PTE Listening Practice Test: Format, Question Types, Tips and Benefits

PTE Listening Practice Test: Format, Question Types, Tips and Benefits

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 11, 2025 06:10 PM IST | #PTE Academic

PTE Listening Practice Set 2025: The PTE listening practice set of questions enables the candidates to practice all the different question types in the PTE listening section. As there are different levels of questions in the PTE listening section, students have to be focused and attentive so that they can score high in the PTE listening section. PTE listening practice tests should be attempted regularly so that the students are in the habit of listening to the English language, improving their skills, identifying their weaknesses, and also achieving success within a short duration of time. PTE listening practice set free version is available on many third-party sites and students can use those PTE listening practice tests either online or offline that come along with a CD of the audio transcripts.

This Story also Contains
  1. PTE Exam Listening Section 2025
  2. PTE Academic Exam Listening Section Format 2025
  3. PTE Listening Section Evaluation Criteria 2025
  4. Benefits of Using PTE Exam Listening Practice Tests
  5. How to Effectively Use PTE Listening Practice Tests 2025?
  6. Tips for PTE Listening Practice 2025
  7. Common Mistakes to Avoid During PTE Listening Practice
PTE Listening Practice Test: Format, Question Types, Tips and Benefits
PTE Listening Practice Test: Format, Question Types, Tips and Benefits

PTE Exam Listening Section 2025

The PTE listening section has many types of questions that are evaluated in an integrated manner along with other sections of the PTE exam. The sectional PTE listening practice tests help students analyze their overall listening scores as the PTE listening practice tests have all questions that are evaluated under the listening section, even if they come under the category of different sections of the PTE exam.

PTE Academic Exam Listening Section Format 2025

The PTE listening practice test will help students be aware of the exact exam structure of the PTE listening section. The PTE listening section format 2025 is:

PTE Test Format 2025

Task Type

Number of Tasks

Task description

Skills Assessed

Text /Recording length

Summarize spoken Text


After listening to the recording, write a summary of 50-70 words.

Listening and Writing

60-90 seconds

Multiple choice- Choose Multiple Answers


After listening to the recording, answer a multiple-choice question by selecting more than one response.


40-90 seconds

Fill in the blanks


The transcription of the recording appears on the screen with several blanks. While listening to the recording, you must type the missing words.

Listening and Writing

30-60 seconds

Highlight correct summary


After listening to a recording, select the paragraph that best summarizes the recording.

Listening and reading

30-90 seconds

Multiple choice- Choose the single answer


After listening to the recording, answer a multiple-choice question of the recording by selecting one response.


30-60 seconds.

Select the missing word


After listening to the recording, select the missing word or group of words that complete the recording.


20-70 seconds.

Highlight incorrect words.


The transcription of the recording appears on the screen. While listening to the recording, identify the words in the transcription that differ from what is said.

Listening and reading.

15-50 seconds

Write from Dictation


After listening to a recording of a sentence, type the same sentence.

Listening and writing

3-5 seconds

PTE Listening Section Evaluation Criteria 2025

From the table given above, it is clear that the main PTE listening section has integrated scores from other sections like the reading and writing section of the PTE exam. Apart from these, the evaluation criteria of the PTE listening section include the following parameters:


Students should have accuracy in using English grammar and must be able to provide a range of connecting words and linking words. Correct usage of conjunctions and subject-verb agreement will help in getting better scores in questions of Summarize the spoken text in the PTE listening practice test.

Written Discourse

The written discourse includes proper structuring of the sentence, coherence and logical development of the sentences; however, this parameter is also applicable to summarize spoken text type of question in the PTE listening practice tests.

Benefits of Using PTE Exam Listening Practice Tests

Regular attempts of the PTE listening practice tests help the candidates in many ways. Being able to understand different accents of the English language and coping with the speed of the audio is challenging for many students, however, if they practice the PTE listening practice test 2025, they can overcome all the challenges and score high in the PTE listening section. Some of the significant advantages of practising through PTE listening practice tests are as follows:

Improving Listening Accuracy and Concentration

The listening section of the PTE exam demands the candidates to be fully focused and attentive as they have to understand the text spoken by native English speakers and also attempt the answers within a very short duration of certain seconds. Attention to detail seems like a mantra here, so students need to be in an optimistic mindset so that they do not miss any relevant information. Regular practice from the PTE listening practice tests gives them an exam-like experience and helps them overcome mistakes and gain better accuracy in attempting all the questions on time.

Getting Familiar with Question Formats

As the number of question types in the listening section of the PTE exam is much more than in any other section, students need to be familiar with all question formats in a confident manner. With regular practice, they should be able to build their speed in attempting all the question types and manage time appropriately.

How to Effectively Use PTE Listening Practice Tests 2025?

Students should make effective efforts in utilizing the PTE listening practice tests so that they can score high in the PTE exam. Some of the best ways to use the PTE listening practice tests are as follows:

Incorporating Practice Tests into Your Study Routine

Listening to different audios and being able to understand and comprehend the same excellently can happen only if the candidates are regular in practising from the PTE listening practice test so that they can work on all mistakes and develop better listening practice by attempting the practice tests regularly. Maintaining regularity will help in the gradual improvement of the score and will raise the confidence of the student.

