IELTS Practice Tests: Free IELTS Online Practice Tests

IELTS Practice Tests: Free IELTS Online Practice Tests

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 22, 2025 10:38 AM IST | #IELTS
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IELTS practice tests are essential for the IELTS success of a candidate. This article is designed to help candidates who find the various sections of the IELTS exam challenging. This article can enhance your preparation for The IELTS 2025 exam and refine your techniques. Due to the presence of questions from varying difficulty levels, the candidates often find all the sections of the IELTS examination to be the most challenging. The set of IELTS practice tests online designed by Careers360 in this article contains all the different types of questions that can be asked in the IELTS examination.

This Story also Contains
  1. Why should I attempt IELTS 2025 mock tests?
  2. IELTS 2025 practice tests:
  3. IELTS 2025 reading mock tests:
  4. IELTS reading tips:
  5. Strategies to solve IELTS reading questions:
  6. IELTS 2025 Writing mock tests:
  7. IELTS 2025 Writing Tips:
  8. IELTS preparation listening mock tests:
  9. 3 Best IELTS 2025 Listening Tips:
  10. IELTS 2025 speaking practice tests:
  11. IELTS Speaking Tips:
  12. IELTS preparation books 2025:
IELTS Practice Tests: Free IELTS Online Practice Tests
IELTS Practice Tests: Free IELTS Online Practice Tests

Why should I attempt IELTS 2025 mock tests?

There are several advantages of attempting the IELTS 2025 practice sets

  • Through the IELTS 2025 mock tests, the Candidate would be able to understand the structure of the examination and they will have an idea about the possible questions that they may encounter during the actual test

  • The candidate will also be able to get tested in a real examination scenario through which they can enhance their decision-making and time management skills.

  • The candidate will also have an opportunity to compare their answers with the expertly written answers of Careers360 and through this they will be able to understand the shortcomings of their answers and prepare accordingly

Worried about your IELTS exam? Not understanding which material to refer to? In today's article, we shall check out some important IELTS practice tests 2025 along with some strategies to answer the questions, so that you can evaluate yourself and get started with the right ways of achieving your band scores. For any candidate aspiring for success in the IELTS 2025 examination, IELTS practice tests 2025 are mandatory. These IELTS 2025 practice tests online can be beneficial for the candidates in a lot of ways from helping them identify their weaknesses to helping them in devising their IELTS preparation strategy. There are various free IELTS practice tests of variable difficulty available online for the candidate. These IELTS 2025 mock tests are designed to benefit your preparation time and let you know and track your progress in the right way. Although IELTS is considered to be the most effective and easy-to-attempt study abroad English eligibility test, if you have a weak English base or low language skills, this might sound to be rocket science. Anyways, making it a simple task for all of you, before you book your exam, we would highly recommend that you attempt the IELTS 2025 mock test given in the article so that you can check your current band level. Practice more for the required bands from the given IELTS practice tests 2025 and then finally take the exam.

IELTS 2025 practice tests:

IELTS assesses the candidates in the four modules of language: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Analyzing and following the tips and tricks given will help you practice in a dedicated manner and finally achieve the band score. You should be evaluating your band scores by attempting the given IELTS 2025 sample tests in this article.

IELTS 2025 reading mock tests:

IELTS reading practice tests are essential for the candidates because they come with a lot of benefits They help the candidates to understand the examination format, types of questions and difficulty level. This information is crucial for the IELTS success in the reading section. The following articles contain IELTS reading practice tests with answers designed by experts of Careers360. Dedicated practice of these IELTS reading mock tests can be extremely beneficial to the candidates.



IELTS Reading Practice Test - 1

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IELTS Reading Practice Test - 5

IELTS Reading Practice Test - 6

IELTS Reading Practice Test - 7

IELTS Reading Practice Test - 8

IELTS Reading Practice Test - 9

IELTS Reading Practice Test - 10

  • IELTS reading tips:

The IELTS examination is a comprehensive assessment of a candidate's prowess in the English language. Reading is an essential aspect of any examination. Hence, being aware of the important IELTS reading tips and tricks for band 9 can be very advantageous to the candidates.

