotal evidence on how smells can be really good reminders of past experiences,” Chu says. And scientific research seems to bear out the anecdotes. In one experiment, Chu and Downes asked 42 volunteers to tell a life story, then tested to see whether odours such as coffee and cinnamon could help them remember more detail in the story. They could.

G Despite such studies, not everyone is convinced that Proust can be scientifically analysed. In the June issue of Chemical Senses, Chu and Downes exchanged critiques with renowned perfumer and chemist J. Stephan Jellinek. Jellinek chided the Liverpool researchers for, among other things, presenting the smells and asking the volunteers to think of memories, rather than seeing what memories were spontaneously evoked by the odours. But there’s only so much science can do to test a phenomenon that’s inherently different for each person, Chu says. Meanwhile, Jellinek has also been collecting anecdotal accounts of Proustian experiences, hoping to find some there is a case to be made that surprise may be a major aspect of the Proust phenomenon,” he says. “That’s why people are so struck by these memories” No one knows whether Proust ever experienced such a transcendental moment. But his notions of memory, written as fiction nearly a century ago, continue to inspire scientists of today.

Extracted from - IELTS Reading Practice Sets. Copyright © 2022 by IDP education, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English

Smell and Memory Questions

Questions 14-18

Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-C) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-C in boxes for questions 14-18 on your answer sheet.

NB you may use any letter more than once

A Rachel Herz

B Simon Chu

C Jay Gottfried

14. The found pattern of different sensory memories is stored in various zones of the brain.

15. Smell brings detailed events under the smell of certain substances.

16. The connection of smell and certain zones of the brain is different from that of other senses.

17. Diverse locations of stored information help us keep away the hazard.

18. There is no necessary correlation between smell and the processing zone of the brain.

Questions 19-22

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

19. What does the experiment conducted by Herz show?

A. Women are more easily addicted to opium medicine

B. Smell is superior to other senses in connection to the brain

C. Smell is more important than other senses

D. Amygdala is part of the brain that stores processes memory

20. What does the second experiment conducted by Herz suggest?

A. Result directly conflicts with the first one

B. The result of her first experiment is correct

C. Sights and sounds trigger memories at an equal level

D. Lawnmower is a perfect example an experiment

21. What is the outcome of an experiment conducted by Chu and Downes?

A. smell is the only function under Chinese tradition

B. half of the volunteers told detailed stories

C. smells of certain odours to assist storytellers

D. odours of cinnamon are stronger than those of coffee

22. What is the comment of Jellinek to Chu and Downers on the issue of Chemical Senses:

A. Jellinek accused their experiment of being unscientific

B. Ellinek thought Liverpool was not a suitable place for the experiment

C. Jellinek suggested that there was no further clue of what specific memories aroused

D. Jellinek stated that the experiment could be remedied

Questions 23-26

Instructions to follow

Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet.


In the experiments conducted by UCL, participants were asked to look at a picture with the scent of a flower, then in the next stage, everyone would have to 23 ____________ for a connection. A method called 24 ___________ suggested that specific areas of the brain named 25 ____________were quite active. Then in another paralleled experiment about Chinese elders, storytellers could recall detailed anecdotes when smelling a bowl of 26 _____________or incense around

Smell And Memory Solutions

14. Answer: A. Rachel Herz

The process to attempt the solution: Skim the passage to identify the neuroscientist who discovered patterns of different sensory memories stored in various brain regions. The passage mentions Rachel Herz as a neuroscientist at Brown University who studied how sensory memories are shared across the brain, supporting the conclusion that she found such patterns.

15. Answer: B. Simon Chu

Process to attempt the solution: Locate information in the passage about who conducted experiments related to smells, sounds, and pictures. The text implies that Simon Chu of the University of Liverpool conducted experiments to explore how smells evoke detailed memories, supporting the conclusion that he is associated with this finding.

16. Answer: A. Rachel Herz

Process to attempt the solution: Look for information in the passage about the unique connection between the sense of smell and a specific part of the brain that processes emotion. The passage indicates that Rachel Herz, a neuroscientist, discussed the unique connection between smell and the amygdala, supporting the conclusion that she is associated with this finding.

17. Answer: C. Jay Gottfried

Process to attempt the solution: Find information in the passage about the advantages of memories being spread across different brain regions. The text suggests that Jay Gottfried, a neuroscientist at University College London (UCL), discussed how memories stored in diverse locations can be advantageous, supporting the conclusion that he is associated with this finding.