Strategies for Reviewing Listening Test Results

Some useful strategies for reviewing listening test results are as follows:

  • Check the AI score so that you can understand in which communicative skill you have scored high and in which you have scored low.

  • Check the given answers for the dictation type question and see the spelling errors made by you, it can also be the typing errors.

  • Check the AI score for the summarized spoken text and see if you have scored high or low in using grammar, structure, content, and form.

  • If you have scored low in multiple choice questions, check the transcripts of the audio to correct yourself and analyze the mistake so that you do not repeat the same.

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Choosing the Right PTE Listening Practice Tests 2025

Selecting the right PTE listening practice tests is a tedious task as you might need both PTE practice test online and PTE practice test pdfs, as well as checking if the available material is authenticated and as per the standards of the official PTE exam. For accuracy, you should refer to the following:

Reviewing Official PTE Practice Tests 2025

Review the official PTE website so that you can use authenticated material and achieve good scores. The official PTE practice tests are often paid versions and we would recommend you purchase the same so that you are familiar with the exact question pattern that will be coming in your PTE exam.

Evaluating Third-Party Practice Test Providers 2025

Numerous materials are available both online and offline for the PTE listening practice, it is okay to refer to many third-party practice tests as most of them have an AI-powered scoring system that helps you practice in an exam-like environment. PTE listening practice test free, PTE listening practice test PDFs, help the students prepare well for the PTE exam.

Tips for PTE Listening Practice 2025

Some of the useful PTE listening practice tips 2025 are as follows:

  • Listening to authenticated documentaries delivered by native English speakers and summarizing the same while standing in front of the mirror.

  • As you hear the audio, note the new and difficult words, re-check their pronunciation and also the meaning of the word.

  • Be dedicated, attentive, and focused while you are listening.

PTE Academic Preparation Tips
In order to achieve a good score in your PTE Academic test you will need to have a preparation strategy in place.

Besides the given PTE listening tips 2025one of the best techniques is given below:

Focus on Note-Taking Techniques

Note-making is an art and has to be developed with diligent practice, without this technique the entire listening section seems difficult to attempt and even understand. Students should use their way of making notes as they hear the audio. Some of the ways are:

  • Using symbols, signs, short forms, and abbreviations.

  • Remember that note-making is not evaluated, so you can scribble to the extent you can understand all that you have scribbled.

  • It can be done informally, the way you like to note things as an individual, for example: using WhatsApp slangish kind of language.

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Strategies for Different Listening Task Types

The strategies to attempt different types of questions in the listening section are as follows:

  1. Summarize Spoken Text

  • Take note of the main point, and supporting ideas using keywords, symbols, and abbreviations.

  • Keep the word limit of 50-70 words.

  • Keep 2 minutes to revise and check your typing errors.

  1. Multiple choice - choose multiple answers

  • Read the question and quickly skim the options before the audio begins.

  • You can make notes while you hear

  • Notice the development of the speaker's ideas to reach the core information.

  • Use the elimination method to reach the right answer

  1. Fill in the blanks

  • Skim the text

  • Use grammar clues- adjectives/prepositions/verbs

  • Write the missing word in an erasable booklet

  • Check spelling errors

  1. Highlight correct summary

  • Use 10 seconds to skim all summaries quickly

  • Make notes

  • Use elimination method

  1. Multiple choice - choose a single answer

  • Read the question and quickly skim the options before the audio begins.

  • You can make notes while you hear

  • Notice the development of the speaker's ideas to reach the core information.

  • Use the elimination method to reach the right answer

  1. Select missing word

  • Skim the options

  • Focus on the development of the idea spoken by the speaker

  • Focus on the overall idea

  1. Highlight incorrect words

  • Read what you see first and highlight the word they have spoken differently.

  • Do not read what you listen to.

  1. Write from Dictation

  • Focus on the meaning of the sentence

  • Type the main content words and try filling in the minor prepositions later.

  • Check spelling errors.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During PTE Listening Practice

Some of the common mistakes often students commit while attempting the PTE listening practice test are that they rush to attempt the answers, make unnecessary typing errors, do not listen carefully, and are overconfident. We highly recommend that before you register for the main exam, as a student you should practice well from authenticated portals so that you do not end up wasting money paid for the exam. Some other mistakes made by the students are:

Misinterpreting Audio Content

Listen carefully to the content that the audio is delivering and be focused on making notes, it is observed that some students end up using their external knowledge of the topic they hear and go badly wrong in attempting the answers. So do not use any external source knowledge that you have.

Not Using Contextual Clues Effectively

While preparing for the PTE exam students must understand what contextual clues are and how they are used in different ways. Students make notes blindly and are at a speed to deliver the answer without proper analysis of accuracy. So while you listen make note of all contrasting words, examples, synonyms, and tone of the content. This will help you reach the right answer.