  • The IELTS academic and general reading module has 3 sections, with a total of 40 questions to attempt in 60 minutes. The only difference is that academic reading will have 3 long passages as 3 sections while the general reading test will have 2 small passages (could be advertisements or brochures) in the first 2 sections and one long passage in section 3.

  • IELTS practice is necessary for securing a high band score in the IELTS examination. We have crafted a set of 10 IELTS reading mock tests for the extensive preparation of the candidates. Expert answers are given to each question. Additionally, the candidates can refer to IELTS reading tips and tricks to sharpen their IELTS reading skills.

  • Check your answers and match them with the IELTS reading band score parameter given below and see how far you are from your desired score. Also, note if you were able to manage time.

  • Reading band score according to the right answers:

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Strategies to solve IELTS reading questions:

The IELTS reading section contains a wide range of IELTS reading questions. Understanding the IELTS 2025 reading format and the various question types is necessary to ensure that the candidates receive a good IELTS reading band score. This section explains in depth the various IELTS reading strategies to tackle this section.

Strategies to solve completion-type questions:

  • Quickly read the instructions and note the word limit to answer the question, read the questions and skim the entire summary along with the blanks that are mentioned.

  • Then go back to the passage and start reading.

  • While you read, start annotating the passage by marking a square bracket to all nouns, circle all numbers or quantitative terms and underline the description of the nouns and key facts mentioned.

  • You will soon be able to find your answer.

  • After you finish reading a paragraph, write the central idea of the paragraph in the question paper so that you do not have to repeat the reading part.

  • Reading completion-type questions will be in sequence 99% of the time so you will easily be able to get your answers.

IELTS 2024 Writing Task 1 & 2 - Study Materials
Aspirants who are appearing for IELTS exam can download this eBook which have complete study material for academic writing task 1 (Data Interpretation) and academic writing task 2 (Essays) sections.
Download EBook

Strategies to solve True/ False/ Not given or Yes/ No/ Not given type questions:

  • The most important part is carefully reading the instructions, checking what it exactly asks to write True/False/ Not given or Yes/No/Not given.

  • Remember that you will be marked wrong if you write False instead of No or vice-versa.

  • Read the question statement and break the sentence into chunks so that the sentence becomes easy to understand.

  • After reading and understanding the question statement, go back to the passage and start the annotation as mentioned above.

  • Now, if the information in the passage exactly matches the question statement, the answer will be True/Yes

  • If it totally contradicts, the answer will be False/ No as per the instructions.

  • If the information is totally missing or there is a disconnect, the answer is not given.

  • The tip over here is to match the synonyms that are used in the question statements and the passage to reach an accurate answer.

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Strategies to solve matching types of questions:

There are 3 types of matching questions in the IELTS reading module, each section would have a different type of matching question or any 2 types of matching question. However, there is no definite pattern of the number of question types in any reading test.

To attempt any matching question, you should be reading the passage carefully and annotating it as mentioned above along with writing down the gist of each paragraph in the question paper.

The 3-matching type of questions are:

  • Matching heading type of question

  • Matching information to paragraphs

  • Matching sentence Ending Question Type

IELTS 2025 Writing mock tests:

In the IELTS writing practice tests, the candidates are required to answer two tasks that are to be written in 150 and 250 words minimum respectively. Time constraints and low vocabulary skills may hamper the writing abilities of the candidates. To help the candidates from this dilemma, Careers360 has painstakingly crafted a set of 10 IELTS writing practice tests. These IELTS writing practice tests are designed as per the latest syllabus prescribed by the examination conducting bodies.



IELTS Writing Practice Test - 1

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 2

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 3

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 4

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 5

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 6

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 7

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 8

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 9

IELTS Writing Practice Test - 10

IELTS 2025 Writing Tips:

  1. Types of questions in both general and academic types of the IELTS 2025 exam:

  • The IELTS writing test has 2 tasks to attempt. While the second task is the same for both academic and general attempts, task 1 is different. Academic task 1 is report writing and the general task 1 is letter writing.