18. Answer: C. Jay Gottfried

Process to attempt the solution: Search for information in the passage about the correlation between smell and a specific processing zone of the brain. The text suggests that Jay Gottfried, a neuroscientist at UCL, discussed the lack of necessary correlation between smell and a specific processing zone of the brain, supporting the conclusion that he is associated with this finding.

19. Answer: D. Amygdala is part of the brain that stores processes memory

The process to attempt the solution:

Carefully read the passage to find information about the experiment conducted by Herz.

Identify the key findings of the experiment, specifically related to the role of the amygdala.

Conclude that the experiment shows the involvement of the amygdala in storing and processing memory.

20. Answer: B. Result of her first experiment is correct

The process to attempt the solution:

Revisit the section in the passage discussing Herz's second experiment.

Analyze the results and determine the implication of the second experiment on the findings of the first experiment.

Conclude that the second experiment suggests the correctness of the results of her first experiment.

21. Answer: C. Smells of certain odours assist storytellers

The process to attempt the solution:

Locate the relevant information about the experiment conducted by Chu and Downes.

Identify the outcome of the experiment, specifically related to the role of smells.

Conclude that the outcome suggests that smells of certain odours assist storytellers.

22. Answer: C. Jellinek suggested that there was no further clue of what specific memories aroused

The process to attempt the solution:

Examine the section where Jellinek's comment is discussed in relation to Chu and Downes' experiment.

Understand Jellinek's perspective on the experiment and what he suggests about specific memories.

Conclude that Jellinek suggested a lack of further clues about specific memories aroused in the experiment.

23. Answer: create a story

The process to attempt the solution:

Identify the experiment mentioned in the passage where participants were asked to look at a picture with the scent of a flower.

Understand that in the next stage, everyone would have to create a story for a connection.

24. Answer: Brain scans

The process to attempt the solution:

Recognize the method used in the experiment conducted by UCL.

Understand that brain scans were taken at the time of the experiment.

25. Answer: olfactory cortex

The process to attempt the solution:

Identify the specific brain region mentioned in the passage that became particularly active in the experiment conducted by UCL.

Understand that this region is known as the olfactory cortex.

26. Answer: Spice

The process to attempt the solution:

Recall the experiment mentioned in the passage about Chinese elders.

Understand that storytellers could recall detailed anecdotes when smelling a bowl of spice or incense around.


This passage, in the context of IELTS Reading, explores the complex connection between smell and memory. Addressing the "Proustian phenomenon," the discussion aligns with IELTS Reading standards, offering insights into sensory memories and their impact on emotional recall. The note emphasizes the scientific treatment of this phenomenon, correlating with IELTS reading practice. It touches upon neuroscientific research, such as studies on the amygdala's role, and compares the evocative nature of smells to sounds and pictures—a relevant aspect of IELTS academic reading practice. The passage's exploration of cultural practices, anecdotal evidence, and debates on scientific analysis resonates with the diverse themes encountered in IELTS reading exam practice online. The note thus provides a comprehensive overview, connecting the passage's content to the IELTS reading context.

Soviet’s New Working Week

Historian investigates how Stalin changed the calendar to keep the Soviet people continually at work.

A “There are no fortresses that Bolsheviks cannot storm”. With these words, Stalin expressed the dynamic self-confidence of the Soviet Union’s Five Year Plan: weak and backward Russia was to turn overnight into a powerful modern industrial country. Between 1928 and 1932, production of coal, iron and steel increased at a fantastic rate, and new industrial cities sprang up, along with the world’s biggest dam. Everyone’s life was affected, as collectivised farming drove millions from the land to swell the industrial proletariat. Private enterprise disappeared in city and country, leaving the State supreme under the dictatorship of Stalin. Unlimited enthusiasm was the mood of the day, with the Communists believing that iron will and hard-working manpower alone would bring about a new world.

B Enthusiasm spread to time itself, in the desire to make the state a huge efficient machine, where not a moment would be wasted, especially in the workplace. Lenin had already been intrigued by the ideas of the American Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), whose time-motion studies had discovered ways of streamlining effort so that every worker could produce the maximum. The Bolsheviks were also great admirers of Henry Ford’s assembly line mass production and of his Fordson tractors that were imported by the thousands. The engineers who came with them to train their users helped spread what became a real cult of Ford. Emulating and surpassing such capitalist models formed part of the training of the new Soviet Man, a heroic figure whose unlimited capacity for work would benefit everyone in the dynamic new society. All this culminated in the Plan, which has been characterized as the triumph of the machine, where workers would become supremely efficient robot-like creatures.