Tips for Self-practice for the PTE Listening Test

Some of the best tips for self-practice for the PTE listening test are as follows:

  • Purchase the paid version for practice from any authenticated PTE web portal.

  • Refer to the PTE practice books or PTE academic e-books and sample papers 2025.

  • Develop typing accuracy.

  • Use the strategies given above for each type of question in the PTE listening section.

  • Be regular in your practice.

About the Author:
Pooja Aggarwal is an experienced trainer with over 15 years of expertise in helping students achieve their educational goals. With a degree in Education, she focuses on clear, patient, and personalised instruction. Her approach has successfully guided students from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for both Academic and General Training modules of various exams in a supportive and engaging environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are PTE listening practice test PDFs useful?

Yes, PTE listening practice test pdf are useful resources as they have transcripts of all the listening audios that students can check to overcome their mistakes. Also, the availability of PTE listening practice test PDFs seems very convenient for the students as they can use the PTE preparation material even on their mobiles.

2. Are PTE listening practice tests with answers available?

Of course yes, almost all the PTE listening tests PDFs, books, and even online material come along with answers so that students can check their mistakes and overcome all their weaknesses.

3. From where should I practice PTE listening practice test free?

There are many third-party web portals and applications that have free versions of the practice material available for PTE students. However, the PTE listening practice test free material is only available in a limited way.

4. How many PTE practice listening tests can be attempted in a day?

Ideally, you should attempt only one PTE listening practice test in a day, as after attempting you should analyze the scores you have achieved. Work on the mistakes so that you do not repeat them.  Also, you need time to practice the other sections of the PTE exam.

5. What is the best tip for the PTE listening section?

The best tip for the PTE listening section is the art of making notes using symbols, signs, short forms, and abbreviations and being able to interpret the information through these notes.

6. How to get 65 in PTE listening?

Keep track of the overall word count for essays in the PTE's writing and listening sections, as well as the summaries of the written and spoken texts. You risk losing marks if you go over or under the limit. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation when writing and listening for the PTE.

7. Is it difficult to get 79 in PTE?

An individual's competency in the English language is demonstrated by a Pearson Test score of 79. The PTE is a computer-based test that is reliable, easy to use, and objective.  It takes a lot of preparation, perseverance, and dedication to achieve a PTE score of 79 or above.

8. What is the 3 second rule in PTE?

When participating in speaking activities or ones that require you to submit your response via a microphone, the PTE 3-second rule—states that you must start speaking within 3 seconds of hearing the prompt if not then it will stop recording and you can't record your answer.

9. Can I crack PTE without coaching?

Candidates can either join a PTE coaching center for a more interactive PTE preparation session or study independently using the official website's authentic PTE exam preparation study materials and free online PTE courses, just like they would for other English language exams.

10. Do questions repeat in PTE?

You can become accustomed to the format by using the PTE question bank, which gives you access to the most frequently asked questions on the test.  But if you don't know how to use the bank correctly, you don't have the key to open that door.


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Questions related to PTE Academic

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Here are the links where you can access PTE Vocabulary list with meaning for 2025 :-

1. PTE Vocabulary list with meaning

2. PTE academic collocation list 2025

Hope it helps !

The ease of the IELTS versus the PTE can vary depending on your strengths and preferences. IELTS tends to focus more on British English and has a variety of question types that might be familiar if you are accustomed to traditional exams. PTE, on the other hand, is computer-based and features a more integrated approach to language skills, which some find more straightforward. For tailored guidance, especially if you're considering studying abroad, Invicta Career Consultancy can offer valuable insights and support in choosing the test that aligns best with your goals and strengths. Additionally, consider researching other well-reviewed consultancy firms to find the one that best suits your specific needs and preferences.

For students aiming to study in public universities, English language proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and TOEIC are often required because they are specifically designed to assess English skills in an academic context, which is crucial for success in such institutions. DELF, which tests French language proficiency, may not be sufficient for English-speaking universities. For personalized guidance on which exams are necessary and how to prepare, Invicta Career Consultancy can provide valuable support and tailored advice, While there are other options available, hence you can pay a visit to their website ( and consult with them for better guidance. All the best to you.

With a PTE score of 55 and a writing score of 47, you might face some challenges in meeting the language requirements for a student visa in Finland. It's essential to check the specific visa requirements for the institution and program you're applying to, as they can vary. For personalized guidance and to explore potential solutions, including improving your language scores or finding alternative pathways, consider consulting with Invicta Career Consultancy. They can offer tailored advice to help you navigate the visa process effectively, While there are other options available, hence you can pay a visit to their website ( and get consult with them for better guidance. All the best to you.

With an overall PTE score of 50 and a 57% in your 12th grade, you may be eligible to apply for certain programs in Australia, although specific requirements can vary by institution and course. It's important to verify the exact admission criteria of the universities or colleges you are interested in. For detailed advice and assistance in choosing the right program and ensuring your application meets all requirements, consider reaching out to Invicta Career Consultancy. They can provide personalized support to enhance your application and guide you through the process, While there are other options available, hence you can pay a visit to their website ( and get consult with them for better guidance. All the best to you.

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