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IELTS Writing Band Descriptors: The IELTS band descriptors help examine individual performance and align the students with the band category according to their performance showcased in the exam. Students preparing for the IELTS exam should know the IELTS writing band descriptors and how to tackle both Task 1 and Task 2 of the writing module excellently. IELTS writing band descriptors Task 2 varies a little from IELTS writing band descriptors Task 1 and students should make themselves aware of both to perform best.
Writing session:
Writing sessions consist of two parts which are task 1 and task 2. The writing band descriptors are categorised into four sections carrying 25% weight each of the total writing score as it helps individuals improve writing skills effectively. These four sections are mentioned below:
Task achievement: Task response: It shows how well an individual addresses task requirements with relevant ideas and supports given statements with examples.
Coherence and cohesion: refer to the area when an individual presents his idea in a logical and structured manner, including paraphrasing, linking, or transitional words, and maintaining relevant task flow.
Lexical resource: It examines vocabulary range in writing tasks which includes appropriate word choice, allocation of words, and correct usage of synonyms.
Grammatical range and accuracy: It evaluates individual ability to use different types of sentences without error in writing tasks, including grammar and punctuation.
All IELTS aspirants need to be well aware of the IELTS writing band descriptors so that they can perform strategically and score high under each category. IELTS writing band descriptors Task 2 not only helps in planning and executing the writing tasks in a better way, the IELTS writing band descriptors also help in improving the writing skills logically.
The IELTS writing band descriptors play an essential role as they provide a detailed criterion about evaluation which helps test takers and examiners to understand and assign appropriate bands to individual writing performance.
IELTS writing band descriptors in scoring matters as they give various factors to assess writing tasks effectively which are mentioned below:
Clarity in evaluation performance: The test takers know what examiners are looking for in a writing skill based on four criteria for evaluating correctly.
Logically structured preparation: It helps to identify specific reasons for downfall in a band and provides a chance to strengthen that particular part to score better.
Non Judgemental Feedback: If individuals get regular valuable feedback based on descriptors then it helps to improve weak points of their performance.
Avoid common mistakes: If individuals know about descriptors it helps to avoid common issues like grammatical errors, repetitive words, and unclear ideas.
Key to score High band: To score higher band, the IELTS band descriptors are a perfect guideline to enhance writing skills.
Boost Confidence: It gives an individual a clear vision to write down well-structured answers.
Below are the four IELTS band descriptors explained in detail:
Band | Task Achievement | Coherence and Cohesion | Lexical Resource | Grammatical Range and Accuracy |
9 | Fully satisfied with given task requirements with the appropriate response | Skillfully managed to use cohesion and paraphrasing in an attractive manner | Effective usage of a wide number of vocabulary avoiding minor errors and natural fluency in English | Using a wide range of structures and accurate grammatical sentence |
8 | Covers all requirements of the given task And representing highlighted points with key bullet pointers | Usage of correct sequence and design of logically cohesive response | Usage of a wide range of vocabulary with appropriate using lexical words or may have minor mistakes in the selection of words and collocation. | Using a wide range structure with the maximum number of correct sentences |
7 | It covers all the requirements of the task and provides a clear representation of bullet points and key characteristics but it must be extended more | Expresses the logical structure that led the progression idea throughout the response and appropriate usage of cohesive devices and may minimum amount of error seen in the response | Use of a sufficient amount of vocabulary words to allow flexibility and transformation in ideas and use of less common lexical resources and collocation | Used a variety of complex sentences and correct usage of grammar and sentence formation plus punctuation but still may occur few errors |
6 | Represent appropriate requirements of the task and illustrate the overview correctly and also present key pointers but not inappropriately or accurately and sometimes seem irrelevant | Arranged given information rightly and coherently to reflect the progression of the idea and may not refer to pointers in expanded form or give reason appropriately | Usage of an adequate amount of vocabulary and not using common words to represent ideas but error contained in not showing may not be an accurate way. | The usage of a mix of simple and complex sentence forms and maybe contain some errors in the grammar and punctuation marks but did not reduce the communication level in the given response |
5 | Expresses the task has an inappropriate structure and may encounter some points but not a clear overview and depicts the response in an unplanned manner with errors | Shown some organized structure but in some areas there is no proper progression taking place | Limited range of vocabulary and Noticeable errors that may be difficult to read reader | Usage of a limited number of planned structures and tried to attempt complex sentences but these sentences tend to be less accurate than simple sentences and frequent grammatical errors |