C Yet this was Communism whose goals had always included improving the lives of the proletariat. One major step in that direction was the sudden announcement in 1927 that reduced the working day from eight to seven hours. In January 1929, all Indus-tries were ordered to adopt the shorter day by the end of the Plan. Workers were also to have an extra hour off on the eve of Sundays and holidays. Typically though, the state took away more than it gave, for this was part of a scheme to increase production by establishing a three-shift system. This meant that the factories were open day and night and that many had to work at highly undesirable hours.

D Hardly had that policy been announced, though, then Yuri Larin, who had been a close associate of Lenin and architect of his radical economic policy, came up with an idea for even greater efficiency. Workers were free and plants were closed on Sundays. Why not abolish that wasted day by instituting a continuous work week so that the machines could operate to their full capacity every day of the week? When Larin presented his idea to the Congress of Soviets in May 1929, no one paid much attention. Soon after, though, he got the ear of Stalin, who approved. Suddenly, in June, the Soviet press was filled with articles praising the new scheme. In August, the Council of Peoples’ Commissars ordered that the continuous work week be brought into immediate effect, during the height of enthusiasm for the Plan, whose goals the new schedule seemed guaranteed to forward.

E The idea seemed simple enough but turned out to be very complicated in practice. Obviously, the workers couldn’t be made to work seven days a week, nor should their total work hours be increased. The solution was ingenious: a new five-day week would have the workers on the job for four days, with the fifth day free; holidays would be reduced from ten to five, and the extra hour off on the eve of rest days would be abolished. Staggering the rest days between groups of workers meant that each worker would spend the same number of hours on the job, but the factories would be working a full 360 days a year instead of 300. The 360 divided neatly into 72 five-day weeks. Workers in each establishment (at first factories, then stores and offices) were divided into five groups, each assigned a colour which appeared on the new Uninterrupted Work Week calendars distributed all over the country. Colour coding was a valuable mnemonic device since workers might have trouble remembering what their day off was going to be, for it would change every week. A glance at the colour on the calendar would reveal the free day, and allow workers to plan their activities. This system, however, did not apply to construction or seasonal occupations, which followed a six-day week, or to factories or mines which had to close regularly for maintenance: they also had a six-day week, whether interrupted (with the same day off for everyone) or continuous. In all cases, though, Sunday was treated like any other day.

F Official propaganda touted the material and cultural benefits of the new scheme. Workers would get more rest; production and employment would increase (for more workers would be needed to keep the factories running continuously); the standard of living would improve. Leisure time would be more rationally employed, for cultural activities (theatre, clubs, sports) would no longer have to be crammed into a weekend, but could flourish every day, with their facilities far less crowded. Shopping would be easier for the same reasons. Ignorance and superstition, as represented by organized religion, would suffer a mortal blow, since 80 per cent of the workers would be on the job on any given Sunday. The only objection concerned the family, where normally more than one member was working: well, the Soviets insisted, the narrow family was far less important than the vast common good and besides, arrangements could be made for husband and wife to share a common schedule. In fact, the regime had long wanted to weaken or sideline the two greatest potential threats to its total dominance: organised religion and the nuclear family. Religion succumbed, but the family, as even Stalin finally had to admit, proved much more resistant.

G The continuous work week was hailed as a Utopia where time itself was conquered and the sluggish Sunday abolished forever, spread like an epidemic. According to official figures, 63 per cent of industrial workers were so employed by April 1930; in June, all industry was ordered to convert during the next year. The fad reached its peak in October when it affected 73 per cent of workers. In fact, many managers simply claimed that their factories had gone over to the new week, without actually applying it. Conforming to the demands of the Plan was important; practical matters could wait. By then, though, problems were becoming obvious. Most seriously (though never officially admitted), the workers hated it. Coordination of family schedules was virtually impossible and usually ignored, so husbands and wives only saw each other before or after work; rest days were empty without any loved ones to share them 一 even friends were likely to be on a different schedule. Confusion reigned: the new plan was introduced haphazardly, with some factories operating five-, six- and seven-day weeks at the same time, and the workers often not getting their rest days at all.

