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Effective Time Management Tips for the IELTS 2024 Exam

Effective Time Management Tips for the IELTS 2024 Exam

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 25, 2024 04:24 PM IST | #IELTS

Effective Time Management Tips for the IELTS Exam: IELTS Time management skills can be stressful for students and mastering time management is crucial, but can be tricky. The candidate must be well versed with the IELTS examination time allotted for each section. Of late, the candidates are of the opinion that they find it difficult to manage the reading section of the IELTS examination because of the intricate passages that are asked. Therefore, IELTS reading time management is essential to tackle this challenge. Managing your time effectively involves allowing flexibility in your schedule, not just sticking to a rigid routine. This can begin with a simple step such as being aware of the IELTS exam time, understanding the importance of time management during exams and through constant practice of efficient management of time. The candidates must put enough effort in inculcating these values during their IELTS exam preparation time. As IELTS examiners, we often receive feedback from candidates about the lack of time in the IELTS test. For example, in the Listening test, there is limited time to read the questions before the recording starts and review the answers after each part. So, let’s understand the process of how to consider some pivotal tips to work on IELTS reading time management or IELTS speaking time management -

Tip No. 1: Right Approach for the Exam

All these approaches are very important to excel in IELTS reading time management or IELTS speaking time management or time management IELTS speaking.

Understanding the Exam Structure: Before preparing for the IELTS exam, familiarize yourself with its format and paper structure. Knowing the number of sections, types of questions, and time allotted for each skill will help you plan your study schedule effectively.

Creating a Realistic Study Schedule: Create a study plan that suits your daily routine and commitments. Divide your preparation into easy-to-manage sessions and focus on one skill at a time. Allocate more time to areas where you feel less confident, but make sure to maintain a balanced approach that covers all aspects of the exam.

Practising Regularly with Timed Mock Tests: Mimic exam conditions by practising with timed mock tests. This improves familiarity with time constraints and identifies areas where you may be spending too much time. Especially for IELTS speaking time management this method is most effective.

Analyse and Prioritize Weaknesses: It's important to assess your strengths and weaknesses in each skill. Spend more time improving areas where you struggle while also continuing to hone your strengths. A balanced approach is key to overall success.

Tip No. 2: Day-to-Day Tracking is Important

Tracking time helps to deal with problems regarding IELTS time management, specifically in terms of IELTS general reading time management to a great extent.

Maintain a Calendar: It is advisable to create a personal calendar well in advance that includes all your upcoming deadlines, exams, social events, and other time commitments. This will help you keep track of what's ahead. If you prefer a digital calendar, make it a habit to check it daily, preferably in the morning, to ensure that important events are fresh and top-of-mind. To increase efficiency, ensure that your digital calendar integrates with other tools such as your email. Digital calendar options include:

  • Google Calendar

  • Outlook Calendar

  • Fantastical

  • Calendly

Setting Reminders: It's important to set up periodic reminders for yourself after creating your calendar. These reminders can include completing a study guide ahead of time or scheduling a meeting for a group project. Remember, it's not just about knowing the deadlines, but also staying on top of the smaller tasks that are necessary to meet those deadlines.

Prioritize and find support and be flexible: When you have too much to do and not enough time, it's important to take a few minutes to assess your priorities. Determine which deadlines are most pressing and evaluate how much energy you have. While preparation and organization can take you far, it might not be enough in some cases. Fortunately, you have a support system cheering you on to achieve success. Along with that while creating your calendar, schedule, and priorities list, be realistic about what you can accomplish. If you're unsure, include some buffer time to minimize obstacles and reduce potential friction.

Start with Small Tasks: When you have a long to-do list, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, there's a simple approach that can help you tackle your tasks more efficiently. Start by prioritizing small and low-level tasks at the beginning of your day's to-do list. By completing these smaller tasks first, you'll gain momentum and feel a sense of accomplishment. If you have larger tasks or assignments that will take multiple hours or days to complete, try breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help you stay motivated and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the size of the task. By making tasks more manageable, you can take control of your day and achieve your goals with greater ease.

Tip No. 3: Strategies for Each IELTS section

IELTS Listening Time Management: Develop the skill of active listening by familiarizing yourself with diverse English accents and listening materials. During exams, read questions beforehand to anticipate what to listen for.

IELTS Reading Time Management: Before delving into detailed reading, skim passages quickly to get an overview. Practice scanning for specific information and identifying key ideas. Allocate a set amount of time for each passage and question set to manage your time.

