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100+ Dictation Words to Score High in IELTS Listening Exam

100+ Dictation Words to Score High in IELTS Listening Exam

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 01, 2024 09:09 AM IST | #IELTS

The IELTS exam is one of the important eligibility tests to be cleared for students aspiring to study abroad as well as working professionals ready to migrate to developed nations. This exam has four band parameters and Vocabulary is one among the four and carries one-fourth of the total band weightage. Many times students are good in spoken English but the written part goes wrong in spelling the words accurately. In this article, we will discuss some of the common IELTS dictation words that all can practice. These IELTS dictation words are essential for ensuring a good band score for the candidates. The candidates are advised to indulge themselves in abundant IELTS dictation practice.

Remember that each wrong spelling in both the Reading and Listening modules of the IELTS exam will lower your score, even in the writing module, the band score will fall if you end up making English spelling errors. In this article, a collection of English dictation words are given. They must be be practised so that you do not score a low band because of wrong spellings.

What happens in the IELTS listening section?

In the IELTS Listening section, the candidates are asked 40 questions which are spanned across four recordings. The types of recordings include monologues, conversations, speeches set in academic contexts and so on. For each right answer, the candidates are awarded one band score. The candidates are supposed to listen to the audio and answer the questions based on it. The IELTS listening section examines the candidate's ability to multitask between the exam, active listening skills and vocabulary skills.

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Importance of dictation words for the IELTS exam

IELTS dictation words play an essential role in improving the overall IELTS band score of the candidate. Thus, IELTS dictation practice is necessary and the candidates must incorporate it into their IELTS preparation. Let us discuss the Importance of dictation words for the IELTS exam.

Improves the vocabulary skills of the candidates

With each IELTS dictation word learnt, the candidates directly improve their vocabulary. Since vocabulary is one of the most important skills that is assessed for determining the overall band score of the IELTS examination, IELTS dictation practice can be of great help to the candidates.

Helps to improve their confidence

With more IELTS dictation words in the bank, a candidate can use a variety of vocabulary to structure their sentences. This would help them to gain confidence in their language skills. This is especially advantageous for the candidates during the IELTS speaking and IELTS writing test as these two tests measure the language skills of the candidate to a great extent.

Issues faced by the Indian candidates in the IELTS listening section

India is a country with a wide diversity. Many candidates who appear for the IELTS examination may not be having English as their first language. Due to this, the candidates may face difficulties across the various sections, especially in the IELTS listening section. Let us discuss a few reasons why the IELTS section might trouble the candidates a lot.

Presence of strong vocabulary

In the IELTS listening section, a lot of recordings may contain a lot of complex vocabulary which may be difficult for the candidates to understand. This might result in a lower band score than expected for the candidates.

The pacing of the recordings

Some recording audios might be paced in a really fast manner. The speakers who are fluent in English tend to speak at a faster pace as compared to the non-native English speakers due to which the candidates may not be able to follow what is being discussed in the audio.

Issues with accents

This is regarded as the most challenging issue of the IELTS listening section. Due to the fact that the IELTS conducting bodies have not opted for a specific accent, the candidates will listen to audios of various accents such as the British accent, the American accent, the Australian accent and so on. If a candidate is not used to listening to various types of accents, they might get confused listening to various accents.

Dictation words for IELTS listening - Frequently used IELTS listening words

It is essential to practice dictation for IELTS. Having a good understanding of the IELTS listening words can help candidates in improving their IELTS listening skills. The candidates are required to enhance their IELTS listening vocabulary each day during their IELTS listening preparation. They can start with easy dictation words and they progressively move towards the difficult ones. Various dictation word examples related to the most common IELTS listening topics are given below.

Dictation words for IELTS listening - Education

Listening dictation words based on education is essential for the candidates. This is because Education is a common IELTS topic and many words or phrases related to this topic are frequently used in the IELTS examination, especially in the IELTS listening test. Some of the necessary IELTS listening words related to Education are given below.