4 | Try to address the task requirements but do not cover all the key features and fail to reflect on purpose with an incorrect tone Moreover, it might show irreverent and repetitive structure | It represents the idea and other factors but is not structured coherently and has no correct progression seen in the response | Using only basic vocabulary with the limited formation of words and spelling as well as representing the repetitive but thee words in an inappropriate way | Rare usage of subordinate clauses and few structures are accurate and others have punctuation errors. |
3 | Not able to address tasks in a clear way which seems to misunderstand tasks and also presents limited ideas in a very concise way | Does not organize the response logically with a limited number of cohesive devices which is not relatable to the task | A limited number of words and expressions shown with some errors and limited control over word formation | Attempted task with formation of sentences but had errors in grammar and punctuation which led to different meanings of the response |
2 | Given response barely matches the task | Little control over logistic response | Extremely less amount of vocabulary was given in response to spelling errors | Cannot use sentence accept memorized way of learning |
1 | Given task is completely unrelated | Fails to communicate any message through response | Only given some isolated words in the given response | Not able to use sentence form at all |
0 | Did not attempt the task |
Band | Task Achievement | Coherence and Cohesion | Lexical Resource | Grammatical Range and Accuracy |
9 | Fully satisfied with given task requirements with the appropriate response | Skillfully managed to use cohesion and paraphrasing in an attractive manner | Effective usage of a wide number of vocabulary avoiding minor errors and natural fluency in English | Using a wide range of structures and accurate grammatical sentence |
8 | Presented all parts of the task with excellently developed ideas which are extended as well as relevant | Usage of correct sequence and design of logically cohesive phrases in response | Usage of a wide range of vocabulary with appropriate using lexical words or may have minor mistakes in the selection of words and collocation. | Using a wide range structure with the maximum number of correct sentences |
7 | Addressing all the parts and relevance of the task also shows the correct and supporting position of the idea but may over-generalized the idea | Expresses the logical structure that led the progression idea throughout the response and appropriate usage of cohesive devices and may minimum amount of error seen in the response | Use of a sufficient amount of vocabulary words to allow flexibility and transformation in ideas and use of less common lexical resources and collocation | Used a variety of complex sentences and correct usage of grammar and sentence formation plus punctuation but still may occur few errors |
6 | Tried to cover all the parts of the task but some parts were not fully covered as compared to others and some points were still unclear and did not match the idea | Arrange the information in a planned manner and clearly show progression in the idea in response and effective usage of cohesive devices but may be not right every time. | Usage of an adequate amount of vocabulary and not using common words to represent ideas but error contained in not showing may not be an accurate way. | The usage of a mix of simple and complex sentence forms and maybe contain some errors in the grammar and punctuation marks but did not reduce the communication level in the given response |
5 | Only explained partially and did not follow the correct format and also the development of the conclusion was not shown properly | May show some organized information but lacks progression flow in the task | Used limited vocabulary which is minimally adequate for the task | A limited range of formation of sentences and a variety of sentences are less accurate |
4 | Respond to the task in a minimal way inappropriate format as responses are not supported clearly to show the correct position of the idea. | Represented the ideas and positions but not in perfect coherence and their use may confusing | Showcase limited and basic vocabulary with many errors | Rare usage of subordinate clauses in given responses and repetitive errors in grammar and punctuation |
3 | Presented a few ideas but irrelevant and tried to express a few parts of the task but did not give a clear idea of the task | Does not logically structure the idea and limited cohesive device which ideally does not match with idea | Limited usage of words and phrases with repetitive errors in spelling | Tried to make a formation of sentences but failed to represent due to errors in grammar and punctuation |
2 | barely attempt the task may respond to a few ideas but not appropriately | Little command over the organized flow of language | Extremely weakened and used a limited amount of vocabulary and errors in spelling | Not at all familiar with sentence formation may be some memorized phrases written in essay |
1 | The given response is completely different from the task | Unsuccessful to communicate the message | Only written a few isolated words | Not able to use any sentence form to make a meaningful response to the task |
0 | Does not attempt the task |
To score high in the category of Task Achievement/ Response the candidate has to fulfill the requirements asked in the question statement. The question should be fully addressed with clear understanding and logical reasoning along with examples.