IELTS Writing Time Management: It's important to plan your essay or response before writing to organize your thoughts. Allocate specific time for brainstorming, outlining, and revising. Pay attention to the word count and practice writing within the specified time limits.

IELTS Speaking Time Management: It's important to practice speaking English regularly with native speakers or language partners. To improve fluency, record yourself responding to common speaking topics. During the exam, focus on answering questions concisely and coherently within the allotted time.

Tip No. 4: Final Exam Day:

  • Allocate your exam time based on comfort and prioritize easier questions before challenging ones.

  • When taking an exam, it's important to stay calm and focused. If you come across a difficult question, don't panic. Take deep breaths, move on to the next question, and return to it later if time allows.

  • During the exam, keep track of time to allocate it properly. Don't get stuck on one question, move forward and come back later.

  • Don’t be afraid of new words. From the beginning be more dependent on contextual vocabulary-building skills.

  • Brainstorm ideas wherever required to follow the correct flow of presenting.


Effective IELTS time management is crucial for success. By following these strategies during your preparation and on the exam day, you can improve your performance and increase your chances of achieving your desired score. Remember, mastering time management is not only about speed but also about allocating your time strategically to showcase your language proficiency across all four skills. IELTS reading time management or IELTS speaking time management or time management IELTS speaking needs a well-planned approach so that you can confidently navigate the IELTS exam and open doors to new opportunities.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Suggest some effective strategies for managing time during the IELTS listening section.

It is important to practice active listening and anticipate questions during interviews. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with different English accents can be beneficial.

2. Is it advisable to skip difficult questions during the IELTS exam?

It is recommended to prioritize difficult questions based on your comfort and proficiency levels and move on from them if time allows.

3. What should I do if I don't finish a section during the IELTS exam?

If you find yourself running out of time during a test, it's important to make educated guesses for unanswered questions. Be sure to manage your time wisely and avoid getting stuck on a single question at the expense of the entire section.

4. "How can I improve my time management skills for the IELTS exam by practising with mock tests?"

Incorporate timed mock tests into your study routine. Use these practice sessions to identify areas where you may be spending too much time, allowing for targeted improvement. Mimic exam conditions to prepare for test day.

5. Can a Technical tool help in Time management?

Yes of course that’s the best way to track and practice time management in this digital era.


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It is very highly unlikely to obtain a legitimate IELTS certificate without taking the exam. Any claims suggesting otherwise are likely scams. It is essential to take the exam through authorized testing centers to ensure the validity and credibility of the certificate.

Hope this helps you ,

Thank you


The difficulty of the IELTS General Training and Academic modules depends on individual strengths and backgrounds. Generally, if you are more comfortable with everyday English and practical tasks, you might find the General Training module easier. Conversely, if you are accustomed to academic English and have experience with academic tasks, you might find the Academic module more manageable.

Hope this helps you,

Thank you

Hello aspirant,

Opinions on the E-GMAT course vary. Some find it beneficial for improving GMAT skills, especially in verbal sections, while others may prefer different resources. It's essential to explore reviews, consider your learning style, and maybe try a trial or sample to see if it aligns with your preferences before making a decision.

So it all depends on your personal opinion.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

Many candidates ask whether their IELTS certificate is real or fake. To know if your IELTS test report is real or not, check the following points:

  • Check the certification stamp on the certificate if it matches the centre of registration and your selected IELTS test centre .

  • Visit the IDP IELTS official website after receiving the oft copy of your certificate via email to check whether it is available online and if it is valid.

  • Make sure that you receive the confirmation of your IELTS registration from the centre you registered. Also, check the login credentials to verify your IELTS results once the process is complete.

  • Collect the hard copy of the IELTS scorecard directly from the test centre once the results are announced.

  • Talk to the agent directly on the phone to verify his identity.

Verify all the above-mentioned points carefully to not get deceived by any fraud attempts.

Yes, if you are not happy with your scores, you can apply for a re-evaluation of your IELTS results . Also, if you think there is a need for improvement in your band score, you can reach out to your IELTS test centre . If you did not achieve the desired IELTS scores , you can also apply to retake the test whenever you feel prepared.

However, the rechecking fee for IDP IELTS in India is Rs. 17,000, and candidates can only apply for rechecking of one section, which is called IELTS OSR (One Skill Retake). Test takers need to submit the 'Enquiry on Results Form' (EOR Form) for sending the re-marking request for the IELTS Academic test.

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