H The Soviet government might have ignored all that (It didn’t depend on public approval), but the new week was far from having the vaunted effect on production. With the complicated rotation system, the work teams necessarily found themselves doing different kinds of work in successive weeks. Machines, no longer consistently in the hands of people who knew how to tend them, were often poorly maintained or even broken. Workers lost a sense of responsibility for the special tasks they had normally performed.

I As a result, the new week started to lose ground. Stalin’s speech of June 1931, which criticised the “depersonalised labour” its too hasty application had brought, marked the beginning of the end. In November, the government ordered the widespread adoption of the six-day week, which had its own calendar, with regular breaks on the 6th, 12th, 18th,24th, and 30th, with Sunday usually as a working day. By July 1935, only 26 per cent of workers still followed the continuous schedule, and the six-day week was soon on its way out. Finally, in 1940, as part of the general reversion to more traditional methods, both the continuous five-day week and the novel six-day week were abandoned, and Sunday returned as the universal day of rest. A bold but typically ill-conceived experiment was at an end.

Extracted from - IELTS Reading Practice Sets. Copyright © 2022 by IDP education, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English

Soviet’s New Working Week Questions

Questions 27-34

Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs A-I.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-xii in boxes 27-34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings


Benefits of the new scheme and its resistance


Making use of the once-wasted weekends


Cutting work hours for better efficiency


Optimism of the great future


Negative effects on the production itself


Soviet Union’s five-year plan


The abolishment of the new work-week scheme


The Ford model


Reaction from factory workers and their families


The colour-coding scheme


Establishing a three-shift system


Foreign inspiration

27 Paragraph A

28 Paragraph B

29 Paragraph D

30 Paragraph E

31 Paragraph F

32 Paragraph G

33 Paragraph H

34 Paragraph I

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Write your answers in boxes for questions 35- 37 on your answer sheet.

35. According to paragraph A, the Soviet’s five-year plan was a success because

A. Bolsheviks built a strong fortress.

B. Russia was weak and backward.

C. industrial production increased.

D. Stalin was confident about the Soviet’s potential.

36. Daily working hours were cut from eight to seven to

A. improve the lives of all people.

B. boost industrial productivity.

C. get rid of undesirable work hours.

D. change the already established three-shift work system.

37. Many factory managers claimed to have complied with the demands of the new work week because

A. They were pressured by the state to do so.

B. they believed there would not be any practical problems.

C. they were able to apply it.

D. workers hated the new plan.

Questions 38- 40

Answer the questions below using NOT MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes for questions 38- 40 on your answer sheet.

38. Whose idea of a continuous work week did Stalin approve and helped to implement?

39. What method was used to help workers to remember the rotation of their off days?

40. What was the most resistant force to the new workweek scheme?

Soviet's New Working Week Solutions

27 Answer: iv - Optimism of the great future

Process to attempt the solution: Identify the main theme of Paragraph A, which discusses the optimism and goals of the Soviet Union during the Five Year Plan.

28 Answer: xii - Foreign inspiration

The process to attempt the solution: Look for information in Paragraph B that mentions the influence of American Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford's ideas on the Soviet Union.

29 Answer: ii - Making use of the once-wasted weekends

The process to attempt the solution: Focus on the content of Paragraph D, which introduces the idea of continuous workweeks and the suggestion to abolish the Sunday holiday.

30 Answer: x - The colour-coding scheme

The process to attempt the solution: Explore the details in Paragraph E regarding the solution to the continuous workweek, which involves a new five-day week and the introduction of a colour-coding scheme.

31 Answer: i - Benefits of the new scheme and its resistance

The process to attempt the solution: Understand the content of Paragraph F, which discusses the propaganda promoting the benefits of the new scheme and the resistance it faced.

32 Answer: ix - Reaction from factory workers and their families

Process to attempt the solution: Examine the information in Paragraph G, which talks about the reaction of workers and their families to the continuous workweek.

33 Answer: v - Negative effects on the production itself

Process to attempt the solution: Identify the details in Paragraph H that discuss the negative effects of the continuous workweek on production and worker efficiency.

34 Answer: vii - The abolishment of the new work-week scheme

The process to attempt the solution: Focus on the information in Paragraph I, which discusses the decline of the continuous workweek and its eventual abolishment.

35. Answer: C. Industrial production increased

The process to attempt the solution:

Revisit paragraph A, which discusses the success of the Soviet Union's Five-Year Plan.

Analyze the information related to the achievements during the Five Year Plan, focusing on industrial production.

Conclude that the success mentioned in the paragraph is attributed to the significant increase in industrial production.