Dictation words for IELTS listening - Sports

The candidates should also be well-versed in the IELTS listening words related to the topic of sports. This is an examiner's favourite topic and can draw a lot of attention. Therefore, having a good understanding of dictation words in English related to the topic of sports can be of great help to the candidates. Some of the essential sports listening dictation words are given below:































Dictation words for IELTS listening - Technology

IELTS listening vocabulary skills are a very crucial skill that can be decisive in the IELTS listening band score. The IELTS vocabulary related to technology may not be easy dictation words, but using them frequently can be very useful for the student to enhance their IELTS listening preparation. Some dictation words examples related to technology are:







Artificial Intelligence





Virtual Reality






Augmented Reality



IoT (Internet of Things)


Machine Learning

Quantum Computing

Cloud Computing


Smart Devices



User Interface

Dictation words for IELTS listening - Environment

The environment is what surrounds us. Therefore, the questions that can be framed from this topic are also very high. Now let us learn the English dictation words related to the topic of environment These IELTS listening words can be very beneficial for the candidates especially while attending the IELTS listening test. Let us discuss a few listening dictation words related to the environment.



Renewable Energy









Carbon Footprint

Global Warming

Greenhouse Gases



Ozone Layer




Energy Efficiency

Renewable Resources

Solar Power

Water Conservation

Carbon Footprint




Energy Efficiency

Water Pollution

Dictation words for IELTS listening - work and social life

Listening dictation words related to the topic ‘work and social life’ must be learnt by aspirants if they wish for a greater IELTS listening band score. IELTS listening difficult words might pose a significant challenge to the candidates and hence they must be aware of the below listening dictation words to enhance their IELTS listening preparation.












Project Management


Project Management


Customer Service


Remote Work


Remote Work




Time Management


Time Management








Common English dictation words for IELTS - spellings

words can be categorized into several groups, such as numbers, dates, names, addresses, technical terms, and everyday vocabulary. Here is a detailed list of dictation words that IELTS aspirants should practice:

1. Numbers and dates

Numbers and dates are frequently tested in the IELTS listening section. Candidates should be comfortable with:

  • Cardinal numbers (e.g., one, twenty, fifty-seven, hundred)

  • Ordinal numbers (e.g., first, tenth, twenty-second)

  • Years (e.g., 1998, 2021)

  • Dates (e.g., 5th July, 12/11/2023)

IELTS 2024 Writing Task 1 & 2 - Study Materials
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2. Technical terms

IELTS often includes technical terms related to various fields such as science, technology, and business. Candidates should familiarize themselves with:

  • Scientific terms (e.g., ecosystem, photosynthesis, gravity)

  • Technological terms (e.g., software, hardware, encryption)

  • Business terms (e.g., revenue, investment, stakeholder)

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3. Everyday vocabulary

Commonly used words in daily conversations are crucial. Practice dictation words that might come up in various contexts:

  • Objects (e.g., furniture, vehicle, appliance)

  • Actions (e.g., running, listening, organizing)

  • Descriptive words (e.g., beautiful, efficient, expensive)

4. Common homophones

Words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings often appear in IELTS dictation. Examples include:

  • Their/There/They're

  • Two/Too/To

  • Right/Write

  • Pair/Pear

  • Hole/Whole

  • Peace/Piece

  • Sight/Site

  • Flour/Flower

  • Principal/Principle

  • Stationary/Stationery

  • Weather/Whether

  • Bear/Bare

  • Weak/Week

5. Academic vocabulary - dictation words for IELTS: most commonly used words in IELTS

These words are mostly used in academic writing task 1.