  • The IELTS writing section will assess your writing in 4 band parameters of

  • Task response/achievement

  • Coherence and cohesion

  • Lexical resources

  • Grammatical range and accuracy

  1. IELTS 2025 writing task 1 tips – Report writing

  • Analyze the question properly and plan your response for about 8 minutes

  • While you plan, pen down the paraphrasing words that can be used to write in the introduction paragraph

  • Notice the trends that are changing

  • Make a note of all major trends with full attention to detail

  • Sequence the trends and plan the adjectives and adverbs that suit the trend.

  • Remember that Task 1 carries 1/3rd weightage of your total writing bands

  • After you finish the plan, it will be easy for you to write it finally in the next 8 minutes.

  • You will still have 4 minutes to re-check and revise it.

  • Do not forget to check that you have not written question words, apostrophe words or any short forms, if yes, change all of them as you are writing should be in an academic context.

  1. IELTS 2025 writing task 1 tips– Letter writing

  • Recognize the type of letter- Formal/Semi-formal/Informal

  • Plan the letter according to the bullet points given in the question.

  • Remember the difference in language that should be kept in mind while writing formal as well as informal letters.

  • Follow the 8-8 rule, 8 minutes to plan 8 minutes to write the final letter and then 4 minutes to check.

  1. IELTS 2025 Writing Task 2 tips- Essay writing

  • The IELTS writing task 2 carries 2/3rd of total writing bands so it is more important.

  • As you have 40 minutes to attempt the essay, plan the essay effectively in 20 minutes and then start writing the final essay in the last 20 minutes.

  • Keep to the topic and do not write about unrelated subjects

  • Keep a strict check on spelling, punctuation and organization of the essay plot.

  • Follow the strategy of PEE which means point, explanation and example. So, your body paragraph should have only one main point, then its explanation and then an example as proof of your explanation.

  • At the time of planning, sequence your ideas using connective words and remember to not overuse them.

  • Do not cram model answers

  • Learn to write in the appropriate word limit of 250 -280 words.

IELTS preparation listening mock tests:

IELTS listening section involves multitasking during the examination by actively listening to the audio and writing the answers. This can be difficult at the initial level but can be defeated with sufficient IELTS practice. Careers360 has designed a set of 5 IELTS listening practice tests that contain 20 recordings which include monologues, dialogues, conversations and lectures. These free online IELTS practice tests can be a boon to any IELTS aspirant.

We recommend you practice the given IELTS listening practice test:



IELTS Listening Practice Test - 1

IELTS Listening Practice Test - 2

IELTS Listening Practice Test - 3

IELTS Listening Practice Test - 4

IELTS Listening Practice Test - 5

3 Best IELTS 2025 Listening Tips:

  1. Understand the types of questions

The listening section also has different types of questions which assess your listening and understanding ability of the language. Basically, you are expected to analyze the synonyms used in the audio in relation to the text in the question paper. Some basic types of questions are:

  • Completion type of questions

  • Choose the correct answer

  1. Understand the IELTS listening section

  • The test is divided into 4 sections

  • The first section is a basic conversation, the second a monologue, the third a conversation between 3-4 people with different accents and the fourth is a lecture on some academic context

  • Before each section, you get 30 seconds to read the questions and this time should be used in a logical manner.

  • Read the instructions and questions properly and try to guess the answer as it could either be a noun, number or a description of the same.

  • Remember that the audio will be played only once so staying focused is the only mantra that you have.

  1. Best listening practices

  • Listen to native English podcasts so that you are familiar with the pronunciation, accent and vocabulary that is used.

  • Practice listening using authenticated IELTS listening Practice tests are given below.


  1. As you hear the name spelt in the section 1 listening module, immediately note the alphabet clearly as this will not be repeated

  2. Remember that IELTS listening will call zero number as alphabet ‘o’.

IELTS 2025 speaking practice tests:

When it comes to the speaking section of the IELTS examination, the candidates are observed to face a lot of challenges. Some candidates may have extremely good language skills and vocabulary but due to exam-day nervousness and under-confident nature, they seem to not be able to express themselves. This can only be successfully reduced through IELTS 2025 speaking practice tests. The high band and lower band audios in each free online IELTS 2025 speaking practice test provided by Careers360 teach students how to answer the questions asked by the examiner to score the maximum possible IELTS speaking band score.