36. Answer: B. Boost industrial productivity

The process to attempt the solution:

Examine paragraph C, which discusses the reduction of daily working hours from eight to seven.

Understand the purpose behind this reduction and its implications, especially in relation to industrial productivity.

Conclude that the reduction in working hours was implemented to enhance industrial productivity and efficiency.

37. Answer: A. They were pressurized by the state to do so

The process to attempt the solution:

Investigate paragraph G to determine why many factory managers claimed compliance with the new workweek and the reasons behind their claims.

Analyze the information about the state's role in pressurizing factory managers.

Conclude that the paragraph suggests that many factory managers complied due to pressure from the state.

38. Answer: Yuri Larin

The process to attempt the solution:

Refer to paragraph D, which discusses the introduction of the continuous work week.

Identify the individual whose idea Stalin approved and implemented.

Conclude that Yuri Larin's idea was approved by Stalin and implemented.

39. Answer: Colour-coding

The Process to attempt the solution:

Investigate paragraph E, which discusses the implementation of the continuous work week.

Identify the method mentioned for helping workers remember the rotation of their off days.

Conclude that colour-coding was used as a mnemonic device.

40. Answer: The family

The process to attempt the solution:

Examine paragraph G, which discusses objections to the continuous work week.

Identify the most resistant force to the new workweek scheme.

Conclude that the family was the most resistant force to the new workweek scheme.


This passage deeply discusses the historical experiment of altering the workweek in the Soviet Union under Stalin's regime, shedding light on the challenges and consequences of such a drastic change. Aligned with IELTS Reading standards, the discussion encompasses the socio-political context of the Soviet Union during the Five Year Plan, connecting it with the broader themes encountered in IELTS reading practice tests. The note highlights the ambitious goals, including industrialisation and collectivized farming, reflecting the comprehensive nature of IELTS academic reading practice. The implementation of the continuous workweek, its impact on workers' lives, and the subsequent struggles are detailed, providing a complete understanding for those engaging in IELTS reading exam practice online. The note addresses the propaganda, practical issues, and eventual abandonment of the experiment, offering a comprehensive overview relevant to IELTS reading exam practice.



Passage - 1 (Dirty River but Clean Water)

Passage - 2 (Smell and Memory)

Passage - 3 (Soviet’s New Working Week)

Understanding the Passage

Focus on the impact of dam construction, lack of floods, and its effects on wildlife.

Explore the connection between smells and memory, examining the Proustian phenomenon.

Investigate how Stalin changed the calendar to keep Soviet people continually at work.

Time Management

Understand the historical context of floods in the Grand Canyon and their impact on wildlife.

Delve into the neuroscience of sensory memories and the emotional potency of smells.

Explore the shift in the Soviet workweek, from a five-day continuous week to a six-day week.

Vocabulary Skills

Familiarize yourself with terms like "Glen Canyon dam," "sediment," and "ecologically valuable."

Understand terms like "Proustian phenomenon," "amygdala," and "olfactory cortex."

Recognize terms like "Five Year Plan," "continuous work week," and "depersonalized labour."

Identifying Key Ideas

Key ideas: Impact of dam construction on sediment, decline in wildlife, and need for floods.

Key ideas: The Proustian phenomenon, neuroscience of smells, and emotional potency.

Key ideas: Transition from a seven-hour to a five-day continuous work week, challenges, and its end.

Understanding Tone

Observe the tone regarding the negative impact of dam construction on the Grand Canyon ecosystem.

Understand the tone related to the power of smells in triggering memories.

Recognize the enthusiastic tone related to the Soviet workweek changes and its eventual challenges.

Multiple Choice Questions

Focus on details about the lack of floods, the impact on wildlife, and proposed solutions.

Identify details about the Proustian phenomenon, sensory memories, and brain regions involved.

Pay attention to details about the introduction, challenges, and abandonment of the continuous work week.

True/False/Not Given

Evaluate statements related to the negative impact of dam construction on the Grand Canyon ecosystem.

Assess statements about the emotional potency of smells and their impact on memory.

Determine the accuracy of statements related to the introduction, challenges, and abandonment of the continuous work week.


Many candidates are confused about whether attempting IELTS practice tests is worthwhile. The answer is yes! Practice is key to mastering the test's challenges. Regular engagement with IELTS practice tests significantly enhances the chances of success in the exam.