  • Analyze

  • Assess

  • Context

  • Data

  • Evaluate

  • Hypothesis

  • Methodology

  • Research

  • Theory

  • Variable

6. Common verbs - dictation words for IELTS: commonly misspelled words

  • Achieve

  • Believe

  • Collaborate

  • Describe

  • Establish

  • Improve

  • Manage

  • Recognize

  • Solve

  • Suggest

Dictation words for IELTS - words with silent letters

1. IELTS dictation words with silent "B"

  • Climb

  • Comb

  • Crumb

  • Debt

  • Doubt

  • Lamb

  • Limb

  • Subtle

  • Thumb

  • Tomb

2. IELTS dictation words with silent "C"

  • Muscle

  • Scissors

  • Scenario

  • Science

  • Scent

  • Crescent

  • Discipline

  • Fascinate

  • Ascend

  • Conscious

3. IELTS dictation words with silent "D"

  • Wednesday

  • Handkerchief

  • Sandwich

  • Edge

  • Pledge

  • Badge

4. IELTS dictation words with silent "G"

  • Align

  • Assign

  • Design

  • Foreign

  • Gnome

  • Gnaw

  • Sign

  • Campaign

  • Reign

  • Resign

5. IELTS dictation words with silent "H"

  • Ghost

  • Honest

  • Hour

  • Rhythm

  • Vehicle

  • Exhibit

  • Exhaust

  • What

  • When

  • While

6. IELTS dictation words with silent "K"

  • Knife

  • Knee

  • Knowledge

  • Knob

  • Knock

  • Knit

  • Knuckle

  • Knight

  • Knack

  • Knot

7. IELTS dictation words with silent "L"

  • Half

  • Calf

  • Salmon

  • Walk

  • Talk

  • Would

  • Should

  • Could

  • Folk

  • Yolk

8. IELTS dictation words with silent "N"

  • Autumn

  • Column

  • Damn

  • Hymn

  • Solemn

9. IELTS dictation words with silent "P"

  • Pneumonia

  • Psychologist

  • Psychiatrist

  • Pterodactyl

  • Receipt

  • Psychology

  • Pseudo

  • Psychiatric

  • Pneumatic

  • Psychotic

10. IELTS dictation words with silent "S"

  • Island

  • Aisle

  • Isle

  • Debris

11. IELTS dictation words with silent "T"

  • Ballet

  • Buffet

  • Castle

  • Fasten

  • Listen

  • Often

  • Mortgage

  • Whistle

  • Wrestle

  • Christmas

12. IELTS dictation words with silent "U"

  • Guard

  • Guess

  • Guest

  • Guidance

  • Guitar

  • Tongue

  • Catalogue

  • Disguise

  • Rogue

  • League

13. IELTS dictation words with silent "W"

  • Answer

  • Sword

  • Two

  • Whole

  • Wrangle

  • Wrinkle

  • Wreck

  • Wren

  • Wrist

  • Write

Dictation words for IELTS: effective strategies for IELTS dictation practice

Practice reading regularly from authenticated materials like newspapers, academic journals, and online articles, and pay attention to new and difficult words. The best way is also to make a note of them along with their meaning and frame a sentence on them to retain the word.

  1. English dictation word list

Prepare a word list that seems difficult to you or the words that are going wrong regularly and practice the dictation words so that you can learn them.

  1. Use spelling applications and online tools

To practice dictation words dedicatedly, you can use online applications like Spelling Master and websites like “Spellingcity” that offer interactive exercises and quizzes to make learning dictation words more engaging.

  1. Writing practice

Practising writing daily is the best way to excel in your IELTS preparation. Write essays, and reports and write your daily diary using these words. This will not only improve your IELTS writing but also help you in developing the vocabulary required for the IELTS exam.

  1. Mnemonics and memory tricks

Use mnemonic devices to remember tricky spellings. For example, remember “necessary” by noting that it has one “c” and two “s”s (a shirt has one collar and two sleeves). Such memory aids can make recall correct spellings easier.

  1. Dictation exercises

    Practice dictation word exercises where you listen to passages and write them down. This helps in understanding the pronunciation-spelling relationship and improves listening skills simultaneously. Use IELTS preparation materials for relevant practice.
  2. Peer learning and group study

Join study groups where you can practice spelling with peers. Engage in activities like spelling bees or word games. Peer feedback and collaborative learning can provide new insights and make practice sessions more enjoyable.

  1. Regular revision

Consistent revision is key to mastering difficult words. Set aside time each week to review and test yourself on the words you’ve practiced. Regular revision helps reinforce learning and improves retention.

Avoiding spelling errors in the IELTS exam requires consistent and focused practice. By incorporating these strategies into your study routine, you can effectively master difficult words and enhance your spelling accuracy.

Preparation books for IELTS

If a candidate wishes to elevate their IELTS preparation and secure greater IELTS scores, they must seek the help of dedicated IELTS preparation books. These seven eBooks designed by Careers360 have been curated with extreme care by subject matter experts to facilitate complete learning of the candidate.