It is essential for achieving a higher band score in the IELTS writing section, especially under the task achievement norm with effectively fulfilled task requirements. Hence, all parts of the question should be addressed.
To score high, Understand the question and break it down into smaller parts.
Respond to every aspect of the question while ensuring it is comprehensive, relevant, and well-structured.
Look for specific instructions, mention the main point, discuss and explain, and give real-life examples.
Pay attention to phrases like advantages and disadvantages agree and disagree or both views as individuals have to write in a balanced way.
Individual ideas should be structured logically and directly relevant to the topic and avoid going off the topic/ track or mentioning unnecessary things. Also, provide some examples which can be real-life experiences, hypothetical, or based on general knowledge to expand individual writing ideas and expressing thoughts.
Having a clear idea described with correct usage of language has to be the vision for scoring high in the IELTS writing module. To do this, individuals are recommended to make a plan before drafting a fair answer. Planning the task in a structured way will help in addressing all the points asked in the question, presenting clear ideas, showcasing a logical flow of ideas, and also presenting clear examples.
In IELTS writing tasks, the band descriptor: coherence and cohesion play a vital role in gaining a higher IELTS band score as it represents an individual's clear vision of thoughts with a connected flow of details describing the main idea along with examples. For example: in writing Task 2 a candidate may score high in the coherence and cohesion category of band descriptors if the body paragraph of the essay has a clear point, well described and explained with the help of an example.
Coherence refers to the logical representation of a concept in motion as it should follow the sequence appropriately while writing a task, for example, the flow of an essay should be like this:
Introduction: individuals should introduce the topic and highlight the main points.
Body paragraph: each body paragraph should emphasize a particular idea and be supported by relevant examples.
Conclusion: finally summarize the whole writing task with a closer statement.
Linking words or cohesive devices reflect a clear and smooth transition between ideas. The usage of words like: moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, however, on the other hand, in contrast, therefore, as a result, consequently, because of this, for instance, example, it has been observed, such as, in conclusion, to sum up, overall, finally, hence help in sequencing the ideas and give a free flow to the thought process.
Individuals should avoid using excessive linking words repetitively as it seems to overload connectors that confuse the examiner and reflect unstructured writing.
While using lexical resources, reflecting the range and accuracy of vocabulary is mandatory. To score higher in IELTS writing, individuals have to show skills in using heavy words and phrases effectively while maintaining the central idea of the task and not repeating the same word unnecessarily.
To gain confidence in using vocabulary range effectively, students preparing for the IELTS exam should practice writing modules regularly and must emphasize on:
Regular reading habits: reading authenticated English material from books, newspapers and articles published by native English people.
Listening to authenticated materials broadcasted and telecasted on authenticated channels to build vocabulary and have a natural flow of using such words.
Preparing a topic list and building vocabulary related to the topics will help in the best way.
Repetition of the same words highlights low preparation and low fluency in the language, however, to overcome the issue of repetition of words, candidates are recommended to learn and acquire the art of paraphrasing, regular practice, seeking help from an IELTS expert trainer so that the errors are corrected on regular basis. Also, correct usage of synonyms will help in avoiding repetition of words.
Collocations refer to the natural combination of words that the speaker uses frequently and correctly using them enhances naturalness in writing tasks which helps to achieve a higher band
There are many types of collocations which are mentioned below:
Adjectives + noun
Example: common knowledge
Verb+ noun
Example: have sympathy
Noun + noun
Example: side effects
In IELTS, grammatical range and accuracy are crucial in achieving a high band score and simplifying the different ways of writing ideas and thoughts in an essay/ letter, or report. At this point, the examiner will evaluate skilled individuals by analyzing the usage of a wide range of grammatical structures, such as complex and compound sentences, with a simplified approach so that it is easy for the reader to understand the thoughts expressed clearly.