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About the Author:
Pooja Aggarwal is an experienced trainer with over 15 years of expertise in helping students achieve their educational goals. With a degree in Education, she focuses on clear, patient, and personalised instruction. Her approach has successfully guided students from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for both Academic and General Training modules of various exams in a supportive and engaging environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who meets the eligibility criteria to take the IELTS exam?

The eligibility criteria for taking the IELTS exam normally require candidates to be at least 16 years old, although this can vary depending on the rules of individual test centres. Additionally, specific institutions such as universities may have their own eligibility requirements regarding the IELTS exam, which candidates should verify beforehand.

2. How can I practice IELTS reading?

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1) First of all you should choose a good practice book.
2) You should understand the IELTS reading test format.
3) You should take the practice test which helps you to know your strengths and weaknesses.
4) Work on your weaker areas.
5) You should practice under exam conditions to score well in the reading section.

3. How can I get a 9 in IELTS reading?

Follow the below tips to score 9 bands in the IELTS reading:
1) First of all, you should read the instructions carefully.
2) Don’t try to understand every word. Don’t worry if you see unfamiliar text or words every answer can be found in the text
3) You should read and understand only the main idea.
4) Spelling should be checked carefully before writing on the answer sheet.
5) As there is no negative marking in the paper you should answer all the questions.
6) You should follow your own technique to find the answers. 

4. Has anyone got a 10 in IELTS?

No, the highest band score in IELTS is 9.0 so nobody can reach to 10 band in IELTS.


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Questions related to IELTS

Have a question related to IELTS ?


It depends on the university you are applying to. Most German universities do not require GATE for admission to a Master's in Biotechnology. However, some universities may ask for the GRE , especially if you are applying to a highly competitive program.

You should check the specific admission requirements of the universities you are interested in. Generally, having IELTS (or TOEFL) and a German language proficiency certificate (if the course is in German) is enough.

Hope it helps !


One the most general tips for the preparation of both tests would be to go for a structured approach and understand the format of the tests respectively and work on improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation along with it take regular tests and reviews them. Both have 4 section, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, so all four must be kept in focus, and thus you must plan your time according to your needs and areas of improvement.

Now, for TOEFL, it's recommended to use resources from ETS, that is, official materials and tests.

For IELTS, it's recommended to use resources from IDP, British Council and Cambridge, that give you sample tests and questions.

Wishing an all the very best for the test.

Hello Student,

For the AMC (Australian Medical Council) exam , which assesses international medical graduates for practice in Australia, the IELTS requirement is generally a minimum overall score of 7.0 , with no individual band score below 7.0 (in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

Alternatively, the AMC also accepts equivalent scores from OET, TOEFL iBT, and PTE Academic :

  • OET : A grade of B in all four components.
  • TOEFL iBT : A minimum overall score of 94, with minimum scores of 24 in Listening, 24 in Reading, 27 in Writing, and 23 in Speaking.
  • PTE Academic : A minimum overall score of 65, with a minimum score of 65 in each communicative skill.

Meeting these requirements is essential to proceed with the AMC’s application and registration processes.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


To be eligible for the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams , candidates must demonstrate English .

AMC assessment process :

1. Accepted English Language Tests and Scores

IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) :

Overall band score : 7.0 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

PTE Academic ( Pearson Test of English Academic ) :

Overall score of 65 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

2. Validity of Test Scores

The test results must be no older than two years at the time of submitting your AMC application .

3. Preparation Tips for IELTS

Practice regularly : Build your language skills across all four components .

Take practice exams : practice can help improve speed and accuracy .

professional coaching if needed , specially for writing and speaking , which are often the most challenging part .

Use official IELTS resources : Cambridge IELTS books , online mock tests and other reliable materials can give you an accurate rating  .

4. Application Tips

Ensure that your English test scores are valid and meet the minimum requirements before applying .

Keep a copy of your scores as they may need to be provided to both the AMC and registration authority in Australia .

Hope this helps you .

All the best

If you have completed a master's degree in the UK, you might still need to take the IELTS test to qualify for a Permanent Residency (PR) or Work Visa in Australia. While your degree from an English-speaking country like the UK may demonstrate your proficiency in English, Australian immigration authorities typically require a standardized English language test score, such as IELTS, to assess your language skills formally.

For better guidance, Invicta Institute can provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the specific English language requirements for Australian PR or Work Visa applications. Invicta's experienced counselors can help you navigate the process and determine if your UK degree suffices or if you need to take the IELTS test.

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