Download Links

IELTS Reading Practice Books

IELTS Writing Practice Books

IELTS Speaking Practice Books

IELTS Listening Practice Books

IELTS Preparation Tips 2024 Book

IELTS and TOEFL Vocabulary Guide Book

IELTS practice tests

The candidates are requested to practice all the IELTS practice tests listed below to ensure an all-round IELTS preparation.

IELTS writing practice tests

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is the benefit of using spelling lists for practice?

Spelling lists provide a structured way to focus on commonly misspelled or difficult words. Regularly practicing these lists helps you become familiar with challenging vocabulary and improves your accuracy.

2. How often should I revise difficult words to improve retention?

Regular revision is key. Set aside time each week to review and test yourself on difficult words. Consistent revision helps reinforce learning and improves long-term retention.

3. What are some effective spelling apps and online tools?

Effective spelling apps and online tools include "Spelling Master," "SpellingCity," and "Quizlet." These platforms offer interactive exercises, quizzes, and games that make learning engaging.

4. What types of reading materials are best for improving spelling?

Diverse reading materials such as books, newspapers, academic journals, and online articles are all beneficial. For example BBC documentaries, Financial Times, and so on.

5. What are some common spelling challenges in the IELTS exam?

Common spelling challenges include silent letters, homophones, double letters, and irregular spellings. For example: often students are found making silly errors in usage of there and their. Students should make sure to practice well and can refer to the article.

6. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS listening?

To achieve an 8.5 in IELTS listening, focus on regular practice with real IELTS materials to get used to the test format and accents. Practice note-taking to capture key details like names and dates. Manage your time well during the test by reviewing questions before listening and predicting answers. Listen actively for both direct and in-direct information, and learn from your mistakes after practice tests to improve. These steps will help you build confidence and skills needed for a high score.

7. How can I get high score in IELTS listening?

To score well in IELTS listening, focus on practicing active listening regularly. Train your ear to catch key details and main ideas while listening to various accents and speeds. Build your vocabulary to understand a wide range of topics discussed in the recordings. Lastly, familiarize yourself with the test format and practice under timed conditions to improve your ability to manage time effectively during the exam.


Certifications By Top Providers

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University of Essex, Colchester
 Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
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The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
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University of Bristol, Bristol
 Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU
University of Nottingham, Nottingham
 University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD
Lancaster University, Lancaster
 Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW

Questions related to IELTS

Have a question related to IELTS ?

If you have completed a master's degree in the UK, you might still need to take the IELTS test to qualify for a Permanent Residency (PR) or Work Visa in Australia. While your degree from an English-speaking country like the UK may demonstrate your proficiency in English, Australian immigration authorities typically require a standardized English language test score, such as IELTS, to assess your language skills formally.

For better guidance, Invicta Institute can provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the specific English language requirements for Australian PR or Work Visa applications. Invicta's experienced counselors can help you navigate the process and determine if your UK degree suffices or if you need to take the IELTS test.

Since you're currently in the first year of your Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), planning ahead for your MBA abroad is a wise decision. The ideal time to take your IELTS exam is during your third year of B.Com. This timing ensures that your IELTS score, which is valid for two years, will still be valid when you apply for MBA programs. I recommend reaching out to a reputable abroad education advisor, as they can assist you throughout the entire process from start to finish. One such company is Invicta Career Consultancy, which offers specialized training, guidance, and support for studying abroad. You can visit their website at to learn more and make an informed decision. Best of luck!


It is very highly unlikely to obtain a legitimate IELTS certificate without taking the exam. Any claims suggesting otherwise are likely scams. It is essential to take the exam through authorized testing centers to ensure the validity and credibility of the certificate.

Hope this helps you ,

Thank you

The IELTS General is generally considered easier than the IELTS Academic because the General test focuses on practical, everyday English skills, such as social and workplace communication, while the Academic test assesses a candidate's readiness for academic study with more complex reading and writing tasks. For better guidance, Invicta Institute can help you determine which test suits your goals and provide tailored coaching to maximize your performance on either version of the IELTS.

Hello aspirant,

Opinions on the E-GMAT course vary. Some find it beneficial for improving GMAT skills, especially in verbal sections, while others may prefer different resources. It's essential to explore reviews, consider your learning style, and maybe try a trial or sample to see if it aligns with your preferences before making a decision.

So it all depends on your personal opinion.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

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