Individuals should avoid monotony, that is usage of the same kind of sentences repeatedly.
To score high, candidates must prepare and learn to use a variety of sentence structures, linking words, correct transitional words, and express their writing skills with a structured approach.
Some of the common grammar errors made by students are often related to topics like subject-verb agreement, punctuations, tenses, and usage of appropriate adverbs and adjectives. Regular practice and acquiring knowledge of all these topics is a must to score high and be confident language users.
Individuals need to increase the usage of complex sentences as it ensures to the examiner that the individual has a strong command over the English language and is proficient in using it correctly.
For example, The sentence mentioned below has two simple sentences combined to form one complex sentence by using the word although.
Sentence: Although the report highlighted several environmental concerns, the higher administration has yet to take significant action.
Some of the useful tips to improve IELTS writing band score 2025 are as follows:
Tip 1: Practice Regularly with Timed Writing Tasks
Individuals should practice essays regularly under timer conditions to match the circumstances with the actual exam day.
Tip 2: Get Feedback from Experts or Tutors
Ask experts and teachers about regular errors and progress and try to identify the areas of negative marking as it gives constructive criticism to improve yourself.
Tip 3: Focus on Your Weak Areas and Improve
After identifying the weak area, start focusing on that and improve it, also when the complex sentence is written then try to write it down clearly and concisely to communicate clearly without confusion as the examiner should not find it difficult to read and understand the written information.
Individuals unknowingly make some mistakes which leads to losing the writing band which is very disheartening for an individual. The pointers given below are a reminder before the examination.
Individuals face this problem as they are not able to understand the questions and cannot meet the task requirements. To resolve this issue, always take a few minutes to analyze the statement properly; whether it is opinion-based or agreement/ disagreement, and so on, and then respond effectively.
Sometimes individuals use overly grammar structures that they are not comfortable with, and this can lead to errors and negative marking as clarity and precision are more important for the evaluation of the writing task.
While planning for an essay always keep in mind that there should be a logical flow and proper progression in paragraphs accordingly with a clear connection between ideas to reflect the point of cohesion and coherence also follow the designed structure such as firstly, introduction secondly body paragraphs 1 and 2 then finally conclusion, and use transformational phrases to connect idea smoothly.
IELTS band descriptors should be studied in detail and understood with clarity as they help in identifying errors and gaining perfection in various criteria of writing. Individuals should seek help from experts to evaluate their writing using band descriptors to get clarity on the band level they are and what improvements are required to reach the desired goal.
Individuals should familiarize themself with band descriptors for task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical accuracy, compare within these parameters, and identify the weaker point in their essay.
After identifying the weakened area, start focusing on that particular area and then work on it to improve the band score. This will reduce the gap to reaching the goal through regular practice.
Always track the progression report by attempting different types of practice questions and ask the expert facilitators or peers for constructive feedback to adjust the approach accordingly to score higher band in writing tasks.
IELTS writing band descriptors are perfect ways to analyze the band level of a candidate and a gateway to track improvement, hence all candidates must use them to get perfection in the writing and speaking modules of the IELTS exam.
There is only one way that regular habitual practice is the key to mastering IELTS writing and denotes sufficient time every day and review and compare attentively which helps to reach a higher band as consistently working on authentic questions can achieve good scores in IELTS.
Constructive feedback from experts or teachers can help to identify blind spots that one might not notice and start applying that suggestion in regular practice to enhance writing skills in a more refined manner to achieve a higher band.
Regular practice and familiarization with band descriptors give a sense of confidence to individuals and reduce stress and overthinking levels during actual exam day and individuals focus on presenting all efforts with strategy on exam day.
About the Author:
Pooja Aggarwal is an experienced trainer with over 15 years of expertise in helping students achieve their educational goals. With a degree in Education, she focuses on clear, patient, and personalised instruction. Her approach has successfully guided students from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for both Academic and General Training modules of various exams in a supportive and engaging environment.