IELTS Speaking Practice Test - 1
IELTS Speaking Practice Test - 2
IELTS Speaking Practice Test - 3
IELTS Speaking Practice Test - 4
IELTS Speaking Practice Test - 5

IELTS Speaking Tips:

  1. A pattern of questions and the 3 different sections

  • The first section will have simple 4-5 questions on personal preferences mostly

  • The second section is the cue card round, you get one minute time to prepare and 2 minutes to speak on the given topic

  • The third section is the discussion round – the discussion is related to the topic of your cue card.

  1. Technique to apply for band 9 speaking

  • Try to talk as much as you can

  • Develop your answers

  • Speak naturally and do not try a fake accent

  • Express your opinion and be clear and confident about your stance.

  • You should answer all of them with a reason

  • Remember that your answers should not be of 1 word

IELTS preparation books 2025:

Irrespective of the candidate's proficiency, they must seek guidance from various IELTS 2025 preparation books. These IELTS materials contain a wealth of IELTS information necessary for IELTS success. From tips and practice sets of each section to vocabulary and grammar tips, these IELTS 2025 preparation books are essential for all candidates.


Download Links

IELTS Reading Practice Books

IELTS Writing Practice Books

IELTS Speaking Practice Books

IELTS Listening Practice Books

IELTS Preparation Tips 2025 Book

IELTS and TOEFL Vocabulary Guide Book

About the Author:
Pooja Aggarwal is an experienced trainer with over 15 years of expertise in helping students achieve their educational goals. With a degree in Education, she focuses on clear, patient, and personalized instruction. Her approach has successfully guided students from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for both Academic and General Training modules of various exams in a supportive and engaging environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long does it take to prepare for the IELTS writing module?

Well, this depends on the current level of English you have. Usually, if you are at an intermediate level, then 15-20 days is the ideal time to reach a band level of 6.5.

2. Should we use a lot of connecting words to start our sentences in the IELTS writing module?

IELTS does give a band weightage to the use of connecting words like in addition, furthermore and so on. However, over usage and irrelevant usage of these words will not keep the essay organized and hence the band score may fall down.

3. Which is the most typical section in the IELTS listening module?

Section D is the most typical section as it is a monologue in an academic context. So, it is recommended to have a lot of listening practice from authenticated and native English podcasts.

4. Suggest the best strategy for the speaking section of IELTS.

The best strategy is to record the cue card and listen to it, you will be able to realize the grammar errors, places where you have fumbled and could have spoken well. Self-practice in front of the mirror is even better. 

5. How to raise overall vocabulary?

The IELTS normally expects candidates to have academic vocabulary and the same can be achieved by listening and reading authenticated material published by career 360.

6. What are some recommended free resources for practicing IELTS listening?

The candidate can attempt various free official mock tests of the IELTS examination which are offered by IDP Education, British Council and other resources available on the internet which is completely free of cost.

7. What are some ways to prepare for the IELTS exam online without spending any money?

The candidate can make use of the free IELTS materials available on the internet. There are also a lot of articles written by expert tutors on IELTS available on different websites on the internet. Candidates can make use of these materials to enhance their preparation.

8. What is the IELTS practice test?

The IELTS practice test is a simulated exam designed to help candidates prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It includes sections for Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, following the actual test format and timing. Practice tests are available online and through official IELTS preparation materials. They allow candidates  to familiarize themselves with the types of questions, test conditions, and timing constraints they will have to go through on exam day. Engaging in practice tests helps candidates assess their readiness, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve their test-taking strategies to enhance their performance on the actual IELTS exam.

9. Where can I practice for IELTS for free?

You can practice IELTS for free using the below mediums:

  • Official IELTS Websites: The British Council, IDP Education, and Cambridge Assessment English provide free practice materials, including sample tests and tips.

  • YouTube: Channels like IELTS Liz, E2 IELTS, and IELTS Advantage offer free tutorials, practice tests, and speaking samples.