The IELTS band is calculated based on four band descriptors or parameters which are task achievement ( this part assesses whether the given task is fully answered or addressed ), coherence, and cohesion( this part consists of ideas that are organized in logical flow with appropriate usage of transitional words ), lexical resource( this part evaluates the range and accuracy of vocabulary used in writing ) and grammatical range and accuracy (this part assess the correctness of using sentence structure, punctuations and grammar).
The score of 30 out of 40 in the IELTS reading module reflects a band 7 in the academic IELTS exam and a band 6 in the General IELTS exam.
Yes, a score of 6.25 is rounded off to 6.5 bands in the IELTS scoring parameter.
There are only four parameters commonly known as the IELTS band descriptors and they are mentioned below:
Task response or achievement
Coherence and cohesive
Lexical resources
Grammatical range and accuracy
Yes, definitely it is very important to get familiarized with the IELTS band descriptors to score higher bands in all modules. This is especially for the IELTS Writing and Speaking modules as these modules reflect the creativity and thought processes of individuals. For Reading and listening modules the IELTS band descriptors reflect the progress and the efficiency the candidates have in using the language.
The value of writing task 2 is higher than that of task 1. Writing task 2 earns you twice as many points as writing task 1. Put differently, writing assignment 1 accounts for roughly 33% of your grade, whereas writing task 2 accounts for roughly 66%. Because of this, it is recommended that you dedicate roughly 20 minutes to task 1 and 40 minutes to task 2.
One the most general tips for the preparation of both tests would be to go for a structured approach and understand the format of the tests respectively and work on improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation along with it take regular tests and reviews them. Both have 4 section, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, so all four must be kept in focus, and thus you must plan your time according to your needs and areas of improvement.
Now, for TOEFL, it's recommended to use resources from ETS, that is, official materials and tests.
For IELTS, it's recommended to use resources from IDP, British Council and Cambridge, that give you sample tests and questions.
Wishing an all the very best for the test.
Hello Student,
For the AMC (Australian Medical Council) exam , which assesses international medical graduates for practice in Australia, the IELTS requirement is generally a minimum overall score of 7.0 , with no individual band score below 7.0 (in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).
Alternatively, the AMC also accepts equivalent scores from OET, TOEFL iBT, and PTE Academic :
Meeting these requirements is essential to proceed with the AMC’s application and registration processes.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
To be eligible for the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams , candidates must demonstrate English .
AMC assessment process :
1. Accepted English Language Tests and Scores
IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) :
Overall band score : 7.0 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .
PTE Academic ( Pearson Test of English Academic ) :
Overall score of 65 in each band ( listening , reading , writing and speaking ) .
2. Validity of Test Scores
The test results must be no older than two years at the time of submitting your AMC application .
3. Preparation Tips for IELTS
Practice regularly : Build your language skills across all four components .
Take practice exams : practice can help improve speed and accuracy .
professional coaching if needed , specially for writing and speaking , which are often the most challenging part .
Use official IELTS resources : Cambridge IELTS books , online mock tests and other reliable materials can give you an accurate rating .
4. Application Tips
Ensure that your English test scores are valid and meet the minimum requirements before applying .
Keep a copy of your scores as they may need to be provided to both the AMC and registration authority in Australia .
Hope this helps you .
All the best
If you have completed a master's degree in the UK, you might still need to take the IELTS test to qualify for a Permanent Residency (PR) or Work Visa in Australia. While your degree from an English-speaking country like the UK may demonstrate your proficiency in English, Australian immigration authorities typically require a standardized English language test score, such as IELTS, to assess your language skills formally.
For better guidance, Invicta Institute can provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the specific English language requirements for Australian PR or Work Visa applications. Invicta's experienced counselors can help you navigate the process and determine if your UK degree suffices or if you need to take the IELTS test.
Since you're currently in the first year of your Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), planning ahead for your MBA abroad is a wise decision. The ideal time to take your IELTS exam is during your third year of B.Com. This timing ensures that your IELTS score, which is valid for two years, will still be valid when you apply for MBA programs.
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