  • Mobile Apps: Apps like IELTS Prep App by British Council and IELTS Word Power by British Council offer exercises and practice tests.

  • Online Forums and Communities: Websites like Reddit (r/IELTS) and IELTS-Blog provide discussion forums where you can ask questions and find study tips.

  • Library Resources: Many public libraries offer IELTS preparation books and CDs that you can borrow.

10. How can I practice IELTS test?

There are various resources for practising the IELTS test such as the free sample test, and free online writing practice tests. There are many online apps, tutors and courses available to practice the IELTS test.

11. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS?

 Follow the below steps to get 8.5 in IELTS:
1) You should write tasks 1 and 2 every day. Analyse your mistakes and work on them.
2) You should work on your vocabulary.
3) Get a speaking partner and practice regularly.
4) Follow the Cambridge past papers for practice.
5) You should attempt free listening tests.
6) You should be careful of common mistakes such as spelling mistakes and capital letters.

12. How can I improve my pronunciation?

Follow the below steps to improve your pronunciation:
1) You should talk slow.
2) Break the words down into sounds.
3) Imitate an English expert.
4) You should practice on your own, and listen to yourself.
5) Find a practice buddy.
6) Practice English sounds.


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Questions related to IELTS

Have a question related to IELTS ?


One the most general tips for the preparation of both tests would be to go for a structured approach and understand the format of the tests respectively and work on improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation along with it take regular tests and reviews them. Both have 4 section, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, so all four must be kept in focus, and thus you must plan your time according to your needs and areas of improvement.

Now, for TOEFL, it's recommended to use resources from ETS, that is, official materials and tests.

For IELTS, it's recommended to use resources from IDP, British Council and Cambridge, that give you sample tests and questions.

Wishing an all the very best for the test.

Hello Student,

For the AMC (Australian Medical Council) exam , which assesses international medical graduates for practice in Australia, the IELTS requirement is generally a minimum overall score of 7.0 , with no individual band score below 7.0 (in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

Alternatively, the AMC also accepts equivalent scores from OET, TOEFL iBT, and PTE Academic :

  • OET : A grade of B in all four components.
  • TOEFL iBT : A minimum overall score of 94, with minimum scores of 24 in Listening, 24 in Reading, 27 in Writing, and 23 in Speaking.
  • PTE Academic : A minimum overall score of 65, with a minimum score of 65 in each communicative skill.

Meeting these requirements is essential to proceed with the AMC’s application and registration processes.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


To be eligible for the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams , candidates must demonstrate English .

AMC assessment process :

1. Accepted English Language Tests and Scores

IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) :

Overall band score : 7.0 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

PTE Academic ( Pearson Test of English Academic ) :

Overall score of 65 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .

2. Validity of Test Scores

The test results must be no older than two years at the time of submitting your AMC application .

3. Preparation Tips for IELTS

Practice regularly : Build your language skills across all four components .

Take practice exams : practice can help improve speed and accuracy .

professional coaching if needed , specially for writing and speaking , which are often the most challenging part .

Use official IELTS resources : Cambridge IELTS books , online mock tests and other reliable materials can give you an accurate rating  .

4. Application Tips

Ensure that your English test scores are valid and meet the minimum requirements before applying .

Keep a copy of your scores as they may need to be provided to both the AMC and registration authority in Australia .

Hope this helps you .

All the best

If you have completed a master's degree in the UK, you might still need to take the IELTS test to qualify for a Permanent Residency (PR) or Work Visa in Australia. While your degree from an English-speaking country like the UK may demonstrate your proficiency in English, Australian immigration authorities typically require a standardized English language test score, such as IELTS, to assess your language skills formally.

For better guidance, Invicta Institute can provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the specific English language requirements for Australian PR or Work Visa applications. Invicta's experienced counselors can help you navigate the process and determine if your UK degree suffices or if you need to take the IELTS test.

Since you're currently in the first year of your Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), planning ahead for your MBA abroad is a wise decision. The ideal time to take your IELTS exam is during your third year of B.Com. This timing ensures that your IELTS score, which is valid for two years, will still be valid when you apply for MBA programs.

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